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Yes, it is time for those of you who feel attracted to Nova Terra, to start to carry the vision of Her and Her Glorious ascended New and Divine Light and Energy in your Heart, to welcome Her already now in the essence of your own being!
When you do this with the Love of your Heart, you are preparing yourself in a perfect way for ascension. It will greatlymake your transition easy and pleasant, as you connect yourself already now with Her vibrant new Creation.
Do not withdraw your energy from the necessities of your daily life, but you can fulfill them by joining your heart already now with Her highly ascended Consciousness.
You can do this, while you meditate and ask to be elevated up to her frequency which exists radiantly all over and as Nova Terra! As you allow yourself to connect with this higher dimensional field of love- and joy-radiance, you automatically rise your own vibration. Feeling the joy and happiness that pervades our New Earth, should make it easy for you to bring it to here, because Joy is contagious! It is this Joy which takes over then your daily life and which is the bridge to our new world soon to emerge!
Do not allow yourself to be drawn down with your emotions into the daily ups and downs of the fading state of our old world, but live with the certainty of a radiant Divine Reality which will be soon ours.
If difficult emotions persist, accept and feel them fully. And then release them into the light. If you do not release them, this might be a reason, why you cannot yet connect with Ascended Gaia.
Although there is a “distance”from here to there, in Reality this New World is right here, only vibrating in a Higher Consciousness, transcending the illusion of space and time.
Originally, Gaia existed many eons ago as a very High Being of Light, some say as an Archangel, in the highest dimensions, before She fell into the lower densities, not because of Her failures, but because of lower dimensional beings whom She allowed in Her Compassion to incarnate on Her.
In our time She has been Blessed by the Incarnation of Radiant Source Consciousness Itself, to Which She surrendered by Her own great Spiritual Practice. Divine Source Consciousness can only be Realized by transcending mind and creation. It required Her to let go of all other identifications and personal states. Therefore Source Consciousness is so present on New Earth. And this is the reason why She Is Unique among other planets and in the many dimensional realms and has Great attractive Power.
Ascended Gaia also wants you to know that She is deeply connected to all of us, and that we only need to allow this connection and feel it! And so She is asking you to open your heart toward Her and let go all presumptions of difference and separation, so that you can become in your feeling Heart One with Her Radiant State!
What an unspeakable blessing it is, to ascend with a Great Divine Being and to live directly in Her Divine Company! There is no greater Blessing, I believe! Because our beautiful New Home is Spiritually Alive and not a insentient body, like the planets of many of the ascended Galactic civilizations are! To me the Joy and Blessings of this Divine Gift is beyond words! And it is important, that ever more of us can wake up to this unspeakable Miracle.
I remember the stories of ancient Indian Wisdom Teachings, the Puranas, in which even the most unfortunate events always turned out to be in the end unexpected and Greatest Divine Blessings, in ways which did not exist in creation before!
Our days of limitations are numbered! The Great Waves of Joy are already arriving to here, and all that light and all that love that is One with that Joy!
We all can take advantage of this!
We are all so much Blessed!
With love,
Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Posted 28th September 2012 by LUZ ZOHAR
Labels: awakening processcreating new earthcreating our realityNova Terra
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Yes, it is time for those of you who feel attracted to Nova Terra, to start to carry the vision of Her and Her Glorious ascended New and Divine Light and Energy in your Heart, to welcome Her already now in the essence of your own being!
When you do this with the Love of your Heart, you are preparing yourself in a perfect way for ascension. It will greatlymake your transition easy and pleasant, as you connect yourself already now with Her vibrant new Creation.
Do not withdraw your energy from the necessities of your daily life, but you can fulfill them by joining your heart already now with Her highly ascended Consciousness.
You can do this, while you meditate and ask to be elevated up to her frequency which exists radiantly all over and as Nova Terra! As you allow yourself to connect with this higher dimensional field of love- and joy-radiance, you automatically rise your own vibration. Feeling the joy and happiness that pervades our New Earth, should make it easy for you to bring it to here, because Joy is contagious! It is this Joy which takes over then your daily life and which is the bridge to our new world soon to emerge!
Do not allow yourself to be drawn down with your emotions into the daily ups and downs of the fading state of our old world, but live with the certainty of a radiant Divine Reality which will be soon ours.
If difficult emotions persist, accept and feel them fully. And then release them into the light. If you do not release them, this might be a reason, why you cannot yet connect with Ascended Gaia.
Although there is a “distance”from here to there, in Reality this New World is right here, only vibrating in a Higher Consciousness, transcending the illusion of space and time.
Originally, Gaia existed many eons ago as a very High Being of Light, some say as an Archangel, in the highest dimensions, before She fell into the lower densities, not because of Her failures, but because of lower dimensional beings whom She allowed in Her Compassion to incarnate on Her.
In our time She has been Blessed by the Incarnation of Radiant Source Consciousness Itself, to Which She surrendered by Her own great Spiritual Practice. Divine Source Consciousness can only be Realized by transcending mind and creation. It required Her to let go of all other identifications and personal states. Therefore Source Consciousness is so present on New Earth. And this is the reason why She Is Unique among other planets and in the many dimensional realms and has Great attractive Power.
Ascended Gaia also wants you to know that She is deeply connected to all of us, and that we only need to allow this connection and feel it! And so She is asking you to open your heart toward Her and let go all presumptions of difference and separation, so that you can become in your feeling Heart One with Her Radiant State!
What an unspeakable blessing it is, to ascend with a Great Divine Being and to live directly in Her Divine Company! There is no greater Blessing, I believe! Because our beautiful New Home is Spiritually Alive and not a insentient body, like the planets of many of the ascended Galactic civilizations are! To me the Joy and Blessings of this Divine Gift is beyond words! And it is important, that ever more of us can wake up to this unspeakable Miracle.
I remember the stories of ancient Indian Wisdom Teachings, the Puranas, in which even the most unfortunate events always turned out to be in the end unexpected and Greatest Divine Blessings, in ways which did not exist in creation before!
Our days of limitations are numbered! The Great Waves of Joy are already arriving to here, and all that light and all that love that is One with that Joy!
We all can take advantage of this!
We are all so much Blessed!
With love,
Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Posted 28th September 2012 by LUZ ZOHAR
Labels: awakening processcreating new earthcreating our realityNova Terra
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