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The wonderful comments to my last post of 12-16-14 deserve to be posted on the front page. These comments are in response to request of:
I would love if YOU would write in the comments the reality that you wish to perceive. The more people that collectively choose to perceive a given reality--the greater chance there is that WE can create that reality. In other words, we create the reality we wish to perceive by stating that it IS the reality that we wish to perceive.
In One of my dreams/visions last night the rocks/mountains were alive, conscious, vibrating energy and I was interacting with it/them! The reality that I have been in-vision-ing is One where All realize/experience that All are connected, where we realize we are One, One with each other, One with Gaia, One with source/God.
As the vibration/frequency of the All rises All are healthy, All are abundant, All Love and are Loved. We (humans and animals) only desire to eat/consume at first plants then light. We re-unite with our galactic families. We experience ourselves and each other as the beings of LOVE and LIGHT that WE truly ARE. Spirit In Matter! God Made Manifest! Heaven On Earth!
A Wonderful World It Will Be!
I choose to believe and understand that I am a being of light and love forever connected and a part of Source in unconditional love. We are all divine beings who are awakening, at whatever pace, and breaking through to our higher selves and perception. We are anchoring in an era of abundance, love, and peace. On earth as it is in heaven! <3 data-blogger-escaped-font="">
om nama om
Home at last
I Am choosing to perceive life without dis-ease. A life of health, strength and vitality. I believe I can heal. I am healing. By aligning and tuning in to higher consciousness.
Love Also this is the first place I've ever shared that Belief and Intent
I choose a reality of freedom and unconditional love where I/We can do what I/We enjoy and not-do what we don't - where neither lack nor loss nor punishment nor missing out nor misunderstanding nor being misunderstood nor ... can happen to Me/Us, and without having to explain or justify anything.
A reality where I/We can stop doing something "because I need to in order to" or "in order to avoid"
A reality where I/We can "let my dogs roam freely", without anything bad happening to them or through them.
Thank you, Sue, for all your posts! They helped me a lot during the past years.
I wish to receive a reality that is totally FREE en Abundant in everything. Where People have come back to themselves en have opened their hearts, respect themselves and each other. Where LOVE reigns ... All are sheltered, all are Loved, All are healthy, and all have all the food they need... Where Free energy is fact and also that we have started to work with our brothers and sisters from the stars. In the outer and in the inner...
I choose to perceive a world of Unconditional Love and Joy between all the creatures that are inhabiting Mother Earth. That Gaia may be the shiniest planet and sending forth a bright energy of Love and Peace throughout the universe. That Gaia may be most exciting and beautiful fairyland.
We choose a 5th dimensional reality of unconditional love.
I choose a 5th dimensional reality of unconditional love, were people respect...themselves, others (old and young, and of all color and religious beliefs), where all respect animals, plants and our beautiful planet. Where people live with compassion for one another and a reality where we are all one.
I choose to perceive a world, or should I say, an entire universe that their darkness no longer exists. An universe in which whenever a being projects him/her into lower dimensional worlds, he/she will never get lost and trapped in the roles he/she plays, in the duality like what we've been through on Lady Gaia.
The entire universe can transmute all darkness into light, so beings and their all expressions can always connect with Source, and ultimately return to Source. There are no more "Dark Lords", and all beings have come to the realization that it's just a role that they choose to play, and decide to forgive one another with unconditional love.
I see us living in some kind of the communities, we study in small groups outside, there is a beautiful nature around us. We communicate half-telepathically. We do only things that we consider as meaningful. We have everything we need. We have enough. We all create with a great JOY. We are One with Gaia, we are ONE with each other.
Dearest Sue, You have by this post joined us in Unity, and I am so very grateful. Thank you, Sue and the Arcturians. I believe.
I see us living in some kind of the communities, we study in small groups outside, there is a beautiful nature around us. We communicate half-telepathically. We do only things that we consider as meaningful. We have everything we need. We have enough. We all create with a great JOY. We are One with Gaia, we are ONE with each other.
Thank you for integrating/uniting our dreams, Sue. Thanks~!! And thank you everyone for taking the tremendous courage to "think out loud" your dreams despite numerous distractions in daily lives. Million thanks everyone!!
oh yes, I choose to perceive a world full of dancers, painters, everything everyone needs is available in a blink of an eye, there is no money, but thought-emotion forms filled with love and the knowing that WE are ALL ONE and ONE is taking care, We are dancing in the streets, tears flowing down my face.
Posted by Sue at 11:36 AM
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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Our United Vision -- Comments From Readers
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Our United Vision -- Comments From Readers
The wonderful comments to my last post of 12-16-14 deserve to be posted on the front page. These comments are in response to request of:
I would love if YOU would write in the comments the reality that you wish to perceive. The more people that collectively choose to perceive a given reality--the greater chance there is that WE can create that reality. In other words, we create the reality we wish to perceive by stating that it IS the reality that we wish to perceive.
In One of my dreams/visions last night the rocks/mountains were alive, conscious, vibrating energy and I was interacting with it/them! The reality that I have been in-vision-ing is One where All realize/experience that All are connected, where we realize we are One, One with each other, One with Gaia, One with source/God.
As the vibration/frequency of the All rises All are healthy, All are abundant, All Love and are Loved. We (humans and animals) only desire to eat/consume at first plants then light. We re-unite with our galactic families. We experience ourselves and each other as the beings of LOVE and LIGHT that WE truly ARE. Spirit In Matter! God Made Manifest! Heaven On Earth!
A Wonderful World It Will Be!
I choose to believe and understand that I am a being of light and love forever connected and a part of Source in unconditional love. We are all divine beings who are awakening, at whatever pace, and breaking through to our higher selves and perception. We are anchoring in an era of abundance, love, and peace. On earth as it is in heaven! <3 data-blogger-escaped-font="">
om nama om
Home at last
I Am choosing to perceive life without dis-ease. A life of health, strength and vitality. I believe I can heal. I am healing. By aligning and tuning in to higher consciousness.
Love Also this is the first place I've ever shared that Belief and Intent
I choose a reality of freedom and unconditional love where I/We can do what I/We enjoy and not-do what we don't - where neither lack nor loss nor punishment nor missing out nor misunderstanding nor being misunderstood nor ... can happen to Me/Us, and without having to explain or justify anything.
A reality where I/We can stop doing something "because I need to in order to" or "in order to avoid"
A reality where I/We can "let my dogs roam freely", without anything bad happening to them or through them.
Thank you, Sue, for all your posts! They helped me a lot during the past years.
I wish to receive a reality that is totally FREE en Abundant in everything. Where People have come back to themselves en have opened their hearts, respect themselves and each other. Where LOVE reigns ... All are sheltered, all are Loved, All are healthy, and all have all the food they need... Where Free energy is fact and also that we have started to work with our brothers and sisters from the stars. In the outer and in the inner...
I choose to perceive a world of Unconditional Love and Joy between all the creatures that are inhabiting Mother Earth. That Gaia may be the shiniest planet and sending forth a bright energy of Love and Peace throughout the universe. That Gaia may be most exciting and beautiful fairyland.
We choose a 5th dimensional reality of unconditional love.
I choose a 5th dimensional reality of unconditional love, were people respect...themselves, others (old and young, and of all color and religious beliefs), where all respect animals, plants and our beautiful planet. Where people live with compassion for one another and a reality where we are all one.
I choose to perceive a world, or should I say, an entire universe that their darkness no longer exists. An universe in which whenever a being projects him/her into lower dimensional worlds, he/she will never get lost and trapped in the roles he/she plays, in the duality like what we've been through on Lady Gaia.
The entire universe can transmute all darkness into light, so beings and their all expressions can always connect with Source, and ultimately return to Source. There are no more "Dark Lords", and all beings have come to the realization that it's just a role that they choose to play, and decide to forgive one another with unconditional love.
I see us living in some kind of the communities, we study in small groups outside, there is a beautiful nature around us. We communicate half-telepathically. We do only things that we consider as meaningful. We have everything we need. We have enough. We all create with a great JOY. We are One with Gaia, we are ONE with each other.
Dearest Sue, You have by this post joined us in Unity, and I am so very grateful. Thank you, Sue and the Arcturians. I believe.
I see us living in some kind of the communities, we study in small groups outside, there is a beautiful nature around us. We communicate half-telepathically. We do only things that we consider as meaningful. We have everything we need. We have enough. We all create with a great JOY. We are One with Gaia, we are ONE with each other.
Thank you for integrating/uniting our dreams, Sue. Thanks~!! And thank you everyone for taking the tremendous courage to "think out loud" your dreams despite numerous distractions in daily lives. Million thanks everyone!!
oh yes, I choose to perceive a world full of dancers, painters, everything everyone needs is available in a blink of an eye, there is no money, but thought-emotion forms filled with love and the knowing that WE are ALL ONE and ONE is taking care, We are dancing in the streets, tears flowing down my face.
Posted by Sue at 11:36 AM
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