sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015


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▶ Billy Meier - Concentration Exercises - YouTube


▶ El Ser Uno - los 3 días de Oscuridad y el 21-12-2012. - YouTube

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Dec 6


by Patricia Cota-Robles


...This is a time of vigilance for awakening Humanity and the millions of Lightworkers who have worked so tenaciously to cocreate the Cosmic Moment we are now in the midst of, but this is not a vigilance based in fear. It is a vigilance based in the inner peace and the elation of knowing that we have God Victoriously made it through the most fragile and complex, yet the most monumental, shift of consciousness ever attempted in any system of worlds.

The Heavens are rejoicing, and every man, woman, and child on Earth is being bathed in the most intensified 5th-Dimensional Solar frequencies of Divine Love that we are capable of withstanding without being vaporized. This unfathomable Divine Love is flowing into the mental and emotional strata of Earth from the Divine Matrix of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, the Cosmic I AM, ALL That Is. This Divine Matrix is the Body of God within which every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation lives, moves, breathes, and has its Being. Within this Divine Matrix we are not only One with our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, we are One with our Father-Mother God, the Legions of Light throughout Infinity, and every single facet of Life ever breathed forth from the Core of Creation.

With this realization comes the awareness that since we are One with ALL Life the concepts of separation and duality are illusions. This means that every thought, word, feeling, action, belief, or memory we express reverberates through all Life everywhere. Amazingly, with every breath we take we are either adding to the Light of the World or to the shadows depending on what we are thinking, feeling, saying, doing, believing, or remembering. The vigilance that our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven are invoking from every one of us at this time, is the vigilance of deliberately adding to the Light of the World through our thoughts and feelings, instead of empowering the obsolete and fear-based patterns of separation and duality from the old Earth.

In many instances, we just muddle through the day allowing our thoughts and feelings to buffet us about without any conscious direction. Consequently, monitoring what we are thinking and feeling moment by moment seems very tedious, or maybe even impossible. But please know this, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! Now, due to the miraculous events that have taken place since the Shift of the Ages and the Birth of the New Earth, vigilance over our thoughts and feelings is easier than ever before.

For one thing, every single person on Earth, that is correct every single person on Earth, has experienced an activation within his or her pineal gland which has allowed them to experience the initial impulse of their return to Christ Consciousness. This miracle was victoriously accomplished under the guidance and Divine Intervention of each person’s I AM Presence, which was possible because awakened Humanity reached a critical mass of Divine Love after the Birth of the New Earth. That event created an unstoppable shift of consciousness on this planet that allowed each person’s I AM Presence to activate their dormant pineal gland. Our pineal glands became dormant when we fell into the fear-based consciousness of separation and duality aeons ago.

The pineal gland is the spiritual brain center that directly receives the Light of God from our I AM Presence. This is the Divine Light that lifts and sustains us in the enlightened frequencies of Christ Consciousness. Our newly activated pineal gland is also connecting us once again with ALL of the multidimensional aspects of our own Divinity. I know that many people were expecting to witness an instant transformation in the hearts and minds of the masses with this activation, but that is not the way this shift into Christ Consciousness will manifest. The outer world effects of this activation and the reconnection with our own Divinity will not manifest in the physical plane instantaneously. This shift into Christ Consciousness will evolve within each person and manifest as subtle changes in their behavior patterns.

As Christ Consciousness and the awareness of Humanity’s Oneness with ALL Life filters into the hearts and minds of the multitudes, the atrocities people are inflicting on each other and the Nature Kingdom will no longer feel right, or seem necessary. The dog-eat-dog survival consciousness of our fragmented and fear-based human egos will no longer be a viable option. Even though that self-obsessed consciousness has become the order of the day for millions of people, it will begin to feel wrong.

Day by day, people will start thinking twice about their behavior. Their old reflex responses based in selfish and often corrupt actions will not be their normal mode of operation any more. People will not be willing to gain whatever they are striving for by harming other people or the environment. Instead, through the eyes of Christ Consciousness, they will see the bigger picture and figure out how they can accomplish their goals in ways that will enhance life not only for themselves but for everyone involved. Then win-win situations will be the order of the New Day on Planet Earth. With this heartfelt intention based in Oneness and Divine Love, viable solutions will filter into people’s conscious awareness and they will realize that functioning from a consciousness of Oneness, Divine Love, and Reverence for ALL Life is not only life-transforming it is uplifting and fulfilling in wondrous and glorious ways.

Now, in perfect Divine Order, we have received a gift of Light from the Heavenly Realms that has moved Humanity’s shift into Christ Consciousness forward by leaps and bounds.

Comet ISON, an Amazing Gift from On High!

Since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace, the Company of Heaven has been working with Humanity’s I AM Presence in unprecedented ways. The Divine Intent of this celestial assistance was designed to help us reverse the adverse effects of our fall from Grace. This reversal consisted of two major steps. The first step involved reclaiming the power that was usurped by our fragmented and fear-based human egos as we descended into the chaos of separation and duality. The second step involved assisting our I AM Presence to reactivate our spiritual brain centers, so we could return to Christ Consciousness.

The Comet ISON has been a factor in this Divine Intervention from the very beginning. I know that astronomers consider comets to be nothing more than dirty snowballs, but that is inaccurate. Even the most minuscule subatomic particle or wave of life pulsates with energy, vibration, and consciousness. In other words, everything that exists in the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God has intelligence and a purpose and reason for being.

Comets are actually forcefields of consolidated Light that pass through the atmosphere and break down the crystallized patterns and thoughtforms that no longer serve the highest good of the particular Solar System they enter. In their wake, they leave a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which new patterns and sacred knowledge can be encoded from On High to assist the evolving Sons and Daughters of God in that system of worlds.

Since its inception, the Comet ISON was destined for this moment in the evolution and Ascension of our Solar System. Astronomers have stated that the Comet ISON is 4,500,000,000 years old, but this is the very first time it entered our Solar System. Four and one-half billion years is also the time line that coincides with the creation of our Central Sun and the Suns and Planets in our Solar System.

The Company of Heaven revealed that the Comet ISON has been preparing for its service to Earth and our Solar System since “the beginning of time.” It is not by chance that this comet completed its 4,500,000,000 year sojourn through the Divine Matrix of our Father-Mother God during this auspicious moment in the evolution of Planet Earth. 2013 is the first year of the recently birthed New Earth and the initial impulse of the masses of Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness. Unprecedented influxes of Light have taken place this year through the unified efforts of Heaven and embodied Lightworkers. These events paved the way for the Comet ISON and its Divine Mission of moving all Life evolving in our Solar System, and specifically on this sweet Earth, forward in the Light a quantum leap.

Some of the miracles that occurred with the Shift of the Ages and the Birth of the New Earth on December 21-22, 2012, involved every man, woman, and child on this planet God Victoriously making it through the Shift of the Ages. This event, which far exceeded even the greatest expectations of Heaven, allowed Mother Earth to reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System. This, in turn, created the sacred space for every single person’s I AM Presence to activate the initial impulse of his or her pineal gland, which initiated Humanity’s collective return to Christ Consciousness.

After the success of those events, Humanity was able to receive and assimilate higher frequencies of Divine Light than we have experienced since our fall from Grace aeons ago. This greatly empowered influx of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light began to bathe the Earth for the first time during the September Equinox of 2013. Following that Gift of Light from our Father-Mother God, the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love above Italy was opened to full breadth. This is the portal through which the patterns of perfection for our newly Birthed Renaissance of Divine Love will enter the New Earth. That activity of Light was followed by the most intensified Lunar and Solar Eclipses the Earth has ever experienced. The Light bathing the Earth during those Eclipses enhanced the ability of Humanity’s I AM Presence to release and transmute the obsolete patterns of separation and duality from the old Earth. That purging paved the way for another powerful influx of Light that took place in mid-November. Through some very powerful Solar Flares and celestial alignments, the final preparation for the Gifts of the Comet ISON were completed.

The Divine Mission of the Comet ISON is complex and really beyond the comprehension of our finite minds, but this is a very brief description of what the Company of Heaven is sharing with us. 4,500,000,000 years ago, the Comet ISON was breathed forth from the Core of Creation simultaneously with our Solar System. At the moment of our inception, every particle and wave of Life associated with our Solar System was encoded with the full Divine Potential of our Father-Mother God and the Divine Plan for this system of worlds. Comet ISON likewise was encoded with the Divine Potential destined for our Solar System. When the Earth and Humanity fell into the chaos of separation and duality, the Comet ISON maintained the activation codes for the Divine Potential of our Solar System and Humanity’s return to Christ Consciousness as Sons and Daughters of God.

For millions of years, since our fall from Grace, the Company of Heaven has been working diligently with the I AM Presences of Humanity. The intent of this Divine Intervention was to help the Sons and Daughters of God return to the path of Divine Love and Christ Consciousness. The hope was that we would awaken in time to reclaim our position in the Solar System and to Ascend with the Earth and the rest of our Solar System into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light during the Cosmic Moment known as The Shift of the Ages. No one knew if the masses of Humanity would awaken in time to pull this off or not, but no one was willing to give up on us.

After decades of dedication and thousands of activities of Light that were cocreated by people around the world who were working in unison with the Company of Heaven, it became crystal clear in 2012 that indeed Humanity and the Earth were going to make it through the Shift of the Ages. That is when the Comet ISON was summoned by the Mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form, to fulfill its unique facet of the Divine Plan for Planet Earth and our Solar System.

In September 2012, astronomers discovered the Comet ISON. They were astonished by the size of this rare comet that was traveling toward our Solar System. They surmised that ISON had the potential of being the “Comet of the century.” Because this comet was as old as our Solar System, scientists were looking forward to studying its properties after it completed its journey around our Sun, but that was not ISON’s Divine Plan.

On November 28, 2013, the day when the United States of America was celebrating Thanksgiving and focusing on everything we were grateful for, the mission of the Comet ISON was brought to fruition. As ISON completed the final phase of its 4,500,000,000 billion year journey, it was pulled into our Sun. In an awesome explosion of Light, Comet ISON exponentially expanded the activation codes for the Divine Potential pulsating within the core of purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life associated with our Solar System.

On Earth, this influx of the activation codes of our Divine Potential meant a monumental acceleration in Humanity’s awakening process and our shift into Christ Consciousness. This incredible expansion of Light is now entering our newly activated pineal glands and assisting our I AM Presence to heal the short circuits that occurred within our original 12 Solar Strands of DNA during our fall from Grace.

The double-helix DNA that our scientists acknowledge is but a minuscule fraction of our Divine Potential. Scientists actually call 98 percent of our DNA “junk DNA,” which of course is absurd. The activation codes from the Comet ISON that are now dramatically affecting each and every one of us are going to make our ability to control what we are empowering with our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories much, much easier. The Beings of Light have said that this is just the beginning of the changes we will notice from this incredible Gift from the Comet ISON.

Remember, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED! The Company of Heaven has assured us that if we will take the time to invoke our I AM Presence every morning, and then deliberately strive to add to the Light of the World with every breath we take, we will be successful beyond our wildest hopes and dreams. So let’s give this a chance.

Becoming Master of Our Thoughts and Feelings

Know that the Love of God and the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to manifest in Humanity’s everyday life experiences. In order for this to occur however, the Divine Love and the patterns of perfection must be drawn through the Divinity pulsating within the Heart Flames of the Sons and Daughters of God who are abiding in the physical plane of Earth; this means you and me. We will only accomplish this by staying focused in the Light and by being vigilant of every thought, feeling, word, action, belief, and memory we are empowering moment to moment.

So how do we go about doing this? What is the easiest way for us to become the masters of our thoughts, words, feelings, actions, beliefs, and memories instead of the victims of our unconscious mental ramblings? Well, the key is for us to be consciously aware of the profound Truth that—WHERE OUR ATTENTION IS THERE WE ARE!

Remember, we are One with ALL Life and there is no separation. Every single moment of the day we are either adding to the Light of the world or the shadows depending on our frame of mind. To determine which one we are empowering, all we have to do is pay attention to what we are thinking and feeling as we go about our day. This may seem like a difficult task, but actually it is just a slight adjustment in our awareness. We need to simply ask our I AM Presence to help us to be cognizant of what we are thinking and feeling moment by moment. In the beginning this may seem like a lot of work. Time and again, we will have to deliberately bring our attention back to what we are thinking and feeling. But gradually, with our newly activated pineal glands and the activation codes from the Comet ISON, paying attention to our thoughts and feelings will become very natural and automatic.

So let’s begin.

The best way to start this process is by invoking your I AM Presence and aligning with the I AM Presence of all Humanity every morning. This is easily done by simply stating...

“I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.”

Then ask your I AM Presence to help you be consciously aware of what you are empowering with your thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs, and memories as you go about your day.

Throughout your day periodically ask yourself...

“Is what I AM thinking and feeling now what I want to empower and sustain in my life? At this moment, are my thoughts and feelings adding to the Light of the World or the shadows?”

If your thoughts and feelings are not empowering what you want to create in your life or adding to the Light of the World then blaze the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection through them and ask yourself...

“What do I want to focus my attention on and create in my life instead of that? I ask my I AM Presence to reveal to me ideas and viable options that will help me empower and sustain what I want to create in my life while I AM adding to the Light of the World. I want to accomplish this with the highest good of all concerned.”

After you ask your I AM Presence to help you, take a moment and go within the Divinity of your Heart to listen for the answers that your I AM Presence will reveal to you. The answers from your I AM Presence will help you create what you want in your life in the most positive and Loving way. The more you focus your attention on what you want to create in your life, while simultaneously invoking the Violet Flame to transmute everything that conflicts with the vision of what you want, the sooner your life will reflect the changes you desire.

The more vigilant you are in paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, the faster your life will change and the sooner the New Earth will become a tangible reality in your everyday experiences. Day by day, as you become the master of your thoughts and feelings, you will see evidence of the shift into Christ Consciousness that is manifesting not only in your heart and mind, but in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Know that this is not a shift of consciousness that is destined for some future time. Christ Consciousness is beginning to manifest through the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity right here and right now. And so it is.

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2013 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

Posted 6th December 2013 by Juan Pablo
Labels: awakening codescomet ison

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jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

Sharing.:::.▶ Own your own soul...! - THE BENEFITS OF THE UNIVERSAL SPHERE

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26th MARCH 2015

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood


[Ishtara] - “Welcome my name is Ishtara, and how can I be of service to you today.”

[Paul] - “Dear Ishtara can you please tell us a little bit more about the benefits of the Universal Sphere® for those to receive it and also for those to learn about it?”

[Ishtara] - “There are many on the planet at this time who would like to learn to work with energy’s beyond, for they feel it’s a mystery and beyond their grasp and beyond their reach to be able to embody the power and the glory of the dimensions beyond. There are many who hold themselves back who say “I don’t want to be a healer, and that’s not my job, that’s not my pathway.” Yet they still want to work with some of these beautiful, non-physical energies. We would say that a great pathway for that is the Universal Sphere. Why is this? Because there is isn’t lot of belief system around this. There isn’t a lot of history or lore or lineages that allow people to feel right or wrong or good or bad about it. Once somebody knows how to work with the energies of the Universal Sphere, which are of the universe, they themselves are empowered to use it as they wish.

The idea that it steps beyond lots of rules and have-to’s, that it has to look this way and be this way, and you have to move your hands in a particular direction, or your mind needs to be in the right place, or your energy needs to be in the right place, none of that matters. When you’re working with the energies of this Universal Sphere you are working with the energies of the universe, the energies of “All That Is,” and within that space it need not be defined as a particular thing, a way you do it, a way you don’t do it, where you should use it, where you shouldn’t, what state of mind you have to be in, or what state of mind you shouldn’t be in, none of that matters. What you’re really doing, at the core, is connecting to the field that is the foundational energy, that you are already within.

You’re creating that conscious connection to the field of perfection, the “Perfect Universal Resonance,” and allowing yourself to expand energetically to the place where you are in interfacing with that pure divine energy. As you do and begin to share it as you do in this very easily accessible experience of the Universal Sphere. You can begin to transform your life, and you are actually doing it because you are beginning to vibrate in a more close connection, a closer resonance, with your inherent vibration and the “Perfect Universal Resonance” of All That Is. As many of you know, the closer you get to source, the simpler things are. It’s down in this dimension (3rd dimension) where things get very complex with rules and “do’s and don’ts”, but the further away you get from this dimension and you move closer into the perfection of All That Is, things get very simple. It is that energy that is infused into this Universal Sphere.

It can be used by each individual person in their own life and for the life of anyone they choose to offer one to. It can be brought into all the structures that you live and work in, such as your home or your office. It can help animals in your life. It can help situations, because ultimately what you’re doing is not trying to be the God in your life to affect (a particular) outcome, but to infuse this energy which allows a greater level of flow. That greater level of flow is achieved and then one could say “healing” or “ease” has resulted from it. Does this make sense?”

[Paul] - “Yes!”

[Ishtara] - “What is desired at this time also, for those who reach out for some support for themselves, something they can use all the time, is that this energy is accessible to everyone. It matters not whether somebody is a child, a teenager, an adult, a grandparent. People can use this in their life whether they view themselves as a healer or light worker or not. For one does not need to go out and use this in a way that is in exchange as a practitioner would do. The beauty of this is that the Universal Sphere in the hands of each and every person on the planet, including the children, including the seniors, including the accountants, the doctors, the lawyers and the city clerk’s, begins to shift consciously the vibration of all that’s in and around. To begin to bolster, to begin to heal, to begin to trust in the ease and the flow and the connection. It creates synergy. It creates synchronicity because it opens up constricted energy to allow the natural flow to take its course more easily. The beauty and the grace of the Universal Sphere is its simplicity, is its ease of learning, and is the ease of sharing.

And from my point of view as Ishtara, the light of the world increases as more and more people connect with the Universal Sphere, and begin to use this exquisite energy flow in their lives.”

© 2015 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to www.Soul-Genesis.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood www.Soul-Genesis.com

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MARCH 29, 2015

Dear ones, Greetings to all in this season of Christian celebration. Know that the death and resurrection remembered at Easter were meant to provide profound spiritual teachings for all, Christian as well as non-Christian.

Spring is bringing with it new beginnings, even for those who may be trying very hard to avoid new beginnings. We speak now of those who believe that their learning curve is finished and that they are now entitled to sit back and enjoy "old age". Those in this category will be very surprised when change begins to disrupt this cherished illusion. Everyone must be prepared for change both within and without regardless of human age and its manifestations .

Refuse to blindly accept into consciousness the beliefs and fears about aging being incessantly thrown at you by corporations who stand to profit from your fears of age and deterioration. Individual human age matters not in the spiritual journey for in reality, everyone is as old as God.

We emphasize change simply to remind all now on earth to not get too comfortable in the illusion, for you all made the choice to be a part of this powerful time of change in order to spiritually evolve and then in turn, assist others.

An energy field filled with Light can lift those receptive and ready without words ever being spoken and often even without any conscious awareness. This is what happened in the story of the woman touching the hem of Jesus's robe and being healed. It was not the robe, it was the very illuminated energy field of Jesus. She was receptive and was thus lifted into his higher frequency consciousness where disease did not exist.

Many of you are beginning to experience others seeking you out--asking what you know, how you may feel about this or that, or what you believe--your advice. They do not know exactly what it is they seek, but they feel your Light. When this happens, remember always to keep yourselves in compassion and not sympathy, for in sympathy you align with the other's energy.

Every soul seeks Light for it is the focus of the true Self to be remembered, but as with all things, this too is interpreted according to the individual state of consciousness. Even those seeming to live out from the densest of third dimensional energy are unknowingly seeking the peace and harmony of Light when their discordant actions may indicate otherwise. A murderer believes he is making things better for himself in some way.

The Arcturian Group wishes to speak of Resurrection--a term heavily imbued with the Christian teachings of Jesus being crucified and then arising from the dead and leaving the tomb. The hidden, deeper message is that only through the death of the old, can come new beginnings. It has been taught and believed by many that the resurrection story is about one person alone--Jesus. It is time to understand that the birth, death, and resurrection events were all profound teachings given to the world with unconditional love by Jesus, not meant to be pinned on him alone.

Death and resurrections have been experienced by all with varying intensity throughout lifetimes. You have all had them. Death and resurrection has been ongoing, serving to lift the soul to new levels of spiritual awareness through physical, emotional, and mental experiences until at last there comes a final and profound death and resurrection in which the soul finally remembers Itself.

The idea of this experience as belonging to one alone, has resulted in mankind missing many of the vital and powerful lessons that were given through a great sacrifice by the illumined teacher.

All are in and of One Divine Consciousness. Jesus, an evolved being and master of Light, incarnated to be the example, showing mankind that the Way is within, but the consciousness of most were not able to accept this and instead chose to make him into a God as many still do. The same is true of Siddhartha who become the Buddha, and all the great spiritual Lights through out time.

Over and over again, un-awakened individuals have interpreted mystical teachings according to their less evolved state of consciousness. Then in their enthusiasm, they proceed to organize their interpretations, and deify the original messenger as being separate and more special than everyone else. They worship the messenger, and thus miss the message entirely.

It is time to leave behind all the old concepts and beliefs and enter into your own power, dear ones. It is time to accept and believe that you and all are the expressions of the Divine, even those over-shadowed by ignorance and dense energy. It is time to claim your Divine Sonship, your Oneness, and your Divinity.

Easter represents a rising out from the tomb of false beliefs and concepts and is often pre-ceded by whatever painful crucifixion experiences may be necessary in order to dissolve those firmly held concepts forming your personal world.

Resurrection is universal--it is the Phoenix rising from the ashes, it is the awakening of Siddhartha Gautama under the Bodhi tree, and is the master Jesus emerging alive with Divine Light from the tomb.

Just as the birth in a manger is symbolic of a new self being born from humble circumstances, so is Easter your story presented ever so lovingly by a great master of Light. It is the story of you, arising out of centuries of living in duality and separation and finally remembering.

Arise dear ones. Celebrate, claim SELF, and live, for in Light there is no more crucifixion, only Resurrection.

We are the Arcturian Group 3/29/15

©2015 onenessofall.com | Cedar, MI 49621

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Matthew’s Message – March 25, 2015

Posted on Mar 31, 2015
by cosmicgaia
in Matthew's Message, Suzanne Ward
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Matthew Ward

Channeled by Suzanne Ward

Isis; religions’ divisiveness; terrorism, crime; cabal, Illuminati; US Congress; karma’s flexibility; measles, vaccines, autism; Putin, Obama; trees

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Evidence of the ever-growing light can become obscured by what may seem endless turmoil, and we know that in those moments it is difficult to keep foremost in your thoughts: the light is victorious. In the months ahead, you shall see this more clearly as discussions behind closed doors start bearing fruit that you will heartily welcome.

On behalf of souls here, I am happy to address questions and comments that accumulated while my mother was visiting our family in South America. Concerns most often expressed have to do with ISIS, whose actions are keeping this group in the global spotlight. This is where it must be, where the weight of the world is against barbaric behavior and your society can see the need to eradicate the roots from whence it springs—foreign invasions, vengeance, bigotry, poverty and ignorance.

Do not be misled by those who misguidedly point fingers at Islam as the cause—ISIS’ atrocities violate the most basic tenets of that faith. Just as one can cite passages of the Koran that call for killing “the infidels,” so can one cite passages of the Bible that justify the killing of people who don’t embrace Christian precepts; and, despite all omissions and distortions of the original records that became those holy books, they still contain passages advocating love and respect. The dawn of belief in one supreme deity quickly was perverted by the darkness, and religious dogmas devised by power-hungry, greedy individuals, NOT by persons “inspired” by God or Allah, became the most divisive force within your civilization and the grounds for centuries of unspeakable persecution.

Now then, your universal family cannot halt ISIS’ path of death and destruction because they are not permitted to interfere in the free will choices of any individuals except those who attempt to send nuclear warheads into space. Yes, eventually heightening vibrations would topple the Islamic State, but in the interim, ISIS would continue exemplifying the basest of third density behavior. Never do we favor, much less suggest combat, but we understand that stopping that group’s progress requires a coalition of troops from directly-affected countries and their neighbors, with other kinds of assistance from other nations. We are not underestimating ISIS’ military strength, funds, recruiting success or determination to keep expanding their territory, but with dissension emerging within the leadership and the rank and file, they are not as indomitable as they want your world to believe.

I’d like to know Matthew’s opinion of this part of a posting about Gordon Duff’s speech at an international conference in Damascus about terrorism:

What is going on in Iraq and Syria with ISIS is not Terrorism, it is simply CRIME. That is, it is the works of an international Crime Cabal which has gotten control of the American Congress. Duff identified this Crime Cabal as Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before.

Duff explained how the Supreme Court Decision of Citizens United made it possible for an Israeli-American Organized crime magnate now operating out of Macao, Sheldon Adelson to essentially buy control of both Houses of Congress in the last election and being able to bring Congress under control of this International Crime Syndicate which specializes in human trafficking and narcotics.

What we say about the cited part of the posting is not opinion, it is our knowledge that the information is factual. While by no means is it the whole story, that fragment is indeed true, and the only “editing” we would offer is citing terrorism for what it is, a crime against humanity.

Will the cabal be removed this year with a new governance in place? First we say that the cabal, a common term for the disparate groups under the Illuminati umbrella with the common aim of world domination, isn’t a tightly-knit force operating as a single organization. It is an international network that infiltrated governments, banking and commerce, corporations, education, religions, the media, military forces, legal and justice systems, medical establishment, entertainment fields—every organization, agency and institution that impacts life on Earth.

That global network cannot be removed or replaced in one fell swoop. Ridding it entirely from your world is a process, and that process has been underway for the past several decades, incrementally weakening the cabal’s powers by “bringing to light” their deceit and corruption of longstanding. Also, in recent years the ever-increasing light has touched some cabal members and they left the ranks; some had such change of heart that they became enthusiastic lightworkers while others just stopped participating in activities intended to have negative outcomes. Pockets of strong influence remain, but as the planet keeps moving into levels of successively higher vibrations, those pockets will either crumble or continue ebbing until they’re nonexistent.

Is ISIS acting under Illuminati control? No, because that isn’t necessary for Illuminati purposes. Dark minds feed on the energy of fear, and ISIS and other tyrannical regimes and groups are creating the abundance of fear energy that keeps refueling the Illuminati’s strength.

What are Matthew’s thoughts about House Speaker Boehner inviting Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress? This is purely political in nature, and, as stated in previous messages, souls at this station are apolitical. So it is without judgment or partisan favoritism that we agree with your analysts who interpret the invitation as a “slap in the face” to President Obama for continuing negotiations with Iran instead of taking the harsh steps that Netanyahu favors and so do some members of Congress.

Some congressional members are Illuminati themselves and many others are controlled by Illuminati via campaign funding, blackmail, bribery or dire threats; and some of the small number who aren’t in Illuminati clutches one way or another have closed minds about resolving issues by any means other than their narrow perspective. This is why, of all governments that you call democratic, the one in the United States can be called “the most badly broken.” Contrary to what is perceived by many of the citizenry, ever since President Obama took office, he has been endeavoring to “fix” the government by ridding it of the Illuminati influence that further enriches the wealthy and strangles measures that would serve the needs of the people.

Is Netanyahu in the Illuminati or is his bellicosity due to his serious responsibility for Israel’s safety? He is at the peak of the Illuminati and so are, or were, all of his predecessors in that position. As stated in prior messages, the Illuminati never have served the best interests of Jewish people in Israel or anywhere else in the world—the Illuminati instigated all the pogroms in Europe and their Nazi element carried out the Holocaust.

Using Judaism or Zionism as justification for their actions, the Illuminati have long kept the Mideast boiling, and they have discredited anyone who questioned their war-mongering by labeling those persons “anti-Semitic.” Masters at creating divisiveness, the Illuminati initiated an assortment of labels for different religious beliefs, forms of governance, theories, philosophies and ideologies. Largely through religious and academic teachings and mainstream media, which have been under Illuminati control down through the years, your society has been carefully taught to scorn everything outside their own labeled category; and the Illuminati successfully instilled the mindset that anyone they labeled “anti-Semitic” is a hateful person who is against the wellbeing of the Jewish population.

But Netanyahu does indeed take very seriously “Israel’s safety.” Long before the 1948 establishment of today’s Israel, an Illuminati intention was to make Jerusalem their Mideast headquarters to expand their economic and political entrenchments in the Vatican, London, New York City and Washington, DC.

Does Matthew know if “reassessing” US-Israel relations means that in order to keep getting financial support, Israel has to stop oppressing Palestinians and finally there can be peace in that region? We don’t know what provisions would be included in any “reassessing.” What we do know is, when the Illuminati hardliners in Israel’s government and military are uncloaked, so to say, there can be cooperative relations between Israelis and Palestinians. As vibrations continue heightening in your war-weary world, peace and harmony will come wherever oppression, battling or tyranny exist.

Is there more significance to NBC’s Brian Williams’ Iraq war story, perhaps something karmic, or is it as simple as he told a lie and got caught? Although this topic no longer is headline-worthy, the question offers us the opportunity to show how karma is not set in stone, but rather offers considerable flexibility in the means whereby it is experienced. Speaking of Mr. Williams, we know from colleagues in Nirvana that he chose as his primary mission “to educate the public.” He could have done that as elementary school teacher, college professor, trade school instructor, writer, environmentalist researcher or newspaper editor, as examples; but he followed his interests that led to television news reporting.

There is the same flexible latitude in experiencing a chosen karmic “lesson.” In that context, perhaps Mr. Williams agreed to the humiliation of the discovery that he had falsified a war story to show the public the importance of using discernment about mainstream media information. It may have been a strong statement to media that reporting must be accurate or credibility will be lost. It could be that the emergence of his story years later would serve as an example that eventually truth will come out. However Mr. Williams views what he did and the consequences, it’s in line with his soul contract choice “to educate the public.”

Several readers expressed concerns about vaccines and the ongoing controversy about their safety vs risks, and one wrote: Why did just a few cases of measles become an urgent vaccination situation? This isn’t a deadly disease! As far as we know, none of your doctors has explained why they were urging vaccinations for such a mild disease or how a disease that purportedly had been eradicated in the US suddenly popped up. Your medical establishment is “in bed with” the companies that manufacture vaccines; and, a few children were inoculated with potent doses to “give” them measles, from them a few children with low immunity systems “caught” it, and some passed it on to a few others who also had compromised immune defenses.

The earliest vaccines were developed by scientists whose purposes were benevolent, and the use of vaccinations was too. However, the Illuminati saw that vaccines could achieve one of their major goals—eliminating most of Earth’s population—thus they were used to cause the diseases that the public was told they would prevent. During the past half century or so, a variety of viruses developed in Illuminati laboratories have been released to initiate a pandemic, and in previous messages we have explained why in recent years all of those attempts failed. [The August 12, 2014 message has the most comprehensive information.]

For readers who asked if vaccines cause or contribute to autism, I asked my mother to copy our reply to this question in a prior message.

Is the sizable increase in autism related to the shift in consciousness? Not at all. The growing numbers of children who have symptoms that are similar to autism is due to toxins in inoculations, and the symptoms are exacerbated by pollutants in air, water and soil, and chemicals in food preservatives and prescribed drugs. True autism, which is far rarer, is the soul’s choice of experience, to which all others sharing that lifetime agreed. And neither autism nor its look-alike condition will prevent those persons from physically ascending with Earth unless a short lifetime is part of the soul contract. [February 13, 2011]

Thank you, Mother. We don’t know if Greece’s new government can turn around the country’s economy during the loan extension period, but it is most unlikely. The severity of that economic situation and other nations’ similar woes are a necessary prelude to ushering in a new global economic system. The current rampantly corrupt system, designed and manipulated by Illuminati, has to collapse to make way for the new that is based on precious metals. Behind-the-scenes progress is being made to bring this to fruition in a transitional process that will minimize the likelihood of chaos.

Maybe because I hear or read the same thing over and over, I’m giving credibility to information that doesn’t merit it. For instance, is Putin as ruthless as he is portrayed by our media? Are he and Obama really working at “polar opposites”? The answer to both questions is “no,” but these closely-related situations beg explanation.

Both presidents are faced with serious national situations that in large part are the work of the Illuminati, but blame falls on the presidents, whose actions often are publicized as “too weak” or “too aggressive.” Both leaders are in the position of having to spout political rhetoric to show their respective nations’ strength and resolve. Neither Mr. Putin nor Mr. Obama wants to precipitate conflict or cause economic hardships in other countries, much less wage war; and off-stage, so to say, they are cooperating in efforts to achieve world peace, global economic stability, and the elimination of disease, impoverishment, crime and corruption.

A reader in Spain wrote about trees in Madrid. Mother, please copy the pertinent part of his email and my reply.

“A huge percentage of trees of our city are suddenly extremely ill for no apparent reason. Two of them collapsed last year killing 2 people, so that the city council is planning to cut off thousands, up to 20% of the trees in some areas.

“I heard the same information from 3 different persons who communicate with guides: Madrid is suffering an energetic attack to leave the trees lifeless and disconnected from each other, and the next step is doing this with the population. Many people say Madrid is a hub and what happens here has many consequences nationally and internationally. We are creating awareness about this here, but I think we could use help from other friends abroad who can send us their prayers.”


“Matthew said he wasn’t aware of this situation and would speak with colleagues in Nirvana. They told him that in an arrangement with Gaia approximately 10 years ago in linear time, the trees volunteered to absorb negativity originating primarily from fear-based thoughts, feelings and actions of people in Madrid. This was so effective in raising vibrations that the trees offered to attract and absorb negativity arising well beyond the city. Eventually assimilating negativity’s low vibrations around the country severely weakened the trees. They willingly gave their lives to assist Earth rid herself of negativity so it didn’t accumulate and adversely affect or destroy human lives. All along trees have assisted the planet and the human population health-wise, but this was an extraordinary effort to aid planetary and personal ascension. In time humankind will understand the interconnectedness of all life on the planet, that all are souls, and feel grateful for the many contributions of the plant kingdom and all animal life.”

Thank you, Mother. Every life form on Earth is an aspect of one intricate synergistic organism and all have important roles; however, if there were no trees, there would be no life there at all. Countless souls with ancient wisdom embodied as trees to serve the needs of all other life forms, and some of your oldest, largest trees have such high-level consciousness that they raise the consciousness of other life in extensive areas. As this awareness grows within your society, trees will be honored for their indispensable services. We hold in high esteem all who are endeavoring to save your forests and educate the populace about the importance of ending indiscriminate logging.

Lighted beings throughout this universe are cheering you ever onward and many are right there among you, helping in numerous ways to hasten your journey toward the full glories of Earth’s Golden Age.

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