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Ashtar Speaks: “Contact”
Ashtar Sheran
Ashtar Through Philipp
Thursday, April 3, 2014
We, your Galactic Family, are in the process of organizing the physical contact with you. It is imminent.
The contact between us will be individually down on your beloved planet Gaia. There will be neither mass landings nor a beaming aboard a ship. Rather we will visit those of you who have managed to raise their energies to a certain level that matches with our own energy.
Please make no mistake: Such an encounter makes high demands on our energy vessels. Our energy levels are on different stages and we, to cope with your levels, have to lower our energy to a certain degree. Such degree is the bottom and to go further down could cause us serious damage. That is the reason why you have to meet us halfway.
What can you expect from our contacts? How does the contact happen?
We can assure you that we will not approach you suddenly out of the blue and cause you fear or any other unpleasant feelings. The contact will happen in a situation which you are familiar with.
Each contact will be individually, tailor made so to speak, to cover the needs of each of you. There a plenty of possibilities how we can achieve our goal to meet you without frightening you “to the death”. For some, the contact could happen while they are on a walk or preparing to relax in front of the TV. For others it could be whilst they are preparing for meditation in a quiet place of their home. The possibilities are endless but again, always focused on your well being.
Although each contact will be individually and tailor-made, all contacts will have the same underlying principle:
The contact will happen while you are wide awake.
It will not happen during your sleep or meditation. It will happen when you are fully awake and anchored in your body. You will experience it with all your senses. It is exactly the same as you would meet a beloved member of your family or a friend. And in fact, we are your family!
You are allowed to take pictures and make recordings. Please share these widely. Can you discern what impact this will have on the Disclosure process? Think big and then even bigger. And yes, we know how much you like “Selfies” and we are looking forward to your creativity in taking pictures with us.
There are concerns of how to interact with us. First of all, we are as much as eager as you are to finally reconnect with you.
We, too, will be “nervous” and we understand how nervous you must be when you meet us. Just listen to your heart and follow its advice. And you will perfectly know how to “behave” during the contact.
“When will the contact happen?” is your next question. As stated above, it will happen when you have sufficiently raised your energy levels and during the best occasion to meet you.
But many contacts have already happen. Because more and more of you are reaching the required energy levels, the contacts will gain momentum exceptionally.
Words are insufficient to express our deep joy to meeting you “face to face”.
Go in peace and be assured of our never ending Love for you!
On behalf of your Galactic Family,
your brother
Dear All,
There might be those asking you how to raise one’s energy.
Here is my input:
Don’t approach this with your mind. Don’t impose “I should” mantras on you. All that is required from you is to let go and focusing on Love. How “to let go” is perfectly explained in Taryn Crimi’s channeling which you can find here:
And there are many other posts on this topic.
Make “I am Love” your new everyday’s mantra. Approach every situation at least with a loving intend. And say good bye to old stuff that doesn’t suit you anymore.
At least, this is my approach to raise my energy level.
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Ashtar Speaks: “Contact”
Ashtar Sheran
Ashtar Through Philipp
Thursday, April 3, 2014
We, your Galactic Family, are in the process of organizing the physical contact with you. It is imminent.
The contact between us will be individually down on your beloved planet Gaia. There will be neither mass landings nor a beaming aboard a ship. Rather we will visit those of you who have managed to raise their energies to a certain level that matches with our own energy.
Please make no mistake: Such an encounter makes high demands on our energy vessels. Our energy levels are on different stages and we, to cope with your levels, have to lower our energy to a certain degree. Such degree is the bottom and to go further down could cause us serious damage. That is the reason why you have to meet us halfway.
What can you expect from our contacts? How does the contact happen?
We can assure you that we will not approach you suddenly out of the blue and cause you fear or any other unpleasant feelings. The contact will happen in a situation which you are familiar with.
Each contact will be individually, tailor made so to speak, to cover the needs of each of you. There a plenty of possibilities how we can achieve our goal to meet you without frightening you “to the death”. For some, the contact could happen while they are on a walk or preparing to relax in front of the TV. For others it could be whilst they are preparing for meditation in a quiet place of their home. The possibilities are endless but again, always focused on your well being.
Although each contact will be individually and tailor-made, all contacts will have the same underlying principle:
The contact will happen while you are wide awake.
It will not happen during your sleep or meditation. It will happen when you are fully awake and anchored in your body. You will experience it with all your senses. It is exactly the same as you would meet a beloved member of your family or a friend. And in fact, we are your family!
You are allowed to take pictures and make recordings. Please share these widely. Can you discern what impact this will have on the Disclosure process? Think big and then even bigger. And yes, we know how much you like “Selfies” and we are looking forward to your creativity in taking pictures with us.
There are concerns of how to interact with us. First of all, we are as much as eager as you are to finally reconnect with you.
We, too, will be “nervous” and we understand how nervous you must be when you meet us. Just listen to your heart and follow its advice. And you will perfectly know how to “behave” during the contact.
“When will the contact happen?” is your next question. As stated above, it will happen when you have sufficiently raised your energy levels and during the best occasion to meet you.
But many contacts have already happen. Because more and more of you are reaching the required energy levels, the contacts will gain momentum exceptionally.
Words are insufficient to express our deep joy to meeting you “face to face”.
Go in peace and be assured of our never ending Love for you!
On behalf of your Galactic Family,
your brother
Dear All,
There might be those asking you how to raise one’s energy.
Here is my input:
Don’t approach this with your mind. Don’t impose “I should” mantras on you. All that is required from you is to let go and focusing on Love. How “to let go” is perfectly explained in Taryn Crimi’s channeling which you can find here:
And there are many other posts on this topic.
Make “I am Love” your new everyday’s mantra. Approach every situation at least with a loving intend. And say good bye to old stuff that doesn’t suit you anymore.
At least, this is my approach to raise my energy level.
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