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“Good morning Paul
We are the Arcturian’s.
As you know we are here to help and assist humanity and Gaia to move forward in this ascension. Not only on your planets but in this galaxy at this time. As you began to understand this ascension is a collaboration between the Creator, the heavenly forces, the heavenly bodies, Galactic Federation of light, the humans, the animals, and even the plants and inanimate matter on this planet including Gaia herself.
There is nothing in this galaxy that isn’t a part of this ascension process, for everything is connected to everything else. It is all part of a greater consciousness, that is why we are all working and striving together, to assist you to move to this new place and, ultimately, you as humans, the ones need to step forward, assist, make your own choices, bring in the higher levels of consciousness to allow the consciousness of this planet to expand and grow to a new place where it has never been before.
And you do that by leading the way, by expanding your own individual consciousness, extending it up output evermore into the higher dimensions, and bringing the aspects, the wisdom, the experience of those dimensions, and while you remain grounded on this planet you bring that information experience through and make a part of this reality. Therefore rising, raising and taking this planet to a new level of consciousness, remember you are all connected so while some maybe partaking on this expansion of consciousness, and some aren’t, that’s okay.
Because as you expand your consciousness that which becomes known to yourselves, based in the crystalline grid, the information grids of the consciousness and the consciousness itself of this planet, consciousness of humanity, and all that exist on this planet. As more and more becomes known of the high dimensions, that information ripples out to those who have only recently started their journey. Once it is done many times, it is then easier for those that follow to achieve the same, the same knowingness, the same experiences, the same connection to higher levels of consciousness.
Understand that this is important in this time, remember you humans are the captain of your flagship in the “Free will Zone”, while Gaia, the Creator, all of the Galactic Federation and higher dimensional beings including the Angelic realm, are all here are all here in support of you.
Ultimately you have your free will; we want you to understand that we are here in support of you. Remember that you can also call on us for assistance, though there are still certain galactic laws that we can’t transgress, so, unfortunately, there are some limitations in how much help we can provide to you. An example of this could be your governments, some global problems like Fukushima, environmental problems; these are part of the remnants of the old three-dimensional realm.
But as part of expanding your consciousness and bringing in the new knowledge of the higher realms solutions will become quickly and readily available, to make the shift, repair the damage and allow the process very beautifully and naturally transform, remember from a Soulic level there is much to be gained in learning the lessons, extending your consciousness beyond where you currently are.
Operating on higher levels of Information and solutions and bringing that into your current 3rd dimensional paradigm. Allowing it to be transformed to a new level. If this was simply done with the flip of a switch, there would be less gained from a Soulic wisdom point of view. So understand that this is a process of working together, at all levels, at all dimensions, that is why we are here, for we have all much to learn and gain out of the ascension of this beautiful planet in this beautiful galaxy.
For what happens here affects all, you have had great visionaries on this planet, you have many visionaries now and many more to come. Tune in with your inner guidance and align with those visionaries. Tap into their wisdom and seek inward the wisdom that you are, and that you can access as your many gifts start to grow and flourish. Remember you a much-needed assist this process from the ground level, do your inner work, be a shining light, connect to those higher dimensions and begin to live and be all that you are, and that will ripple out into your world and assist so many others.
We give you much love for you are great beings of light, we are your brothers and sisters and you will soon learn this is true. Be kind and gracious to yourself and all and all that are around you, for that allows a greater emanation of love, an expanded auric energy, and a higher frequency of yourself and all that is around you. For ultimately that is the goal. A greater connection with your higher self, the knowledge, the love, and all that is in the higher dimensions, your divine presence, and all that you are which is much more than this physical body that you are aware of.
We honor all of you, we are the Arcturians.
Be Blessed.”
© 2014 Copyright Paul Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the author and a link to www.AkashaHealingStudio.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Paul Marwood www.AkashaHealingStudio.com
Channeled by Paul Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
Image Credit: John Pitre www.johnpitre.com
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traducir /Translate / Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
překládat / ترجم / לתרגם / 翻訳する / 翻译
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
překládat / ترجم / לתרגם / 翻訳する / 翻译
“Good morning Paul
We are the Arcturian’s.
As you know we are here to help and assist humanity and Gaia to move forward in this ascension. Not only on your planets but in this galaxy at this time. As you began to understand this ascension is a collaboration between the Creator, the heavenly forces, the heavenly bodies, Galactic Federation of light, the humans, the animals, and even the plants and inanimate matter on this planet including Gaia herself.
There is nothing in this galaxy that isn’t a part of this ascension process, for everything is connected to everything else. It is all part of a greater consciousness, that is why we are all working and striving together, to assist you to move to this new place and, ultimately, you as humans, the ones need to step forward, assist, make your own choices, bring in the higher levels of consciousness to allow the consciousness of this planet to expand and grow to a new place where it has never been before.
And you do that by leading the way, by expanding your own individual consciousness, extending it up output evermore into the higher dimensions, and bringing the aspects, the wisdom, the experience of those dimensions, and while you remain grounded on this planet you bring that information experience through and make a part of this reality. Therefore rising, raising and taking this planet to a new level of consciousness, remember you are all connected so while some maybe partaking on this expansion of consciousness, and some aren’t, that’s okay.
Because as you expand your consciousness that which becomes known to yourselves, based in the crystalline grid, the information grids of the consciousness and the consciousness itself of this planet, consciousness of humanity, and all that exist on this planet. As more and more becomes known of the high dimensions, that information ripples out to those who have only recently started their journey. Once it is done many times, it is then easier for those that follow to achieve the same, the same knowingness, the same experiences, the same connection to higher levels of consciousness.
Understand that this is important in this time, remember you humans are the captain of your flagship in the “Free will Zone”, while Gaia, the Creator, all of the Galactic Federation and higher dimensional beings including the Angelic realm, are all here are all here in support of you.
Ultimately you have your free will; we want you to understand that we are here in support of you. Remember that you can also call on us for assistance, though there are still certain galactic laws that we can’t transgress, so, unfortunately, there are some limitations in how much help we can provide to you. An example of this could be your governments, some global problems like Fukushima, environmental problems; these are part of the remnants of the old three-dimensional realm.
But as part of expanding your consciousness and bringing in the new knowledge of the higher realms solutions will become quickly and readily available, to make the shift, repair the damage and allow the process very beautifully and naturally transform, remember from a Soulic level there is much to be gained in learning the lessons, extending your consciousness beyond where you currently are.
Operating on higher levels of Information and solutions and bringing that into your current 3rd dimensional paradigm. Allowing it to be transformed to a new level. If this was simply done with the flip of a switch, there would be less gained from a Soulic wisdom point of view. So understand that this is a process of working together, at all levels, at all dimensions, that is why we are here, for we have all much to learn and gain out of the ascension of this beautiful planet in this beautiful galaxy.
For what happens here affects all, you have had great visionaries on this planet, you have many visionaries now and many more to come. Tune in with your inner guidance and align with those visionaries. Tap into their wisdom and seek inward the wisdom that you are, and that you can access as your many gifts start to grow and flourish. Remember you a much-needed assist this process from the ground level, do your inner work, be a shining light, connect to those higher dimensions and begin to live and be all that you are, and that will ripple out into your world and assist so many others.
We give you much love for you are great beings of light, we are your brothers and sisters and you will soon learn this is true. Be kind and gracious to yourself and all and all that are around you, for that allows a greater emanation of love, an expanded auric energy, and a higher frequency of yourself and all that is around you. For ultimately that is the goal. A greater connection with your higher self, the knowledge, the love, and all that is in the higher dimensions, your divine presence, and all that you are which is much more than this physical body that you are aware of.
We honor all of you, we are the Arcturians.
Be Blessed.”
© 2014 Copyright Paul Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the author and a link to www.AkashaHealingStudio.com clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Paul Marwood www.AkashaHealingStudio.com
15th May 2014
Channeled by Paul MarwoodTranscribed by Paul Marwood
Image Credit: John Pitre www.johnpitre.com
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By annamerkaba on May 15, 2014 • ( 7 )

The cosmic gateway of truth, light, love, harmony and abundance has once again opened its heavenly gates for all to partake of. After a long convalesce and recuperation from the energies sent to you through the Grand Cardinal Cross, it is now time to take a deep breath of liberation. For you have done much releasing and restructuring within your psyche, for much has transpired within your souls and earthly vehicles.
For many of you have indeed experienced the time without time, for many of you have indeed had to face your shadow selves in order to release the old, embrace your true selves and make room for the new. For many of you have indeed been plunged into your past, future and parallel realities meeting and merging with your “other selves”, pieces of your soul wandering through space and time, “touching base” if you will with ALL aspects of that which you are, maneuvering through an intricate dance of unconditional love and understanding of your own self.
And so, the time is nigh, the time has come for you to once again rejoice! Rejoice for the energies of abundance, love and light are upon you. For the Full Moon of your present reality has brought with her strong, overpowering energies of success, propelling you in the direction of your deepest desires and life purpose.
And so and thus, it is if utmost important for you to once again appeal to your own higher selves and ask that the energies unleashing onto Gaia be exposed to you now, for you to be filled with these loving energies, loving and supporting energies of cosmic proportions. For you stand in the wake of the grand moment that shall unfold on your GAIA

Arch Angel Michael’s tool works on Throat Chakra and Base Chakra simultaneously. We all know that AA Michael is an angel of truth, courage, strength, protection. AA Michael is represented by the BLUE color which is what you see on this tool, represented by Blue Topaz. This tool also incorporates the energies of the Base Chakra represented by Red Garnet. The reason is to activate your Base Charka stabilizing you in order to allow you to speak your truth, be courageous and feel at peace with your surroundings.
in months to come, as you stand in the wake of the grand opening of the events that shall propel humanity even further still to the new age, the new era of complete and utter understanding and openness of the informational decree bestowed upon humanity.
And so it is your chance, your opportunity to utilize the incoming energies to your advantage and to transform all that no longer positively serves you and stands in your way. For following the opening of the gateway of the Full Moon, you shall encounter an even greater push of the energies, push as if someone is pushing you into action, for you higher selves and your guarding angels are indeed pushing you to take action, take action and bring forth that which you wish to accomplish, bring forth your true selves, bring forth your own truth, and your experiences therein. For many of you such time shall come following May 20th and continue for the duration of several weeks. For the gates have indeed opened once more and the opportunity to take action is nigh.
stand with you, waiting at the threshold for the new realities that are
fastly unfolding before many of you, for many you have indeed began to
see that which you have not been able to see prior, for many of you are
indeed seeing us, in our natural form, as orbs, as light beings, as
burst of energies, as angels, for we are here with you, for we always
have been and we shall forever remain your loving companions.
We the angels and arch angels of the 33rd parallel of the 33rd Dimension, bow to you in gratitude and eternal unconditional love. We stand by you ready to assist you in all that you are. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye For now.
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
* * * By annamerkaba on May 15, 2014 • ( 7 )
The cosmic gateway of truth, light, love, harmony and abundance has once again opened its heavenly gates for all to partake of. After a long convalesce and recuperation from the energies sent to you through the Grand Cardinal Cross, it is now time to take a deep breath of liberation. For you have done much releasing and restructuring within your psyche, for much has transpired within your souls and earthly vehicles.
For many of you have indeed experienced the time without time, for many of you have indeed had to face your shadow selves in order to release the old, embrace your true selves and make room for the new. For many of you have indeed been plunged into your past, future and parallel realities meeting and merging with your “other selves”, pieces of your soul wandering through space and time, “touching base” if you will with ALL aspects of that which you are, maneuvering through an intricate dance of unconditional love and understanding of your own self.
And so, the time is nigh, the time has come for you to once again rejoice! Rejoice for the energies of abundance, love and light are upon you. For the Full Moon of your present reality has brought with her strong, overpowering energies of success, propelling you in the direction of your deepest desires and life purpose.
And so and thus, it is if utmost important for you to once again appeal to your own higher selves and ask that the energies unleashing onto Gaia be exposed to you now, for you to be filled with these loving energies, loving and supporting energies of cosmic proportions. For you stand in the wake of the grand moment that shall unfold on your GAIA
Arch Angel Michael’s tool works on Throat Chakra and Base Chakra simultaneously. We all know that AA Michael is an angel of truth, courage, strength, protection. AA Michael is represented by the BLUE color which is what you see on this tool, represented by Blue Topaz. This tool also incorporates the energies of the Base Chakra represented by Red Garnet. The reason is to activate your Base Charka stabilizing you in order to allow you to speak your truth, be courageous and feel at peace with your surroundings.
in months to come, as you stand in the wake of the grand opening of the events that shall propel humanity even further still to the new age, the new era of complete and utter understanding and openness of the informational decree bestowed upon humanity.
And so it is your chance, your opportunity to utilize the incoming energies to your advantage and to transform all that no longer positively serves you and stands in your way. For following the opening of the gateway of the Full Moon, you shall encounter an even greater push of the energies, push as if someone is pushing you into action, for you higher selves and your guarding angels are indeed pushing you to take action, take action and bring forth that which you wish to accomplish, bring forth your true selves, bring forth your own truth, and your experiences therein. For many of you such time shall come following May 20th and continue for the duration of several weeks. For the gates have indeed opened once more and the opportunity to take action is nigh.
We the angels and arch angels of the 33rd parallel of the 33rd Dimension, bow to you in gratitude and eternal unconditional love. We stand by you ready to assist you in all that you are. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye For now.
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
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