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ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
Oct 3

Los saludo, Semillas Estelares Acturianas, Yo Soy Helio-Ah, somos los Arcturianos.
Es importante continuar explorando las multidimensiones y la existencia multidimensional que ustedes están esforzándose por integrar. Consideren la necesidad de encuadrarse a la manifestación multinivel, la existencia multinivel, y a las comunicaciones multinivel. Por esto quiero decirles que están reforzándose en esta fórmula, manifestando con todos los niveles que han venido a experimentar. Deben darse cuenta que ustedes viven en un mundo multidimensional.
Deben buscar integrar estos conceptos de algún modo.
Lo que están haciendo beneficia su concilia multidimensional. Si no pueden encuadrarse en los diferentes aspectos, encontrarán algunas aberraciones en su energía manifestada en la Tierra. Quizás se encontrarán, como alguien ha dicho, “ vertiginosos y confundidos”. La multi-energía puede encontrar la expresión en este cuerpo de laTierra. Preguntarán entonces: Cómo es que yo podría manifestarme en este multi-conocimiento en el cuerpo de la Tierra? Todo lo que ustedes hacen y piensan, está entrando a su “pequeño” mundo, está relacionado a los reinos superiores, sobre todo cuando se han conectado con su misión de Semillas Estelares, los corredores Arcturianos y otros reinos. Tienen la responsabilidad de hacer claras las canalizaciones y también encuadrarlas con los campos de energía apropiados. Los campos de energía son complejos.
Ustedes tiene las multi-capas sutiles en su aura del cuerpo. Estas capas pueden describirse en forma de “multi-huevos”. Estos multi-huevos son los huevos áuricos que existen en niveles diferentes. Ustedes tienen la forma de la Tierra, que yo llamaré el aura de la Tierra. Ustedes también tiene un aura en otro reino. Esta aura en el otro reino está en la quinta dimensión. También ustedes han tenido remanentes de auras, o huevos áuricos en otros sistemas planetarios. Cuando han seguido su viaje galáctico a través de las encarnaciones, recogen sus huevos áuricos. Cuando dejan un planeta, hay una cáscara o un rastro de estos huevos áuricos.
Ustedes tienen conexiones con los Pleyadianos, con los Sirianos, con los Andromedanos, y con diferentes sistemas extra-planetarios en los sistemas extra-soles. Las diferentes cáscaras áuricas son parte del sistema hológrafo del ser multi-nivelado. Vamos a llamar a todas sus cáscaras áuricas, que están en esta galaxia y en la galaxia de Andrómeda, para unirlas. Yo, Helio-Ah, traeré una energía especial hacia una alineación con todos los Seres de estas cáscaras. Con esa alineación, experimentarán una novedad en su campo de energía de la Tierra. Esta novedad los hará concientes de aproximadamente veinte capas de cáscaras del huevo áurico.
Visualicen y conciban esto por un breve momento. Ustedes tienen en la Tierra un aura básica que es ovoide. Este es un campo de energía total construído a través de esta cáscara. Está compuesto de sus experiencias, ideas, emociones, mental , espiritual y el cuerpo físico de esta vida. Imaginen que también tienen otra cáscara del aura multidimensional compleja, rica, en otro reino. Vamos a traer esa alineación. Las nuevas trasmisiones de energía, las nuevas comunicaciones, y las nuevas avenidas se abrirán ahora a ustedes en otros reinos. Yo traeré esto con sus permisos…. Abran su chakra corona y concéntrense en los campos áuricos llamando a su Ser que está en la Galaxia. Llamen y entren en el lugar donde ustedes tienen acceso a ellos en esta dimensión.
Yo, Helio-Ah, llamo a tres de las capas del huevo áurico para que puedan comprender. Algunos de ustedes están dándose cuenta que pueden manejar esos cuerpos en el espacio tiempo de las interdimensiones. Algunos de ustedes son doctores en otros reinos. Algunos de ustedes se harán grandes maestros espirituales. Permitan a esos otros yoes entrar en el reino etérico de la Tierra! El sonido alrededor de ustedes está abriendo el corredor…
A través de David K. Miller
Publicado 3rd October 2011 por Shanti
Etiquetas: apertura multidimensional de la concienciahuevo áuricoser multidimensional
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Lady Nada: Cultivating Your Christ Seed Within
Posted on Mar 13, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Julie Miller, Lady Nada

Lady Nada
Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ March 13 – 20, 2014
Received by Julie Miller
March 13, 2014
Inside your minds Beautiful Bright Hearts are great divine spiritual currents of energy that enter your flow of thought. Each flow of energy that enters your thoughts carries essential information from God that is important to each of you. Remember, it is God and His divine presence that is the foundation of ALL that is true, Beautiful, and Good and these are shared and encouraged by each dear soul that is able to take a breath to help you reach higher levels of consciousness that will also enhance the quality of your life.
Spiritual grown is reached when you are able to align the spiritual flow that enters your thought form from your personality and of your mind that is richly connected to God by knowledgeable agreement and committed devotion to following His word of Love wherever you roam. Christ Consciousness is able to grow inside each and every dear soul when there is recognition and merging of your ego mind with the Divine mind and of the Divine character that is the ultimate foundation of your happiness and of your ability to reach fulfillment. Yes, this level of awareness does take time to grow and develop within your consciousness. But in time Beautiful Bright Hearts your thinking and your intentions behind your actions, your focus and openness demonstrates that you know your heart and soul is shining from the Christed state which is a greater height of mindedness of spiritual enlightenment.
As your awareness grows and deepens, your mind strengthens and you discover life has taken a new turn, it is providing you with more freedom to enjoy the simple things, the things that give you the most joy and peace…where love dominates everything that you are. Any fear that was there prior of taking on this new direction of Divine thought and action begins to dissolve. You find yourself living freer to live the kind of life you were meant to, as a child of God in a love-filled and love-supported world.
To reach the state of Christ Consciousness, understand this reflects the ultimate state of your mental and intellectual development and growth, and it also indicates a great development in your emotional maturity. This level of consciousness and awareness is divinely sacred as it illustrates the purity of who you are at the level of your heart and soul. This path is offered to anyone of any faith, there is no discrimination given or offered to those of different religious backgrounds – all is welcomed to walk the path of love and truth.
Every path that is practiced is honoured and accepted, especially if that path leads you into becoming more loving, more compassionate, more forgiving, more patient…more Christ-like. Every path that is of love will lead you to the foundation and source of that love. Each of you already share the same God as the Source of your Creation through your individual living expressions and in time and with conscious effort you are bringing yourself back home to reunite with God and His Love that is Eternally given.
Your true nature Beautiful Bright Hearts is found within the state of Christ Consciousness. It is here where you discover your higher, divine self and understand at a profound level that yes you are a Child of God and this was always your birthright. As you reach the humble and divine state of Christ Consciousness, comprehend that you are expressing through your thoughts, your words, your actions and in your choices that you are alive and you have invested time, love and care into being a living inspiration for others to search and reach this level of awareness and consciousness for themselves in order for your earthly home to move towards the divine plan of unity built on love, faith and trust.
It has always been the divine goal, for each dear soul to evolve and move back towards the Spirit of God. Understanding that the journey of this path unfolds over time, its details are never given all at once – it is an adventure of a lifetime and it will take a lifetime to reach all its delights and challenges, through many twists and valleys. Remember Beautiful Bright Hearts, the spirit of God is always with you, and He is always encouraging you to rise and to expand your level of consciousness and to align your heart and mind with His and this is reached as you climb higher rungs of the ascension ladder. As you reach higher depths and reaches of consciousness and awareness, you become an encouragement for others to discover this way of life that delivers them along the path of Spirit, of God and of His Eternal Loving heart. When God sees the purity of your intention through your actions, words and thoughts, He will illuminate your way back to Him, and He will greet you as in you, you have been fulfilling your divine role as Jesus, His beautiful Golden Son.
Remember who Jesus was and what he represented: His teachings mainly centered around helping others, showing them the way back to God – He was a living example of what He was teaching. He was in each cell of His being a personification of pure love and goodness, peace, acceptance and understanding. It was through His God-centeredness that He was able to achieve what many of you call miracles, only because Had an innate understanding of what the laws of nature were and how to make use of their power with love in order to bring healing to the people that truly needed Him. It was prayer and meditation that gave the Lord Jesus renewed strength and vitality that allowed Him to greet the challenges His life presented him. Remember as well, it was Jesus that reminded the people that God’s Kingdom of heaven isn’t in the clouds, but inside each of you. His life was a demonstration meant to show you the way to find the Spirit of God from within you and what it looks like when someone has become centered in the Spirit of God.
The true significance of Jesus’s life is able to help evolve your thoughts and beliefs…the relationship you can have with Jesus will provide you with more satisfying experiences than life without Him and His presence. Invite Him in Beautiful Bright Hearts into your heart and mind, don’t fear Him; He will not bite, but He will love you and offer guidance through answers to the most important questions you are concerned about. Allow Jesus to show you who He is and how He can help you along your path and to help transform you into more of who you authentically are.
All questions when asking Jesus are allowed, He will answer only the truth. If you have complaints about your life, He is opened to these as well. He will amaze you with His gentle manner and satisfy you with His ability to interpret the real meaning behind your questions. Remember He loves you. He is more approachable than what many dear souls believe. Working with Jesus for the enhancement of your awareness, consciousness and of a better happier life will help open new doors of opportunity that will direct you towards a path of fulfillment and joy and He will accompany you through each struggle encouraging you to learn from any mistakes or errors and to continue trying. He is always here for you, and we urge each of you to allow Him into your heart and mind.
Inside of every Child of God is a small seed of light. Within this precious seed of light is the developing part of your character which also holds your divine self. Do you know what nourishes this seed of light? It is God Beautiful Bright Hearts, God through His divine and Infinite Love that is bright with colour, vibration, sound, light and texture that adds to the brilliant and incredible foundation of your creation. This tender little seed of light responds like a seed in the garden with love and light – to everything good and beautiful and true. This little seed begins to grow and spark into greater strength that breathes in life and love. The growth of your self begins to emerge as the divine sacred nature of your consciousness and awareness in order to cultivate a most breathtaking flower of light that is beautiful, unique, and essential to the universe.
The goal of your existence truly is to develop your body to house a loving heart and soul. The divine plan is for all Children of God to strive to be their best self-expressing selves, demonstrating their many talents, and God-gifted abilities to be realized and utilized in daily life. Within the very core of your being are these gifts that were bestowed upon you from God, divine endowments of God’s Love and Spirit that will help you achieve enlightenment and to unite with God. God seeks to unite with all His children. He will help open the doors of your sincere nature, which also means you will need to address issues of the past that have hindered your path. God’s Presence in your life will show you who you truly are, His Presence will unmask your illusions and bring you back upon the divine path where you can truly awaken and grow. Beautiful Bright Hearts, we ask you to allow yourself to feel how much God adores you and to allow Him to open the door that will bring you into unity with Him and all that is.
God’s Presence into your life will bring healing into your soul and help mend any discordance found within your spiritual heart. When your soul is healed, the barriers of discomfort and disharmony fall to the wayside, revealing your true, soul self as you gently absorb the Spirit of God that is pure of love, goodness, beauty and truth. In order to find your true self Beautiful Bright Hearts, all you need to do is tap into your soul—and this means you will move beyond your normal resistance and discomfort that will try to distract you; you will have the confidence to ask God, who is the foundational source of love to help expand all strongly embedded obstacles of your soul to be transformed into light. With the purity of your request and from the purity of your intentions you will feel the gentleness of God’s reply as the crusty layers of your false ego self begins to dissolve to God’s Presence as new brilliant divine light begins to rebuild inside of you strands of energy and light that will bridge an infinite connection between you, God and with His Golden Son. This change in you Beautiful Bright Hearts will be the beginning to all changes that will bring in a new way to live and be from the level of Christ Consciousness that is present in your body, mind, heart and spirit.
When you are living from the state of Chris Consciousness, your soul will be healed and you will be able to be a positive inspiration for others. Your journey will always be guided and through your soul, your true self will always shine demonstrating your Christed being and of the Presence of God that has become a predominant form in your life. Even when life seems to throw you unexpected challenges that test your reserves, remember you are not alone…lean into God and know He will always catch you. Your journey of self-exploration that will bring into understanding your true self you will find joy from the faith you have knowing God and His Beloved Golden Son is with you each step of the way.
And so it is…
I AM Ascended Master, Lady Nada
through Julie Miller
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Los saludo, Semillas Estelares Acturianas, Yo Soy Helio-Ah, somos los Arcturianos.
Es importante continuar explorando las multidimensiones y la existencia multidimensional que ustedes están esforzándose por integrar. Consideren la necesidad de encuadrarse a la manifestación multinivel, la existencia multinivel, y a las comunicaciones multinivel. Por esto quiero decirles que están reforzándose en esta fórmula, manifestando con todos los niveles que han venido a experimentar. Deben darse cuenta que ustedes viven en un mundo multidimensional.
Deben buscar integrar estos conceptos de algún modo.
Lo que están haciendo beneficia su concilia multidimensional. Si no pueden encuadrarse en los diferentes aspectos, encontrarán algunas aberraciones en su energía manifestada en la Tierra. Quizás se encontrarán, como alguien ha dicho, “ vertiginosos y confundidos”. La multi-energía puede encontrar la expresión en este cuerpo de laTierra. Preguntarán entonces: Cómo es que yo podría manifestarme en este multi-conocimiento en el cuerpo de la Tierra? Todo lo que ustedes hacen y piensan, está entrando a su “pequeño” mundo, está relacionado a los reinos superiores, sobre todo cuando se han conectado con su misión de Semillas Estelares, los corredores Arcturianos y otros reinos. Tienen la responsabilidad de hacer claras las canalizaciones y también encuadrarlas con los campos de energía apropiados. Los campos de energía son complejos.
Ustedes tiene las multi-capas sutiles en su aura del cuerpo. Estas capas pueden describirse en forma de “multi-huevos”. Estos multi-huevos son los huevos áuricos que existen en niveles diferentes. Ustedes tienen la forma de la Tierra, que yo llamaré el aura de la Tierra. Ustedes también tiene un aura en otro reino. Esta aura en el otro reino está en la quinta dimensión. También ustedes han tenido remanentes de auras, o huevos áuricos en otros sistemas planetarios. Cuando han seguido su viaje galáctico a través de las encarnaciones, recogen sus huevos áuricos. Cuando dejan un planeta, hay una cáscara o un rastro de estos huevos áuricos.
Ustedes tienen conexiones con los Pleyadianos, con los Sirianos, con los Andromedanos, y con diferentes sistemas extra-planetarios en los sistemas extra-soles. Las diferentes cáscaras áuricas son parte del sistema hológrafo del ser multi-nivelado. Vamos a llamar a todas sus cáscaras áuricas, que están en esta galaxia y en la galaxia de Andrómeda, para unirlas. Yo, Helio-Ah, traeré una energía especial hacia una alineación con todos los Seres de estas cáscaras. Con esa alineación, experimentarán una novedad en su campo de energía de la Tierra. Esta novedad los hará concientes de aproximadamente veinte capas de cáscaras del huevo áurico.
Visualicen y conciban esto por un breve momento. Ustedes tienen en la Tierra un aura básica que es ovoide. Este es un campo de energía total construído a través de esta cáscara. Está compuesto de sus experiencias, ideas, emociones, mental , espiritual y el cuerpo físico de esta vida. Imaginen que también tienen otra cáscara del aura multidimensional compleja, rica, en otro reino. Vamos a traer esa alineación. Las nuevas trasmisiones de energía, las nuevas comunicaciones, y las nuevas avenidas se abrirán ahora a ustedes en otros reinos. Yo traeré esto con sus permisos…. Abran su chakra corona y concéntrense en los campos áuricos llamando a su Ser que está en la Galaxia. Llamen y entren en el lugar donde ustedes tienen acceso a ellos en esta dimensión.
Yo, Helio-Ah, llamo a tres de las capas del huevo áurico para que puedan comprender. Algunos de ustedes están dándose cuenta que pueden manejar esos cuerpos en el espacio tiempo de las interdimensiones. Algunos de ustedes son doctores en otros reinos. Algunos de ustedes se harán grandes maestros espirituales. Permitan a esos otros yoes entrar en el reino etérico de la Tierra! El sonido alrededor de ustedes está abriendo el corredor…
A través de David K. Miller
Publicado 3rd October 2011 por Shanti
Etiquetas: apertura multidimensional de la concienciahuevo áuricoser multidimensional
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Lady Nada: Cultivating Your Christ Seed Within
Posted on Mar 13, 2014
by cosmicgaia
in Julie Miller, Lady Nada
Lady Nada
Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ March 13 – 20, 2014
Received by Julie Miller
March 13, 2014
Inside your minds Beautiful Bright Hearts are great divine spiritual currents of energy that enter your flow of thought. Each flow of energy that enters your thoughts carries essential information from God that is important to each of you. Remember, it is God and His divine presence that is the foundation of ALL that is true, Beautiful, and Good and these are shared and encouraged by each dear soul that is able to take a breath to help you reach higher levels of consciousness that will also enhance the quality of your life.
Spiritual grown is reached when you are able to align the spiritual flow that enters your thought form from your personality and of your mind that is richly connected to God by knowledgeable agreement and committed devotion to following His word of Love wherever you roam. Christ Consciousness is able to grow inside each and every dear soul when there is recognition and merging of your ego mind with the Divine mind and of the Divine character that is the ultimate foundation of your happiness and of your ability to reach fulfillment. Yes, this level of awareness does take time to grow and develop within your consciousness. But in time Beautiful Bright Hearts your thinking and your intentions behind your actions, your focus and openness demonstrates that you know your heart and soul is shining from the Christed state which is a greater height of mindedness of spiritual enlightenment.
As your awareness grows and deepens, your mind strengthens and you discover life has taken a new turn, it is providing you with more freedom to enjoy the simple things, the things that give you the most joy and peace…where love dominates everything that you are. Any fear that was there prior of taking on this new direction of Divine thought and action begins to dissolve. You find yourself living freer to live the kind of life you were meant to, as a child of God in a love-filled and love-supported world.
To reach the state of Christ Consciousness, understand this reflects the ultimate state of your mental and intellectual development and growth, and it also indicates a great development in your emotional maturity. This level of consciousness and awareness is divinely sacred as it illustrates the purity of who you are at the level of your heart and soul. This path is offered to anyone of any faith, there is no discrimination given or offered to those of different religious backgrounds – all is welcomed to walk the path of love and truth.
Every path that is practiced is honoured and accepted, especially if that path leads you into becoming more loving, more compassionate, more forgiving, more patient…more Christ-like. Every path that is of love will lead you to the foundation and source of that love. Each of you already share the same God as the Source of your Creation through your individual living expressions and in time and with conscious effort you are bringing yourself back home to reunite with God and His Love that is Eternally given.
Your true nature Beautiful Bright Hearts is found within the state of Christ Consciousness. It is here where you discover your higher, divine self and understand at a profound level that yes you are a Child of God and this was always your birthright. As you reach the humble and divine state of Christ Consciousness, comprehend that you are expressing through your thoughts, your words, your actions and in your choices that you are alive and you have invested time, love and care into being a living inspiration for others to search and reach this level of awareness and consciousness for themselves in order for your earthly home to move towards the divine plan of unity built on love, faith and trust.
It has always been the divine goal, for each dear soul to evolve and move back towards the Spirit of God. Understanding that the journey of this path unfolds over time, its details are never given all at once – it is an adventure of a lifetime and it will take a lifetime to reach all its delights and challenges, through many twists and valleys. Remember Beautiful Bright Hearts, the spirit of God is always with you, and He is always encouraging you to rise and to expand your level of consciousness and to align your heart and mind with His and this is reached as you climb higher rungs of the ascension ladder. As you reach higher depths and reaches of consciousness and awareness, you become an encouragement for others to discover this way of life that delivers them along the path of Spirit, of God and of His Eternal Loving heart. When God sees the purity of your intention through your actions, words and thoughts, He will illuminate your way back to Him, and He will greet you as in you, you have been fulfilling your divine role as Jesus, His beautiful Golden Son.
Remember who Jesus was and what he represented: His teachings mainly centered around helping others, showing them the way back to God – He was a living example of what He was teaching. He was in each cell of His being a personification of pure love and goodness, peace, acceptance and understanding. It was through His God-centeredness that He was able to achieve what many of you call miracles, only because Had an innate understanding of what the laws of nature were and how to make use of their power with love in order to bring healing to the people that truly needed Him. It was prayer and meditation that gave the Lord Jesus renewed strength and vitality that allowed Him to greet the challenges His life presented him. Remember as well, it was Jesus that reminded the people that God’s Kingdom of heaven isn’t in the clouds, but inside each of you. His life was a demonstration meant to show you the way to find the Spirit of God from within you and what it looks like when someone has become centered in the Spirit of God.
The true significance of Jesus’s life is able to help evolve your thoughts and beliefs…the relationship you can have with Jesus will provide you with more satisfying experiences than life without Him and His presence. Invite Him in Beautiful Bright Hearts into your heart and mind, don’t fear Him; He will not bite, but He will love you and offer guidance through answers to the most important questions you are concerned about. Allow Jesus to show you who He is and how He can help you along your path and to help transform you into more of who you authentically are.
All questions when asking Jesus are allowed, He will answer only the truth. If you have complaints about your life, He is opened to these as well. He will amaze you with His gentle manner and satisfy you with His ability to interpret the real meaning behind your questions. Remember He loves you. He is more approachable than what many dear souls believe. Working with Jesus for the enhancement of your awareness, consciousness and of a better happier life will help open new doors of opportunity that will direct you towards a path of fulfillment and joy and He will accompany you through each struggle encouraging you to learn from any mistakes or errors and to continue trying. He is always here for you, and we urge each of you to allow Him into your heart and mind.
Inside of every Child of God is a small seed of light. Within this precious seed of light is the developing part of your character which also holds your divine self. Do you know what nourishes this seed of light? It is God Beautiful Bright Hearts, God through His divine and Infinite Love that is bright with colour, vibration, sound, light and texture that adds to the brilliant and incredible foundation of your creation. This tender little seed of light responds like a seed in the garden with love and light – to everything good and beautiful and true. This little seed begins to grow and spark into greater strength that breathes in life and love. The growth of your self begins to emerge as the divine sacred nature of your consciousness and awareness in order to cultivate a most breathtaking flower of light that is beautiful, unique, and essential to the universe.
The goal of your existence truly is to develop your body to house a loving heart and soul. The divine plan is for all Children of God to strive to be their best self-expressing selves, demonstrating their many talents, and God-gifted abilities to be realized and utilized in daily life. Within the very core of your being are these gifts that were bestowed upon you from God, divine endowments of God’s Love and Spirit that will help you achieve enlightenment and to unite with God. God seeks to unite with all His children. He will help open the doors of your sincere nature, which also means you will need to address issues of the past that have hindered your path. God’s Presence in your life will show you who you truly are, His Presence will unmask your illusions and bring you back upon the divine path where you can truly awaken and grow. Beautiful Bright Hearts, we ask you to allow yourself to feel how much God adores you and to allow Him to open the door that will bring you into unity with Him and all that is.
God’s Presence into your life will bring healing into your soul and help mend any discordance found within your spiritual heart. When your soul is healed, the barriers of discomfort and disharmony fall to the wayside, revealing your true, soul self as you gently absorb the Spirit of God that is pure of love, goodness, beauty and truth. In order to find your true self Beautiful Bright Hearts, all you need to do is tap into your soul—and this means you will move beyond your normal resistance and discomfort that will try to distract you; you will have the confidence to ask God, who is the foundational source of love to help expand all strongly embedded obstacles of your soul to be transformed into light. With the purity of your request and from the purity of your intentions you will feel the gentleness of God’s reply as the crusty layers of your false ego self begins to dissolve to God’s Presence as new brilliant divine light begins to rebuild inside of you strands of energy and light that will bridge an infinite connection between you, God and with His Golden Son. This change in you Beautiful Bright Hearts will be the beginning to all changes that will bring in a new way to live and be from the level of Christ Consciousness that is present in your body, mind, heart and spirit.
When you are living from the state of Chris Consciousness, your soul will be healed and you will be able to be a positive inspiration for others. Your journey will always be guided and through your soul, your true self will always shine demonstrating your Christed being and of the Presence of God that has become a predominant form in your life. Even when life seems to throw you unexpected challenges that test your reserves, remember you are not alone…lean into God and know He will always catch you. Your journey of self-exploration that will bring into understanding your true self you will find joy from the faith you have knowing God and His Beloved Golden Son is with you each step of the way.
And so it is…
I AM Ascended Master, Lady Nada
through Julie Miller
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