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Summary of Brenda’s July 23, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/brenda-hoffman:
finding it more difficult to be around those who do not share love –
even those entities you assumed would be in your life forever. You’re
also learning new concepts that don’t always resonate for/with you.
Rather than continuing duality by expressing your need to be right, know
that such is your unique growth process that doesn’t require shifting
the thoughts of others.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com “Alien Spaceships – Global Reality?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
The next few days may be fraught with angst and pondering. Not because such is necessary, but that you are discovering new pieces that do not align with what you expect of yourself.
Some of you will discover you do not have the energy or interest to discuss your shifts in attitude, beliefs and perceptions with others. Which is to be expected during such a dramatic change in your being.
Until now, even though you shifted here and there, you maintained your known 3D being.
Your previous shifts have largely been about discovering others who did not mesh with your being. Even so, you maintained your 3D beings’ integrity. Perhaps you preferred a few different foods, activities or interactions, but overall you remained the you that you have known since entering earth in this lifetime.
Such will not necessarily be the case after the next few days. For you are beginning to splinter off from your known 3D totality.
Such a statement likely makes your stomach turn, your blood run cold or any other phrase that indicates such a change will be for the worse. This advance notice is to allow you to glory in the new you you will create the next few days.
Splintering is little different from what was true for you during puberty. You perhaps evolved from a close or somewhat close relationship with your earth family to a need to interact with others of like age and interests. A growth stage your parents anticipated and you relished.
The difference is your shift of the next few days will happen all at once, instead of in stages for several years. Shifting from childhood to young adulthood with all the potential ramifications within your being from different foods to different friends to different reactions. You, in essence, will be flying through your new you teen years in a matter of hours. Meaning you will most likely appear petty, pouty and petulant to even yourself as you rapidly move through your processes. And then you will not.
Perhaps your concern is that such a flagrant disregard for all you have accepted and expected in 3D will create chaos and a loss of what you have created to date. Such is not true – for all who wish to be or are of the light will be moving through the same process. The difference is that those of you already of the light will now understand what is happening and those merely wishing to be of the light will be terrified that they are somehow wrong or need medication.
This is a short-lived event. For the time is now for you to become new you – requiring you and all wishing to participate to expedite your shifts. Even those of the light in past times such as Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed had greater preparation periods. For you are condensing that which once took years into days. And that which once took days into minutes.
So it is you will be a different person in days. Not a being so different you must live alone, but instead a mature young adult. Since this will be a condensed shift, the next few days will most likely surprise you as much as anyone.
Do you remember puberty when you were happy one moment and sad the next? Or childlike one moment and adult-like the next? So it will be for you the next few days. Do not place parameters around this shift or try to limit your emotional swings to “fit in” with what you expect of yourself in 3D.
You are evolving at warp speed which will be most dramatically displayed the next few days – most importantly to yourself. You are not losing your mind or your body. You are merely maturing both at a speed you are not accustomed to. Future beings will know such is happening and why. But as has been true since you started this wondrous journey to new you, you are New Earth scout masters.
Your initial reaction will most likely be of fear, even shame. Such will not be true in the future. For all will note the phase much as you now note the ‘terrible twos’ or teen years.
Allow yourself to play with this new you. And allow the same for others. It is a short-lived event that you will one day laugh about.
You are maturing and shifting more rapidly everyday. Those pieces that once took decades for you will be achieved within months for future generations. And those pieces that you achieved in months or days will be completed in minutes by future generations.
You are the first and therefore, less rapid group. Future groups will easily explore what you courageous souls completed with fear and wonderment. You are indeed New Earth scout masters fully as brave as any historical figure you can conjure up in your mind. For you are exploring your inner world and sharing the information you gather as did those who you speak of with awe from ancients who traveled the globe in wooden boats to those who created loving communities despite the hardships such required.
You are a brave lot. Know that you are completing as much for future generations as any explorer, wise person or god you now speak of in hushed tones. And you are allowing/encouraging others to know of your wisdom via the Internet, healing sessions, seminars, personal interactions and so many other means of communication that you created for this very purpose.
You are your own guru – and the scout master of the generations and beings who wish to follow. Pat yourself on your back, your leg and any other place that conveys to you how wonderful you are. So be it. Amen.
http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
5D Spiritual Healing Team~ The First Contact Ground Crew Team ~For Personal Assistance In Clearing Your Energy Fields, raising your vibration, being the change you wish to see and the miracle or need assistance with 3rd Eye and Pineal gland clearing, opening, and strengthening, You can follow this link for details and to schedule one of these amazing services with us: http://5dspiritualhealing.com/
Posted 30th July by ATMAN
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The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com “Alien Spaceships – Global Reality?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
The next few days may be fraught with angst and pondering. Not because such is necessary, but that you are discovering new pieces that do not align with what you expect of yourself.
Some of you will discover you do not have the energy or interest to discuss your shifts in attitude, beliefs and perceptions with others. Which is to be expected during such a dramatic change in your being.
Until now, even though you shifted here and there, you maintained your known 3D being.
Your previous shifts have largely been about discovering others who did not mesh with your being. Even so, you maintained your 3D beings’ integrity. Perhaps you preferred a few different foods, activities or interactions, but overall you remained the you that you have known since entering earth in this lifetime.
Such will not necessarily be the case after the next few days. For you are beginning to splinter off from your known 3D totality.
Such a statement likely makes your stomach turn, your blood run cold or any other phrase that indicates such a change will be for the worse. This advance notice is to allow you to glory in the new you you will create the next few days.
Splintering is little different from what was true for you during puberty. You perhaps evolved from a close or somewhat close relationship with your earth family to a need to interact with others of like age and interests. A growth stage your parents anticipated and you relished.
The difference is your shift of the next few days will happen all at once, instead of in stages for several years. Shifting from childhood to young adulthood with all the potential ramifications within your being from different foods to different friends to different reactions. You, in essence, will be flying through your new you teen years in a matter of hours. Meaning you will most likely appear petty, pouty and petulant to even yourself as you rapidly move through your processes. And then you will not.
Perhaps your concern is that such a flagrant disregard for all you have accepted and expected in 3D will create chaos and a loss of what you have created to date. Such is not true – for all who wish to be or are of the light will be moving through the same process. The difference is that those of you already of the light will now understand what is happening and those merely wishing to be of the light will be terrified that they are somehow wrong or need medication.
This is a short-lived event. For the time is now for you to become new you – requiring you and all wishing to participate to expedite your shifts. Even those of the light in past times such as Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed had greater preparation periods. For you are condensing that which once took years into days. And that which once took days into minutes.
So it is you will be a different person in days. Not a being so different you must live alone, but instead a mature young adult. Since this will be a condensed shift, the next few days will most likely surprise you as much as anyone.
Do you remember puberty when you were happy one moment and sad the next? Or childlike one moment and adult-like the next? So it will be for you the next few days. Do not place parameters around this shift or try to limit your emotional swings to “fit in” with what you expect of yourself in 3D.
You are evolving at warp speed which will be most dramatically displayed the next few days – most importantly to yourself. You are not losing your mind or your body. You are merely maturing both at a speed you are not accustomed to. Future beings will know such is happening and why. But as has been true since you started this wondrous journey to new you, you are New Earth scout masters.
Your initial reaction will most likely be of fear, even shame. Such will not be true in the future. For all will note the phase much as you now note the ‘terrible twos’ or teen years.
Allow yourself to play with this new you. And allow the same for others. It is a short-lived event that you will one day laugh about.
You are maturing and shifting more rapidly everyday. Those pieces that once took decades for you will be achieved within months for future generations. And those pieces that you achieved in months or days will be completed in minutes by future generations.
You are the first and therefore, less rapid group. Future groups will easily explore what you courageous souls completed with fear and wonderment. You are indeed New Earth scout masters fully as brave as any historical figure you can conjure up in your mind. For you are exploring your inner world and sharing the information you gather as did those who you speak of with awe from ancients who traveled the globe in wooden boats to those who created loving communities despite the hardships such required.
You are a brave lot. Know that you are completing as much for future generations as any explorer, wise person or god you now speak of in hushed tones. And you are allowing/encouraging others to know of your wisdom via the Internet, healing sessions, seminars, personal interactions and so many other means of communication that you created for this very purpose.
You are your own guru – and the scout master of the generations and beings who wish to follow. Pat yourself on your back, your leg and any other place that conveys to you how wonderful you are. So be it. Amen.
http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

5D Spiritual Healing Team~ The First Contact Ground Crew Team ~For Personal Assistance In Clearing Your Energy Fields, raising your vibration, being the change you wish to see and the miracle or need assistance with 3rd Eye and Pineal gland clearing, opening, and strengthening, You can follow this link for details and to schedule one of these amazing services with us: http://5dspiritualhealing.com/
Posted 30th July by ATMAN
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