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Greetings, I am Taugth, a celestial aboard Athabantian, speaking for the many. We wish to speak with you this day about the creation of Abiquor.
The manifestation of Abiquor is an event that has never before been accomplished. Let us explain as follows. The density of Earth is unusual – much more dense that that which occurs in Andromeda. While the Andromedans have manifested all manner of structures and starships before, this undertaking is beyond anything they have attempted.
When we celestials look at things from your perspective we can well imagine that you see this project as audacious, outrageous, or impossible. How can anyone manifest something so large as multi-story buildings? How can anyone manifest a whole community, a community with surrounding farmlands?
When viewed with 3rd Dimension eyes, such a manifestation event is clearly impossible. However when see from the perspective of Creator, nothing is impossible, after all Creator manifested this entire universe. So we are simply involving the energies of the Godhead, of prime Creator, and why not, since we are one with the Godhead?
A collective effort such as we celestials, along with the Andromedans, are undertaking – you notice we did not say the word, “attempting” – requires the participation of many creators. Some are the same beings who create individual worlds; others are the humans aboard Athabantian On the one hand we are tapping into the creative energies of great beings of light. On the other hand we are utilizing the focus of your brothers and sisters from the worlds of Andromeda. We are employing the power and intelligence of those who are masters of this type of endeavor.
Yes, we have previously manifested great structures. Yes, we have manifested great starships. These have been done with the collective energies of many beings focused on a particular effort. There is no question about the ability of great beings to manifest such a grand project in physical form, because many things have been manifested in physical form. In fact all in physical form has been manifested from the non-physical.
Though your work with Archangels, Mark, you have acquired the ability to know. You now “know,” without question, without words, that the manifestation of Abiquor can happen. You know that it NOT just within the realm of possibilities, rather it is truly doable. We are sure this changes your perspective.
The physical form of Earth is changing. Earth is slowly moving herself to a higher, lighter density. The evidence for this is coming to the consciousness of all who are aware. It will accelerate over the next months. By the end of your year 2014, Earth will be in a lighter density.
As this is achieved, as far as Earth’s physical form is concerned, there will be a point when Abiquor can be manifested. We look upon this as preparing the soil for a new crop. By this juncture, the appropriate physical location for Abiquor will be finalized.
The next step in this process is to move from “knowing Abiquor can be done” to “knowing that Abiquor will be done.” This entails the continued focus of all aboard Athabantian plus those of you who are anchoring Abiquor. By anchoring we mean that you, humans of Earth, intend that Abiquor will be manifested, AND that you are focusing your attention on such a manifestation on a regular basis. Manifesting is always a joint co-creation; it occurs between individual beings and the Godhead, for the Godhead is involved in all creation.
In the case of Abiquor, this co-creation process will take place with myriad celestials, those aboard Athabantian and elsewhere, Andromedans in physical form and non-physical aboard Athabantian, and the humans of Earth who are focused, plus, of course, the Godhead.
Make no mistake manifesting Abiquor and its surrounding support facilities is a monumental project. The structures of Abiquor are quite large, a building to train up to 1,000 students at any one time, residential facilities to house students, teachers, and support staff. Then there are surrounding buildings to provide food and other facilities.
Abiquor will radiate its energy of transformation, training, reorganization, cleansing, and oneness throughout the universe. In addition to training Caretakers to reorganize everything, it will train those who will go out to the other planets of the universe to show them what has been accomplished.
In the larger perspective, the transformation of Earth from a very dense 3rdDimension to a 5th Dimension is an exciting and important adventure. All within the universe are aware and watching. Never before has the 5thDimension been bought into such a dense level of existence. Yes, the density of your planet and it residents is being raised to accommodate 5thDimension energy, like meeting it part way. However, it still remains that the 5th Dimension is being brought into dense physical form; Abiquor is an important part of this.
One key to all of this is to understand that you are a great being of light. Yes, Mark, it is true, when you hold the 5th Dimension, you are a great being of light. So are those who offer their energies to the manifestation of Abiquor. Each is a great being of light. I, Taugth, am a great being of light, as are all aboard Athabantian, as is the vast majority of the universe.
None are better than you, for the 5th Dimension is a collective of vast numbers of beings of light. To have individual humans of earth accept that they are great beings of light is essential to the manifestation of Abiquor. More than any other, that is the process that will occur over the next months, achieving that knowing is what will uplift the humans of Earth to the lighter densities.
Now that you “know” it can happen, all that remains is to intend it and allow it to happen. Do not attempt to force it to happen or become anxious. We invite all who read these words to join with us in co-creating Abiquor.
On behalf of all aboard Athabantian, we love you more than you know. We support your transformation, and await your joining us. Blessings.
Through Mark Kimmel
Posted 30th September 2012 by Juan Pablo
Labels: abiquorAthabantian Starshipawakening processCelestial Beingscreating new earthTaught
Greetings, I am Taugth, a celestial aboard Athabantian, speaking for the many. We wish to speak with you this day about the creation of Abiquor.
The manifestation of Abiquor is an event that has never before been accomplished. Let us explain as follows. The density of Earth is unusual – much more dense that that which occurs in Andromeda. While the Andromedans have manifested all manner of structures and starships before, this undertaking is beyond anything they have attempted.
When we celestials look at things from your perspective we can well imagine that you see this project as audacious, outrageous, or impossible. How can anyone manifest something so large as multi-story buildings? How can anyone manifest a whole community, a community with surrounding farmlands?
When viewed with 3rd Dimension eyes, such a manifestation event is clearly impossible. However when see from the perspective of Creator, nothing is impossible, after all Creator manifested this entire universe. So we are simply involving the energies of the Godhead, of prime Creator, and why not, since we are one with the Godhead?
A collective effort such as we celestials, along with the Andromedans, are undertaking – you notice we did not say the word, “attempting” – requires the participation of many creators. Some are the same beings who create individual worlds; others are the humans aboard Athabantian On the one hand we are tapping into the creative energies of great beings of light. On the other hand we are utilizing the focus of your brothers and sisters from the worlds of Andromeda. We are employing the power and intelligence of those who are masters of this type of endeavor.
Yes, we have previously manifested great structures. Yes, we have manifested great starships. These have been done with the collective energies of many beings focused on a particular effort. There is no question about the ability of great beings to manifest such a grand project in physical form, because many things have been manifested in physical form. In fact all in physical form has been manifested from the non-physical.
Though your work with Archangels, Mark, you have acquired the ability to know. You now “know,” without question, without words, that the manifestation of Abiquor can happen. You know that it NOT just within the realm of possibilities, rather it is truly doable. We are sure this changes your perspective.
The physical form of Earth is changing. Earth is slowly moving herself to a higher, lighter density. The evidence for this is coming to the consciousness of all who are aware. It will accelerate over the next months. By the end of your year 2014, Earth will be in a lighter density.
As this is achieved, as far as Earth’s physical form is concerned, there will be a point when Abiquor can be manifested. We look upon this as preparing the soil for a new crop. By this juncture, the appropriate physical location for Abiquor will be finalized.
The next step in this process is to move from “knowing Abiquor can be done” to “knowing that Abiquor will be done.” This entails the continued focus of all aboard Athabantian plus those of you who are anchoring Abiquor. By anchoring we mean that you, humans of Earth, intend that Abiquor will be manifested, AND that you are focusing your attention on such a manifestation on a regular basis. Manifesting is always a joint co-creation; it occurs between individual beings and the Godhead, for the Godhead is involved in all creation.
In the case of Abiquor, this co-creation process will take place with myriad celestials, those aboard Athabantian and elsewhere, Andromedans in physical form and non-physical aboard Athabantian, and the humans of Earth who are focused, plus, of course, the Godhead.
Make no mistake manifesting Abiquor and its surrounding support facilities is a monumental project. The structures of Abiquor are quite large, a building to train up to 1,000 students at any one time, residential facilities to house students, teachers, and support staff. Then there are surrounding buildings to provide food and other facilities.
Abiquor will radiate its energy of transformation, training, reorganization, cleansing, and oneness throughout the universe. In addition to training Caretakers to reorganize everything, it will train those who will go out to the other planets of the universe to show them what has been accomplished.
In the larger perspective, the transformation of Earth from a very dense 3rdDimension to a 5th Dimension is an exciting and important adventure. All within the universe are aware and watching. Never before has the 5thDimension been bought into such a dense level of existence. Yes, the density of your planet and it residents is being raised to accommodate 5thDimension energy, like meeting it part way. However, it still remains that the 5th Dimension is being brought into dense physical form; Abiquor is an important part of this.
One key to all of this is to understand that you are a great being of light. Yes, Mark, it is true, when you hold the 5th Dimension, you are a great being of light. So are those who offer their energies to the manifestation of Abiquor. Each is a great being of light. I, Taugth, am a great being of light, as are all aboard Athabantian, as is the vast majority of the universe.
None are better than you, for the 5th Dimension is a collective of vast numbers of beings of light. To have individual humans of earth accept that they are great beings of light is essential to the manifestation of Abiquor. More than any other, that is the process that will occur over the next months, achieving that knowing is what will uplift the humans of Earth to the lighter densities.
Now that you “know” it can happen, all that remains is to intend it and allow it to happen. Do not attempt to force it to happen or become anxious. We invite all who read these words to join with us in co-creating Abiquor.
On behalf of all aboard Athabantian, we love you more than you know. We support your transformation, and await your joining us. Blessings.
Through Mark Kimmel
Posted 30th September 2012 by Juan Pablo
Labels: abiquorAthabantian Starshipawakening processCelestial Beingscreating new earthTaught
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▶ Healing Sounds From Arcturus Video - YouTube
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Puedes expandir los hilos de la Matrix para salirte de ésta con tu consciente. Esto te abre una nueva perspectiva y un nuevo punto de vista. Este Código de Activación establece una expansión de la Matrix para que puedas viajar a través de esta con tu consciente.
Transmitido el 07.06.1995 en Cissbury Rings
Publicado 25th July 2011 por Shanti
Hay algunas eras y ciertas pasajes del tiempo astrológico, hay ciertos sistemas planetarios dentro del sistema solar que están medidos en la distancia que el sistema solar esta viajando alrededor de la galaxia. Hay algunos pasajes en el continuo espacio-tiempo donde la energía de la Gracia se vuelve más accesible y poderosa. En este punto de energía de Gracia, si el alma está encarnada en ese lugar tiene la oportunidad de hacer enormes avances y tiene la oportunidad de superar o limpiar y resolver problemas kármicos muy grandes. Ahora es ese momento, en el 2011 y 2012 la experiencia de la Gracia es posible. Esta Gracia desde la Ascensión es un antídoto para el karma y permite grandes beneficios para el alma. Este tiempo es excelente para la evolución del alma aquí en la Tierra.
Su alma sabía esto cuando vino a la Tierra. Su alma sabía que había grandes oportunidades y que había 2 poderosas vías. La primera vía era la vía de la conciencia porque iba a haber una apertura de energía espiritual en el planeta. Igualmente y quizás más importante, su alma sabía iba a haber una oportunidad para experimentar una increíble energía de Gracia que llevaría a la Ascensión.
Permitámonos ser claros, la Ascensión significa que ustedes han limpiado su karma terrestre. En algunas circunstancias, las personas tienen 5 u 8 vidas de experiencias en vidas cortas aquí en la Tierra a causa de la aceleración del continuo espacio-tiempo. Desde la Mente Superior esta es una oportunidad fantástica.
Quiero volver a la idea de evolución del alma porque es difícil hablar de la evolución del alma con terminología de tercera dimensión ya que ustedes ven, correctamente, el alma como un ser perfecto. El alma es eterna. ¿Por qué el alma tiene que evolucionar? En la perspectiva de quinta dimensión no hay evolución como la de tercera dimensión porque de alguna forma implica falta de perfección. Nosotros no podemos hablar de esto de una forma lógica, sólo puedo intentar hablar de ello o alrededor de ello para que tengan una idea.
La idea es que el alma necesita un cierto tipo de experiencia. El alma ha estado en muchos diversos planos y en diversos planetas. Algunas almas sólo han estado en un planeta, la Tierra. Muchos de ustedes que están en este grupo han estado en muchos planetas distintos. Yo he hablado con muchos de ustedes mediante este canal y sé que han tenido diversas vidas en otros planetas. Cuando ustedes se abran a la Mente Superior estarán satisfechos de saber que han tenido muchas experiencias distintas. Algunos de ustedes han tenido experiencias en otros planetas de tercera dimensión.
Yo he trabajado con algunos de ustedes que han estado en otros planetas que fueron destruidos. He trabajado con algunos de ustedes que han tenido experiencias en la Atlántida donde vieron una destrucción total de una civilización.
Algunos de ustedes realmente han visto destruirse un planeta entero exactamente en el mismo nivel de energía al que la Tierra está llegando. Desde su perspectiva, todas las cosas que están pasando les son familiares, inquietantemente familiares, añadiría. Me doy cuenta de que lo que ahora está pasando en la Tierra es traumático y está generando una gran cantidad de trauma emocional para todos ustedes. No sólo está causando trauma por lo que están viendo, también está reactivando sus memorias pasadas de cómo ustedes vieron esto.
A través de David MIller
Julio 2011
Publicado 26th July 2011 por Shanti
Etiquetas: despertar espiritual evolución del alma y la mente superior evolución individual karma
“Te amo, incondicionalmente, y enciendo el Fuego Violeta en la emanación que estás enviando a mí. Bendigo que tú también, encuentres la paz que estoy ganando dentro de la nueva y expandida versión de mi Ser”.
“ Queridos Arcturianos, estoy listo/a para integrar mi Sistema Operativo Multidimensional de manera de que pueda retornar completamente a mi SER Multidimensional . Desde esa perspectiva de mi SER puedo percibir mi físico, mi cuerpo ascendente como un ancla que Yo, mi gran SER Multidimensional, he sumergido en el cuerpo de la amada Gaia.”

Eres un Ser Poderoso.
Este Código de Activación canaliza tu energía y las guía en situaciones que quieres cambiar. Con tu poder puedes dar un nuevo rumbo a tu vida. Se consciente de tu poder, entonces empezará a deshacerse la estructura en la que te mueves y la Matrix se volverá más radiante.
Reconoce tu poder y aplica tus capacidades.

Transmitido el 24.07.2002 en Barbury Castle
Publicado 24th July 2011 por Shanti
Etiquetas: despertar de la conciencia Poder interior
Cree en ti haz silencio interno , habla cuando sea necesario hablar , siente en ti la dicha y el gozo del noble silencio , irradia la plenitud y la paz que el silencio significa , expande vibra irradia la paz pero sobre todo SÉ la paz ...
Consejo Zenatae
Publicado Yesterday por LUZ ZOHAR
Etiquetas: Andrómeda Consejo Zenatae de Morean el silencio interior
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“Te amo, incondicionalmente, y enciendo el Fuego Violeta en la emanación que estás enviando a mí. Bendigo que tú también, encuentres la paz que estoy ganando dentro de la nueva y expandida versión de mi Ser”.
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