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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
An Interdimensional Journey -- The Arcturians
An Inter-dimensional Journey

Arcturian Morning Message
We always have a message for you as we live within the NOW. Therefore, our essence, which flows through all of our grounded ones, is a constant open channel for the multidimensional light and unconditional loves that infinitely flows through the NOW of the ONE.
As you touch in with us each morning, you can align you consciousness with this flow to receive whatever information your Soul needs within this NOW. Therefore, please close your eyes and open your heart to align your consciousness with the Flow.
As you do so, feel the instant connection in your heart as you release all third dimensional thoughts while you also maintain a connection with your physical vessel. Feel how this flow lifts your spirit up above and beyond your body and into the higher dimensional worlds.
Feel your connection to your earth vessel and use it as an anchor for your consciousness as well as a portal through which you can share your experience with Gaia. Gaia is so very happy to feel the emanations that you are pulling through your personal portal and sending into her heart.
Remember that your every thought and every emotion goes into the heart of Gaia. Fortunately, the higher frequency thoughts and emotions serve as a “virus protector” against the myriad fearful and angry thoughts that linger in Gaia’s aura/atmosphere.
With your self fully grounded and in service to your planet, you can now let go of any restraints that hold you back from your higher experience of inter-dimensional travel. Just relax into the wonderful sensations that you are having in your body. Feel how you are light as a feather and as diffuse as a cloud.
Now feel the solid core of your consciousness that is the core of your essence. You will take this core with you to any and every dimension and reality that you choose to visit. Where would you like to go today?
We instantly hear your that your response is Venus. Yes, you have had many incarnations on Gaia’s sister Venus, which is why you so love Gaia. When Gaia is fifth dimensional, she will be called by her true name, Gaia, rather than by her designation, which is Earth.
That designation will no longer be appropriate because she will not be of that density. Would you like to go through the portal of Venus to visit fifth dimensional Gaia? Yes, we hear your joy at that offer and are happy to share it with you. Begin your journey by realigning with your earth form sitting in the chair.
Feel how its frequency is rising as you surrender to our essence and the information that we are sending into your heart. As you may remember, inter-dimensional travel is within the NOW. Hence, no time elapses between the now of your intention and the NOW of the fulfillment of that intention.
You see the familiar shores of Venus, which have always been within your consciousness. You walk/float over to the pink waters to feel their effervescent nature on the thought form of your body. You lean over to run your hand through the water to see the myriad sparkles that arise as you do so.
You can also hear the slight sound, which is similar to laugher, as you wade through the sparkling waters. As you leave the waters, you find that you are flying, flowing above the land to an area that you have not yet consciously visited.
Since you are in the fifth dimension you do not need to travel across space, but you choose to do so to better see the beautiful landscape of fifth dimensional Venus. Below and around you, as your perceptions are multidimensional, are many fifth dimensional thought forms in various stages of manifestation.
On Venus these are called “floating thought forms.” Since your have left your intention open, you are on the frequency of floating thoughts, which there are many ideas that have not yet been fulfilled. You could enter any of these thought forms with your consciousness, which would allow to visit that possible reality.
Oh here is a thought form that resonates to your heart, and we see you wish to enter it. All you need do to enter the thought form is to open your heart and call it with your mind. Yes, there you are again in the place that often lingers on the edge of your perceptions.
You are among the welcome party who is welcoming new members to Gaia’s fifth dimensional reality. Since your consciousness if beyond time, you can travel to a reality, which has not yet occurred in your third dimensional life.
You have come to this threshold of “New Earth” quite often. Hence, you have learned that Gaia’s sister Venus protects this portal. In this manner, only those who can calibrate their heart and mind to the frequency of Venus can enter this frequency of Earth.
Gaia has learned her lesson that in order to hold Her true resonance, she will need to be more discriminating about the frequency of Her inhabitants. As you cross the threshold of New Earth, you perceive a ledge of light that floats above the darkness.
This darkness is the frequencies that Gaia is leaving and the ledge of light is the frequency to which she is returning. We say, “returning” because all life steams from light and only experiencing darkness in a third dimensional, polarized reality.
Free the separation of polarity, Gaia can float above that which has harmed her body and harmed your eco system. As you look up in frequency, you can vaguely perceive another Gaia that has always been.
All life flows from Source and remains in all of its higher expressions as it “dips its toes” in the lower frequencies of reality. The “New Earth” that you have experienced is “Threshold New Earth.”
You can clearly see now how many members of 3D Earth have bi-located to this frequency of Earth to welcome newcomers to this higher frequency. Can you feel the celebration now as old friends meet on this frequency, while those where were strangers in the lower frequencies instantly recognize each other?
Feel your self-hugging your many friends that you have made during myriad incarnations on physical Earth. Relax into this moment of joy and store it in your heart. Feel how this joy heals all loneliness and longing. Remember how you often come to this threshold to assist others who are new to this glorious experience.
Your day on 3D Earth is calling you and it is the NOW to focus your attention there. But, before you leave, remember that there is no time here. Thus, you will only “leave” in your third dimensional consciousness, while YOU remain here within the NOW of the ONE.
Please keep your imagination open, so that you can experience this reality as you go about your 3D day. Then you can remember that ALL third dimensional issues are “just an illusion.”
Blessings we are ALWAYS with you,
The Arcturians
Dear Readers, I got this message yesterday morning, 11-6-14, and wanted to share it with you today.
Posted by Sue at 9:23 AM
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