viernes, 30 de enero de 2015


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También dijimos que el Árbol de la Vida Arcturiano se basa en el antiguo Árbol de la Vida Kabalístico. El Árbol de la Vida es en realidad un Árbol  Galáctico de la Vida y un paradigma que es usado a través de toda la galaxia.

El Árbol de la Vida justamente no se usa  en la Tierra. Introdujimos y continuamos enseñando que esta figura, este modelo, encierra un código secreto poderoso de luz interactiva y sanación interactiva que puede moldear y expandir la realidad de 3ª dimensión.

Hay 10 esferas en el original Árbol de la Vida Kabalístico. Hay también una 11ª esfera que permanece oculta pero también representada en el Árbol de la Vida. Sabemos que la esfera escondida  que viene a la vida contiene el sagrado conocimiento oculto. Este conocimiento oculto debe ser revelado ahora, así es que ya no es más oculto. 

Este conocimiento oculto es básicamente que el fundamento de la realidad puede ser controlado por los pensamientos de los seres más altamente evolucionados sobre el planeta. El fundamento de la realidad puede ser modelado por la especie más altamente evolucionada del planeta. Los seres más evolucionados en el planeta es sin duda la humanidad.

Nos hemos dado cuenta de que nunca antes en la historia de vuestro planeta, toda la vida y biósfera y todas las especies dentro de la biósfera han dependido tanto de las acciones de una especie. Por supuesto que esta especie es el ser humano. Éste es un análisis impactante y es una responsabilidad impactante,  especialmente si consideran la  difícil situación en curso y los peligros  que la humanidad está fomentando en la Tierra.

Estoy consciente de los argumentos que a menudo se dicen de que hay fuerzas externas que están creando el cambio global. Por supuesto, algunas de estas fuerzas externas incluyen la evolución del sol y sus diferentes ciclos de manchas solares. También sé de las características y de los predecibles y quizás desconocidos ciclos de temporadas planetarias. Cada planeta tiene una temporada de existencia. Cada planeta tiene un camino individual que seguir. Pueden decir que la Tierra tiene, al menos, 4 billones de años. Como estructura, probablemente la Tierra tiene como un 40% de su vida como planeta. Esto significa que la Tierra podría vivir, a lo menos, 9 a 10 billones de años. 

Un planeta no puede vivir indefinidamente. Esto no debería ser sorpresa para ustedes pues saben que el sol no va a vivir para siempre. Vendrá un momento en que el sol se transformará en una supernova y colapsará y se expandirá a través de todo el sistema solar, destruyendo todo. Entonces, finalmente el sol se quemará a sí mismo. Los planetas mismos tienen este proceso o tiempo de vida. Pueden preguntarse por qué tomó 4 billones de años a la Tierra tener en ella seres altamente evolucionados como el hombre. ¿Existen otros planetas que tienen vida evolutiva más elevada después de sólo 2 billones de años? La respuesta es “sí”. Existen otros planetas más jóvenes que la Tierra que tienen vida y vida evolutiva más elevada. También hemos explicado repetidamente que muchas lunas en los sistemas solares a través de la galaxia contienen vida y vida elevadamente evolucionada. No son sólo planetas sino que también lunas que contienen formas de vida. En nuestro idioma a tales lunas las llamamos “planetas lunas”. Algunas de las lunas son en realidad del tamaño de la Tierra. Ellas también cumplen un ciclo.

Muchos planetas lunas han sido sembrados o han sido colonizados por civilizaciones de otros sistemas estelares. Es bien sabido en las enseñanzas galácticas que la realidad del planeta o del planeta luna está formada por las estructuras de pensamiento de los habitantes. Si ustedes quieren desarrollar un planeta con elevada luz, entonces deberían traer gente a ese planeta que tuviera una perspectiva dimensional más elevada. Entonces ese planeta puede ser moldeado con luz más elevada. Es más difícil, pero igualmente posible que un planeta existente pueda ser moldeado con el pensamiento correcto. El pensamiento recto se basa en patrones de energía de 5ª dimensión. 


( continuará )

A través de David Miller

Publicado por Shanti

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sharing.:::.▶ The Garden of Eden: Paper 73 Part 1 - VISIT TO NOVA TERRA!

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By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012


Dearest friends!

YES! New Earth, called “NOVA TERRA” exists! It is in the making. Our new home is waiting for us and is being prepared for our arrival when the time is right!

I have been blessed with an invitation to visit and experience the wonders of this New World. And there is nothing to worry about for us, who desire with the inner Essence of their Heart which is pure Love and Joy, to exist in this new and most beautiful world soon!

Dearest friends! NOVA TERRA is being prepared for us by the Divine Forces of Light, our Beautiful Beloved Galactic Family, the Ascended Masters and all the Archangels!

And this is how it started for me:

A dear friend, lets call him “C”, from the other side of the world, contacted me and said:

“I am receiving guidance to take you to NOVA TERRA! I’m sure you have heard that it was created and now it's ‘under construction’!
They ask you to report your experience to the people of the world, to give them hope and inspiration!”

Of course, I was excited and told, I would be prepared over night for the visit. And the next morning, C and I would go both together. No, not with a space ship, but using a kind of simple astral travel.

The very amazing thing was, that just the two early mornings before visiting Nova Terra, I have been awakened by a bird’s song so unique and beautiful, that it seemed to be NOT of this world! Still half asleep I tried to figure out what bird it was, and to remember its wonderful melody. But each time after I was fully awake, I just had fully forgotten it!

I had no idea what was awaiting me with this visit, and I also did not try in any way to make presumptions or to figure anything out! I only felt immensely blessed and was in a state of childlike curiosity and innocence.

I knew this journey, this visit, had primarily nothing to do with mental projections or visualizations. It was about pure discovery, and this discovery was only possible with the eye of the heart!

And so C and I started our journey, accompanied and protected by the presence of beautiful Angels.

The moment we arrived on Nova Terra, everything changed. It was like sunrise in the morning, when all things start to magnify and brighten up! It was an immense opening, a widening of perspective of the usual point of view!

How to describe a Divine World, dearest brothers and sisters. Our language is not good enough, but still I try!

Yes, what I saw first, was a huge water, a lake probably, and in the distance mountains. And a light, that was not coming from the Sun, but which was the light in which this planet has been created, and which was radiating from within all the elements and the landscape before me.

But what was most heart-overwhelming was the discovery, that not only Light, but the feeling of Infinity Radiates here in all things from inside out. And forms are not enclosing, but they rather are an expression of space itself! And this seems to be a paradox! But in the higher dimensions paradox is the norm.

At the same time, all elements are emanating Love, being an expression of Love Itself, and the vibration of Love is surrounding us. The air! It is thick with it!

Everything is fully alive, is absolute conscious, everything is a “personality”, a person, all things, all elements, air, water, mountains! There is a great Divine Presence everywhere in all things!

It is the Glory of Divine Consciousness Itself that lives palpably all things here, and forms are simply Its ornament!

That is how Nova Terra greeted me! A Divine Conscious Being of unspeakable Beauty and Perfection! A Being Who’s Vibration is Pure Love, Showing Her Divine Body, as She always wanted to show It to us – if we would have let Her!

I felt elevated and expanded to infinitely above. It is so easy to feel that way, simply by becoming One with that One Being, Alive with all Her Creations, Who is Nova Terra and Her High and Sparkling Vibration.

I try to avoid the word “wow”, but it is the only word in English language, I know, that describes the unspeakable and that which cannot be described! (And my heart releases still a flow of “wow’s” in greatest awe and wonder!)

Now C, in his function of my tour guide, needed to remind me, that some other surprises would wait for us. And so we were lead to a nearby waterfall, to clean off the remains of our 3dimensional home. Of course, this pristine water was alive, it showed itself to me in sparkling rainbow colors. And fairies, whose transparent wings reflected the many colors, were flying and dancing joyfully around the sprinkling and refreshing water, and right through it.

Then we were told that flying horses would take us to a City, they wanted me to visit. I couldn’t see the horses really, they seemed to be very transparent, like a breeze of air, but in C’s description they looked like Pegasuses, and completely white.

C told me that he has been here a few times, and each time he came here, he has been shown different aspects and parts of Nova Terra. They would prepare It quickly for us, building for example a City in one day, so that everything would be ready for our arrival when we ascend!

Then we arrived with the flying horses at the City! What I saw were pyramid- and obelisk-like buildings, pretty high. They wanted me to have a look at the material they were built with. My first impression was, that this material was breathing and alive with consciousness, made from light. Something totally “organic”, a living substance. But then I was asked to have a “microscopic look “ at the texture.

And what I saw was amazing! Something unimaginable in our world! First I had really a hard time to describe it! The material was a mixture of living, microscopic small, naturally, and like spirals, growing plants, and sparkling crystals, bursting with energy!

Now, I didn’t perceive this as “material”, separate from myself, but it seemed to be one with me, we were One in Consciousness and Energy! There was a high level of conscious presence from which I was not different!

As I put it in words, it might appear to you that this was easy to describe. It seems so, AFTER I was able to integrate or better adapt something “unknown” with our familiar experience and perception! We tend to “objectify” things immediately when we give them names. Whereas the material of the buildings was subjective consciousness! Now “think it”, what only can be felt and translate it into our alienated and intrinsically from Reality separated point of view! I had to go back to the “old” perception in order to describe what I saw.

To me the paradox of these buildings appeared as a perfect integration, a marriage of living Mother Nature with the science of geometry in the form of the shapes of pyramids and obelisks.
And C added, that this mixture of plants and crystals was an expression of perfect harmony between Mother Nature and technology too! And that this integral harmony would be the basis on which all things on Nova Terra are being built, serving absolute balanced and harmonious living (non-polluted!) for all of us when we arrive here!
I experienced the next paradox when I was asked to enter one of the buildings!
When we enter a house on our 3dimensional planet, we immediately get the feeling of being enclosed, which we might even find “homely” and cozy. Here we can relax, if it is our own home, and we can feel protected from all what is “out there”. But the ceilings are separating us from the sky and we might unconsciously have a claustrophobic feeling, as if our connection to our energy centers high above our head seem to be cut off.

This came to mind when I entered the building on Nova Terra! Because the space inside seemed to be even more expanded than outside of the building, and the feeling of infinite height was not measurable with the actual height of the room!
A sense of being cut off from nature was not there. Just the opposite seemed to be the case, as if the building was serving as a focus lens for the powerful presence of nature which seemed to be even magnified in this room and concentrated! As I said: a sheer paradox!
There was an incredible Joy in the air, and C said that Joy was the “material” everybody is encouraged here to create from, a Joy that exists in the air and everywhere. He said, Joy would be the vibration of the New Earth!

We left the building and our horses were waiting for us on a square. And there I noticed the next paradox: although the place was actually a square, it appeared to be a circle at the same time. It was both and none of them! It seemed that Nova Terra had perfectly mastered the famous squaring of the circle! The usual linear mind could not function here.

C explained that the reference points we have on 3dimensional earth wouldn’t be of any use here, because we would see on Nova Terra only the true form of everything.

Then we left the City and the white Whinged Horses brought us to a field that emanated powerful golden rays upwards into all directions. They were very warm and embracing. This was the place where Sananda was welcoming us.

I have a very long standing galactic connection to Him. But I met him first in this lifetime many years ago at a sacred fireplace in the Himalayas, dedicated to the Divine Mother. When He entered the place, it was unmistakably Him, although He only showed me His Feet! I was heart-broken by His Love and was crying, I don’t know how long! Since then I have met him several times.

So I felt honored and very happy to meet Him again on Nova Terra in this beautiful Golden Field! Sananda appeared to me as a powerful, and at the same time sweet and radiant field of conscious energy/bright light, with silver in it.

This time it was C who “channeled” Sananda’s words to me. I was here to receive! He gave me a personal message and then He said, that I came here in order to bring the good news of Nova Terra to the people who read my Messages of Light for their upliftment and celebration in their hearts!

He said:
"You place the seeds of the New Earth into their souls and they will grow wonderfully like big trees of Light and they will shine all over the earth, being able to raise the vibration for themselves and others."

I thanked Sananda and my heart was singing!

He then took us into a crystal dome of light with sparkling bright crystalline energy particles coming from above, which were very energizing, filling the room with immense joy.

When asked, I said I felt that these energy particles were meant for creation. And so Sananda invited me, to create what I desired from the depth of my heart.

And I did! Sananda was very pleased with my creation and explained that in the moment of creation it was already done, there was no time between expressing the wish and its fulfillment! But that I also would now have a responsibility of living the example of what I had created!

No! I understood! Our creations are not separate from us!

Now the time had come to say good bye! Sananda blessed us and I was given permission to return whenever it felt right for me, requiring an adjustment to the elevated light, love and joy on Nova Terra!

What I experienced, and what had felt like a full day to me, was just one hour of our earth time. It was but a taste of the totality of Divine Terra Nova who is waiting for humanity to arrive during the ascension process. She is being in a constant process of creation as we speak to be ready for us when our time comes.

The most important part of my adventure was the more than wonderful confirmation that our New Earth is Living Love and Joy and is experienced as such with our own Love and Joy, our true nature and inherent quality of the Heart.

Everything Divine is naturally lived by the Planet Itself, for us to join and to directly participate as One Being.

This is the proof to me that Terra Nova IS REAL and not a phantasy in the land of short-legged mind. The eternal peace, beauty and harmony are the clear signs of a creation that has been initiated with Divine Consciousness and that is pervaded by this Consciousness!

Furthermore, Nova Terra is the perfect Marriage between Consciousness and Energy, between the Divine Masculine and Feminine, which inspires all other creations so that an ascended humanity can enjoy Divine Perfection in all areas of an enlightened life as a galactic civilization.

It has been said, that this is the first time, - an experiment -, to ascend directly with a body. If Nova Terra is the result, this experiment is being incredible successful!

The until now unseen and unheard: Divine Consciousness absolutely outstandingly obvious in all forms and as all forms, as the predominant characteristic of creation is overwhelming my heart, because of its Beauty and Perfection!


I have been safely delivered back to my home in Australia, so to speak, through the roof :), by the beautiful Angels and in the company of my dear friend C.

So grateful and speechless, as I was, I could not wait to write it all down before the fresh memory would fade away. But miraculously, it is not fading! And I know why! Because Nova Terra is alive in my heart and inseparable from it. In Reality, I am always there. We all are! And just the surface of our being is existing here still in 3D land.

In the light of this Good News, lets celebrate the Truth of our existence, which is Joy, Love, Happiness - just everything Divine!

And so - dearest family - now you know what is awaiting you all soon! Keep your expectation high! Discover Nova Terra in your own Radiant Heart!

And after all, She can be discovered already right here on 3dimensional earth! Divine Consciousness is all-pervading without exclusion. But It appears to be hidden in our present reality beneath the layers of distorted creation trying to hide the Truth. It is only that on Nova Terra this Truth is completely Obvious, because there are no false layers.

With so much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
Posted 22nd September 2012 by YHVH@
Labels: a visit to New Earthawakening processGaia ascension processgalactic FamilyNova Terrapentadimensional Gaia

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sharing_▶ Urantia Book - Paper 109 - Section 1 (Development of Adjusters) SAINT GERMAIN- LET THE GALACTIC COLLABORATION BEGIN

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20/09/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont 



Greetings, dear ones, friends of mine. Time is closing in, implying that we, the Ascended Masters, the Higher Lightbeings and the Galactic representations of the Universe, are all approaching you ever closer. I like to consider you all my friends as in all honesty, you really are. In fact you have always been close to my heart. No one is lesser or better than the other; after all, we are all one and so, by definition, we are all equal!

As the timelines are each approaching one another to converge at a certain point in time, so too do we come closer and closer as a Galactic Unit. We too will converge in 1 whole, 1 big family, 1 great solar system revolving around the huge center of the cosmos, from where we all originated. Let’s all join hands NOW and actually establish a close cooperation. What would you think of that, my beloved friends? Would you close your heart in fear or would your heart jump for joy at the mere prospect of it? The latter option has now emerged strongly, taking on the form of intentions in your hearts and minds. Well done, my friends, as these intentions are stimulating, even facilitating the energy needed for establishing this kind of cooperation in the first place.

Despite the fact that many souls on Earth are still not ready and are rather ignorant, everything will evolve further till the point of recognition and of expression has duly been reached. The truths that have to be revealed are now coming to the forefront in your world to effectively be revealed; they are just waiting for their recognition so as to handle the so-called expression of them. The things that as of yet have not been publicly divulged by the scientists on your planet, or more accurately by the self-proclaimed scientists on your planet, can no longer be denied by them, leading to the fact that these things will very clearly be brought to light. They will have to divulge what they already know and have investigated for a long time and will be pressured somewhat to admit to the existence of it despite that this runs counter to their own rules and scientific regulations.

The laws of physics and of science in general, are not fully adequate and were only to a certain level, shared with you. What has never been explained to humanity is the fact that there are still countless unexplained phenomena which are investigated but for which the scientists find no plausible explanation as those phenomena do not fit into their laws and therefore remain inexistent in their limited views. Let me relay to you that what they state is far from the truth and that everything has a form of life and is duly existing! This will all be shown now to full advantage together with the existence of innumerable other lifeforms and civilizations in the cosmos, including your Galactic Brethren.

Now that we have arrived at some form of close cooperation, you will be introduced into the greater Reality which will enter your domain and establish itself firmly there as it was always supposed to be that way. Duality has more than run its course and has now come full circle in the reality in which you dwell, and will leave it all together. I would like to warn you to use the precious time left in this duality, optimally and to not waste it on useless tasks that would in a way hinder, delay or even stop your Ascension process. Afore-mentioned tasks are but illusory and their manipulative attempts appear still to be moving full speed ahead. Remain strong in your convictions during these trying times and feel how you have strengthened yourselves enough to distance yourselves from illusory tasks so as not to get dragged into them again and again. You are evolving more and more into a great purity of heart and this purity simply can no longer attract lower vibrations, which in themselves are desperately sent out to the collective of humanity. The downfall of the dark ones has arrived and the last hour has sounded for these dark influences.

Have faith in yourselves, as in fact you are the ones that will instigate everything. You have all chosen to independently Ascend together with your Planet and specifically in the way in which it is all unfolding now. You will all reach the highest levels of enlightenment on condition that you now persevere on your chosen path and in your own creations! We remain at your service in these times and we will guide you wherever necessary. Allow for a quick start of our Galactic cooperation, you and we have waited far too long for this to occur. And thanks to your own initiatives in these matters, all our assistance will be facilitated and your hearts are more widely opened for this possibility than ever before. I am so grateful for this; how deeply I love humanity!

In all sincerity, I salute you all most cordially from my I AM That I AM.

Saint Germain.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Posted 20th September 2012 by Juan Pablo
Labels: ascension processgalactic FamilySaint Germain

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domingo, 25 de enero de 2015

sharing.:::.Mastering Thought and Perceiving with Emotion ▶ The LIfe of Jesus; Bestowal (3 of 3) - ESTRUCTURAS DE PENSAMIENTO PARA SUSTENTAR UNA REALIDAD ii

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Mytre and the Arcturians

Mastering Thought and Perceiving with Emotion



When the Arcturian kindly mentioned my thinking, I had to laugh. I realized that my out-of-control thinking was partially because I had been recalibrated to a frequency of resonance that I had never experienced before.
I also recognized that I was frightened because my thoughts and emotions were out of alignment with my new body. I remembered the Elohim that Mytria and I had met within the Womb of the Mother long, long ago. However, I had never met an Arcturian, much less experienced a frequency rate of beingness that allowed me to perceive and interact with them.

“Good,” spoke the Arcturian standing just inside my doorway. “You have corrected discerned that we took you to the Restoration Room to expand your resonance. You were taken there because you passed a major initiation of mastering your thoughts and perceiving with your emotions.”

I had no idea what perceiving with my emotions meant, but I was very clear about my difficulty in mastering my thoughts. On the other hand, when I was flying the Ship with my mind, I had only one thought, and I felt that thought with every cell of my body.

“Follow me,” the Arcturian directed, but I saw no movement of its mouth. Furthermore, I heard its message inside my heart instead of through my ears. However, the Arcturian did not explain what I was experiencing. With a knowing smile, it turned and walked away. I was very groggy from lack of sleep and intense anxiety, but I woke up quickly in my vain attempt to keep up with it.
For starters, the Arcturian did not actually walk. It moved just above the ground. In fact, I sensed that it could just blink itself to its destination, but was only using its present archaic locomotion for my benefit. I was clear that I had a lot to learn if I was to remain on this Starship.
The Arcturian guided me into what was likely a holosuite, because it was a huge area with a beautiful lake, warm sun, and a soft breeze that gently moved the leaves on the many trees. In fact, it was the exact area where I first met Mytria. With that realization, a rush of deep loneliness and sorrow rushed through me.

“You have been through a great change,” the Arcturian said. “ We have created a familiar place for you to rest and become accustomed to your new frequency of form. You may use your mind to call up anyone that you wish to visit.”
“But, will they be real?” I asked.
“What do you mean by real?” The Arcturian asked.
I did not even know how to answer that question, so I stumbled around and said,
“You know, real in that it is not just my imagination.”
“Everything is your imagination,” the Arcturian said as it turned and left the lake, the holosuite, or was it the reality?

Unfortunately, I could not ask these questions because the Arcturian was suddenly gone. Obviously, I was on the fast-track of learning, and I had to stop questioning and start remembering what had happened to me on the Ship.

Therefore, I started to call up the illusion, hologram or reality of my shipmates to ask them what they had seen. That was when I remembered that they must be on the Starship too. Before I had a chance to ponder that question, all three of my crewmates, including the one who had died, appeared before me.

I was overwhelmed to see someone who I watched die standing in front of me. Maybe he was a hologram, but if he was, I didn’t want to be the one to break it to him.
“We brought you some food,” they said.

We sat down on a flat rock and ate our simple food while we all pretended that this experience was normal, and I tried to figure out if it was real.

A Note from Sue

Last night in the middle of the night I was awakened by a message that flew quickly through my mind, but was important enough to wake me. The room was dark, so I gabbed a paper and a pen and went into the bathroom to see by the nightlight. My message was:

Earth is calling in Her markers from anyone who may owe Her.
Of course, that sentence is a third dimensional way of saying that Gaia is making Her final arrangements for transmutation.
Therefore, any one who is busy being distracted by what seems to be so important, is being called away from their distractions and into Gaia's service.

Part of the reason for my getting this message may be because of a quick meditation, or maybe it was a vision, that I had as I was falling off to sleep the night before. I had just arrived in Dana Point with my girlfriend for her Birthday Getaway, and I was thinking about the myriad earthquakes that were in the San Diego area.

Dana Point is quite close to San Diego, and my husband had protectively “reminded” me of the earthquakes before we left. I didn’t think of it until I was falling asleep. Then, I realized we were there to assist Gaia. I could feel that the land in that area was having problems transmuting, and I knew that it was because of the nuclear power planet between Dana Point and San Diego.

In my partial sleep state, I began transmuting the land and assisting Gaia. All was going well, when a short, negative E T, a fearful image from my childhood, walked up to me. I started to feel fear, but I stopped my self and called in the Arcturians.

Instantly, I felt myself transmute into a ten-foot tall version of Arcturian. My human disguise came off and my real identity was revealed. I wish I knew how to describe it. I was so calm, so filled with love that I could not even imagine the sensation of fear.

I, in my Arcturian form, walked over to the short ET, leaned over and kindly touched the it on the shoulder. Then, in a very loving fashion, I said,
“You may want to leave now, as it may get too difficult for you here.”

It was a very short meditation, but the feeling of being a ten-foot tall Arcturian Lightbody stayed with me for hours. In fact, if I just close my eyes for a few moments I can still call up the feeling again. Mostly, I can feel the complete lack of judgment and the true concern for the difficultly that the fearful, and afraid, being might experience.

I think the most important lesson in this short experience was that transmuting my form so easy. Of course, I am still walking around in a physical body because the Arcturian form was not physical. However, my perception of life, especially fear, was totally different while my consciousness was calibrated to that frequency of SELF.

I write this brief note to remind you all that you do NOT have to learn anything. All you have to “do” is to remember who you really are and call it into your daily life. We are Flowing into a period of immense change. When our world gets overwhelming, all we need to remember is to call in our SELF!
Through Suzanne Lie, PhD

Posted 29th August 2012 by YHVH@
Labels: ascension processMytre from Pleiadesthe Arcturians mastering thought and perceiving with emotion

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También dijimos que el Árbol de la Vida Arcturiano se basa en el antiguo Árbol de la Vida Kabalístico. El Árbol de la Vida es en realidad un Árbol  Galáctico de la Vida y un paradigma que es usado a través de toda la galaxia.

El Árbol de la Vida justamente no se usa  en la Tierra. Introdujimos y continuamos enseñando que esta figura, este modelo, encierra un código secreto poderoso de luz interactiva y sanación interactiva que puede moldear y expandir la realidad de 3ª dimensión.

Hay 10 esferas en el original Árbol de la Vida Kabalístico. Hay también una 11ª esfera que permanece oculta pero también representada en el Árbol de la Vida. Sabemos que la esfera escondida  que viene a la vida contiene el sagrado conocimiento oculto. Este conocimiento oculto debe ser revelado ahora, así es que ya no es más oculto. 

Este conocimiento oculto es básicamente que el fundamento de la realidad puede ser controlado por los pensamientos de los seres más altamente evolucionados sobre el planeta. El fundamento de la realidad puede ser modelado por la especie más altamente evolucionada del planeta. Los seres más evolucionados en el planeta es sin duda la humanidad.

Nos hemos dado cuenta de que nunca antes en la historia de vuestro planeta, toda la vida y biósfera y todas las especies dentro de la biósfera han dependido tanto de las acciones de una especie. Por supuesto que esta especie es el ser humano. Éste es un análisis impactante y es una responsabilidad impactante,  especialmente si consideran la  difícil situación en curso y los peligros  que la humanidad está fomentando en la Tierra.

Estoy consciente de los argumentos que a menudo se dicen de que hay fuerzas externas que están creando el cambio global. Por supuesto, algunas de estas fuerzas externas incluyen la evolución del sol y sus diferentes ciclos de manchas solares. También sé de las características y de los predecibles y quizás desconocidos ciclos de temporadas planetarias. Cada planeta tiene una temporada de existencia. Cada planeta tiene un camino individual que seguir. Pueden decir que la Tierra tiene, al menos, 4 billones de años. Como estructura, probablemente la Tierra tiene como un 40% de su vida como planeta. Esto significa que la Tierra podría vivir, a lo menos, 9 a 10 billones de años. 

Un planeta no puede vivir indefinidamente. Esto no debería ser sorpresa para ustedes pues saben que el sol no va a vivir para siempre. Vendrá un momento en que el sol se transformará en una supernova y colapsará y se expandirá a través de todo el sistema solar, destruyendo todo. Entonces, finalmente el sol se quemará a sí mismo. Los planetas mismos tienen este proceso o tiempo de vida. Pueden preguntarse por qué tomó 4 billones de años a la Tierra tener en ella seres altamente evolucionados como el hombre. ¿Existen otros planetas que tienen vida evolutiva más elevada después de sólo 2 billones de años? La respuesta es “sí”. Existen otros planetas más jóvenes que la Tierra que tienen vida y vida evolutiva más elevada. También hemos explicado repetidamente que muchas lunas en los sistemas solares a través de la galaxia contienen vida y vida elevadamente evolucionada. No son sólo planetas sino que también lunas que contienen formas de vida. En nuestro idioma a tales lunas las llamamos “planetas lunas”. Algunas de las lunas son en realidad del tamaño de la Tierra. Ellas también cumplen un ciclo.

Muchos planetas lunas han sido sembrados o han sido colonizados por civilizaciones de otros sistemas estelares. Es bien sabido en las enseñanzas galácticas que la realidad del planeta o del planeta luna está formada por las estructuras de pensamiento de los habitantes. Si ustedes quieren desarrollar un planeta con elevada luz, entonces deberían traer gente a ese planeta que tuviera una perspectiva dimensional más elevada. Entonces ese planeta puede ser moldeado con luz más elevada. Es más difícil, pero igualmente posible que un planeta existente pueda ser moldeado con el pensamiento correcto. El pensamiento recto se basa en patrones de energía de 5ª dimensión. 


( continuará )

A través de David Miller

Publicado por Shanti

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Queridísimos hermanos y hermanas!

Estamos aquí para compartir nuestra alegría con ustedes! Desde nuestra perspectiva, en las dimensiones superiores, podemos ver que más y más seres humanos están despertando a la Unidad de la Conciencia.

Le hablamos a ustedes y a aquellos que desean entrar en la Unidad de la Conciencia, ya que están cansados del miedo y el sufrimiento que crea la ilusión de la separación. Su corazón está despertando ya a la intuición de la unidad aunque aún no la están experimentando.

La Unidad de la Conciencia está despertando naturalmente con la implementación de la frecuencia superior en su cuerpo-mente holográfico lo cual permite que el ADN humano durmiente y los códigos de la ascensión sean activados. Como resultado la Verdad se vuelve naturalmente obvia mientras el corazón se abre a la conciencia elevada y a las profundidades de la integración de los Principios Divinos.

Estos Principios Divinos son los bloques de edificación de la Creación Divina, en la cual la Unidad de la Conciencia es una condición previa es una condición previa a todo lo que surge.

Por favor comprendan que la Unidad de la Conciencia es una materia de la inteligencia superior inherentemente presente en todos los Seres evolucionados que aceptan las leyes de la Luz y el Amor como la base de la existencia.

Por eso no juzguen a otros. Sus hermanos y hermanas que aún viven en la separación no han entendido esto aún, porque debido al estado evolutivo de su corazón y de la funcionalidad de sus cerebros no son capaces aún de sentir y conocer su propia condición Divina. Prefieren vivir encerrados en sí mismos, percibiendo todo aquello que no es su propio cuerpo-mente como al otro y completamente diferente de sí mismos.

No tienen acceso aún a su Ser más profundo y al Estado de Unidad, anterior a su cuerpo-mente. Por eso están funcionando a un nivel de conciencia que es limitado por la sola identificación con él. Y es la base misma para el sufrimiento, la destrucción, la guerra y la miseria. Debido a las vidas separadas vividas en esta ilusión enfermiza se necesitó hacer de los “otros” sus enemigos, de manera de sobrevivir.

Por lo tanto es la meta y señal de evolución trascender la falsa sensación de separación. La realización de la Unidad de la Conciencia que comienza en el corazón como la intuición de la Unicidad, está siendo expresada como el Amor del Uno, un estado de amor incondicional donde todo lo que no es vivido como Radiantez de ese Amor-Conciencia es perdonado y olvidado. Ustedes realizan que SON SOLAMENTE Ese Amor-Conciencia, ya que Es su Verdadera Naturaleza. En la Luz de su Verdadera Naturaleza reconocen que las señales del ser inferior son simplemente sombras e irreales, y no existen en la Realidad Divina.

Es el despertar del sueño de la ilusión. El perdón – perdonarse a sí mismos o a alguien o a alguna situación- es por lo tanto una actividad natural y bendecida. Ocurre con el entendimiento de que ustedes Son una Presencia Pura de Conciencia Divina Quien ha despertado del oscuro sueño de lo irreal.

Por eso, perdonarse a ustedes mismos y a otros no es nada más que reconocer Quiénes Son Ustedes Verdaderamente.

No se preocupen si sus amados aún viven en la separación, y si ustedes se preocupan por la ascensión de la Humanidad como un todo! El concepto de reacción en cadena del despertar de la Humanidad es real! Es un fenómeno de frecuencia natural que enciende uno a uno tan pronto como su tiempo de despertar ha llegado, de acuerdo a su karma. Y son ustedes, las semillas de Luz, quienes han elegido estar aquí para hacer estallar este proceso para toda la Humanidad por su sacrificio en clarificar sus karmas y por consiguiente también aquel de la Humanidad.

Es la propia Naturaleza de lo Divino que Emerge en toda Su Creación, hasta la última de las vidas en la oscuridad. Cuando la ilusión es reconocida, es un despertar natural. Debido a que han permitido al cuerpo-mente ser encendido por las Corrientes de Luz Divina e Información, impresas con los códigos de la Ascensión. Son dados a ustedes por la Gracia del retorno de la Madre Divina, el aspecto femenino de la Conciencia Divina Que es el Poder, la Luz y la Energía de la Creación.

Ustedes todos están viviendo en este tiempo para ser bendecidos por la Gracia del Gran Cambio en el Cual lo Divino Gobernará toda la vida nuevamente al empoderar a todos los Seres con su propia Presencia.

La Luz y la Conciencia Divina que se está filtrando en su Tierra, está creciendo exponencialmente, como ustedes saben! Y así, queridos, es importante en este punto del tiempo tomar ventaja de esta enorme ayuda!

Ábranse a este Empoderamiento Divino y practiquen el discernimiento de lo que Son y lo que no son. Si aún no lo han descubierto, - se les está dando una gran cantidad de oportunidades para enfrentar las sombras de un ser falso al ellas surgir, y enfocarse en la Verdad de su propia e Inmaculada Naturaleza Divina y que sus hermanos y hermana, es el perdón con el cual han pedido involucrarse de momento a momento ahora!

Esta es la más rápida manera para la ascensión de la Humanidad a la Unidad de la Conciencia. Cada gesto de perdón enciende un corazón aún durmiente que necesita perdonar exactamente lo que ustedes eligieron perdonar, ya que son Una Humanidad.

Les agradecemos y los bendecimos por su dedicado servicio!

Nosotros Somos los Arcturianos!

Mensaje trasmitido por Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Traducción – Shanti

Voces de Arcturus y Andrómeda

Si copia o re-publica este mensaje respete estos créditos, el título y la imagen originales. Muchas Gracias!

Publicado Yesterday por LUZ ZOHAR

Etiquetas: ascensión de la Humanidadel perdónlos arcturianosUnidad de conciencia


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sharing.:::.▶ Urantia Book - Paper 109 - Introduction - WE ARE HERE IN SUPPORT OF YOU

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“Good morning Paul

We are the Arcturian’s.

As you know we are here to help and assist humanity and Gaia to move forward in this ascension. Not only on your planets but in this galaxy at this time. As you began to understand this ascension is a collaboration between the Creator, the heavenly forces, the heavenly bodies, Galactic Federation of light, the humans, the animals, and even the plants and inanimate matter on this planet including Gaia herself.
There is nothing in this galaxy that isn’t a part of this ascension process, for everything is connected to everything else. It is all part of a greater consciousness, that is why we are all working and striving together, to assist you to move to this new place and, ultimately, you as humans, the ones need to step forward, assist, make your own choices, bring in the higher levels of consciousness to allow the consciousness of this planet to expand and grow to a new place where it has never been before.
And you do that by leading the way, by expanding your own individual consciousness, extending it up output evermore into the higher dimensions, and bringing the aspects, the wisdom, the experience of those dimensions, and while you remain grounded on this planet you bring that information experience through and make a part of this reality. Therefore rising, raising and taking this planet to a new level of consciousness, remember you are all connected so while some maybe partaking on this expansion of consciousness, and some aren’t, that’s okay.
Because as you expand your consciousness that which becomes known to yourselves, based in the crystalline grid, the information grids of the consciousness and the consciousness itself of this planet, consciousness of humanity, and all that exist on this planet. As more and more becomes known of the high dimensions, that information ripples out to those who have only recently started their journey. Once it is done many times, it is then easier for those that follow to achieve the same, the same knowingness, the same experiences, the same connection to higher levels of consciousness.
Understand that this is important in this time, remember you humans are the captain of your flagship in the “Free will Zone”, while Gaia, the Creator, all of the Galactic Federation and higher dimensional beings including the Angelic realm, are all here are all here in support of you.
Ultimately you have your free will; we want you to understand that we are here in support of you. Remember that you can also call on us for assistance, though there are still certain galactic laws that we can’t transgress, so, unfortunately, there are some limitations in how much help we can provide to you. An example of this could be your governments, some global problems like Fukushima, environmental problems; these are part of the remnants of the old three-dimensional realm.
But as part of expanding your consciousness and bringing in the new knowledge of the higher realms solutions will become quickly and readily available, to make the shift, repair the damage and allow the process very beautifully and naturally transform, remember from a Soulic level there is much to be gained in learning the lessons, extending your consciousness beyond where you currently are.
Operating on higher levels of Information and solutions and bringing that into your current 3rd dimensional paradigm. Allowing it to be transformed to a new level. If this was simply done with the flip of a switch, there would be less gained from a Soulic wisdom point of view. So understand that this is a process of working together, at all levels, at all dimensions, that is why we are here, for we have all much to learn and gain out of the ascension of this beautiful planet in this beautiful galaxy.
For what happens here affects all, you have had great visionaries on this planet, you have many visionaries now and many more to come. Tune in with your inner guidance and align with those visionaries. Tap into their wisdom and seek inward the wisdom that you are, and that you can access as your many gifts start to grow and flourish. Remember you a much-needed assist this process from the ground level, do your inner work, be a shining light, connect to those higher dimensions and begin to live and be all that you are, and that will ripple out into your world and assist so many others.
We give you much love for you are great beings of light, we are your brothers and sisters and you will soon learn this is true. Be kind and gracious to yourself and all and all that are around you, for that allows a greater emanation of love, an expanded auric energy, and a higher frequency of yourself and all that is around you. For ultimately that is the goal. A greater connection with your higher self, the knowledge, the love, and all that is in the higher dimensions, your divine presence, and all that you are which is much more than this physical body that you are aware of.
We honor all of you, we are the Arcturians.
Be Blessed.”

© 2014 Copyright Paul Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Paul Marwood 

15th May 2014

Channeled by Paul Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
Image Credit: John Pitre

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By annamerkaba on May 15, 2014 • ( 7 )

The cosmic gateway of truth, light, love, harmony and abundance has once again opened its heavenly gates for all to partake of. After a long convalesce and recuperation from the energies sent to you through the Grand Cardinal Cross, it is now time to take a deep breath of liberation. For you have done much releasing and restructuring within your psyche, for much has transpired within your souls and earthly vehicles.

For many of you have indeed experienced the time without time, for many of you have indeed had to face your shadow selves in order to release the old, embrace your true selves and make room for the new. For many of you have indeed been plunged into your past, future and parallel realities meeting and merging with your “other selves”, pieces of your soul wandering through space and time, “touching base” if you will with ALL aspects of that which you are, maneuvering through an intricate dance of unconditional love and understanding of your own self.

And so, the time is nigh, the time has come for you to once again rejoice! Rejoice for the energies of abundance, love and light are upon you. For the Full Moon of your present reality has brought with her strong, overpowering energies of success, propelling you in the direction of your deepest desires and life purpose.

And so and thus, it is if utmost important for you to once again appeal to your own higher selves and ask that the energies unleashing onto Gaia be exposed to you now, for you to be filled with these loving energies, loving and supporting energies of cosmic proportions. For you stand in the wake of the grand moment that shall unfold on your GAIA

Arch Angel Michael’s tool works on Throat Chakra and Base Chakra simultaneously. We all know that AA Michael is an angel of truth, courage, strength, protection. AA Michael is represented by the BLUE color which is what you see on this tool, represented by Blue Topaz. This tool also incorporates the energies of the Base Chakra represented by Red Garnet. The reason is to activate your Base Charka stabilizing you in order to allow you to speak your truth, be courageous and feel at peace with your surroundings.

in months to come, as you stand in the wake of the grand opening of the events that shall propel humanity even further still to the new age, the new era of complete and utter understanding and openness of the informational decree bestowed upon humanity.

And so it is your chance, your opportunity to utilize the incoming energies to your advantage and to transform all that no longer positively serves you and stands in your way. For following the opening of the gateway of the Full Moon, you shall encounter an even greater push of the energies, push as if someone is pushing you into action, for you higher selves and your guarding angels are indeed pushing you to take action, take action and bring forth that which you wish to accomplish, bring forth your true selves, bring forth your own truth, and your experiences therein. For many of you such time shall come following May 20th and continue for the duration of several weeks. For the gates have indeed opened once more and the opportunity to take action is nigh.

We stand with you, waiting at the threshold for the new realities that are fastly unfolding before many of you, for many you have indeed began to see that which you have not been able to see prior, for many of you are indeed seeing us, in our natural form, as orbs, as light beings, as burst of energies, as angels, for we are here with you, for we always have been and we shall forever remain your loving companions.

We the angels and arch angels of the 33rd parallel of the 33rd Dimension, bow to you in gratitude and eternal unconditional love. We stand by you ready to assist you in all that you are. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye For now.

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–
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