miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015

Sharing.:::.Tend the Harvest - SOUL CONTRACT

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Try to look at the why, how and love,
From departing Souls from this world.
We all come here with a contract,
That we want to experiance these things,
As a Soul.

We filter through each life time,
To get as much out of the emotions we can.
Because when we are home in the realms of light,
Love is the only feeling that is at hand.
Even in hatred there is our love that is involved.
It is us extending our emotions,
So we as Souls can evolve.
Think of yourself as an energy light of love,
And with a red sheet you cover up this love.
The light of you Soul that you are,
Can still shine threw this sheet,
We will call this color,
Being shy and meak.
Cover it with blue,
And we will call that,
It matters not what meaning,
You put into human words.
Because it is all an extention of the love,
That is truely you.
With the mind it is hard to see,
The love behind hatred in this world.
But please understand we all signed up for,
What is happening to us in this world.
In the human mind people die all the time,
In the Soul realm or true home,
We are still alive.
Stop looking at everything that happens with the human mind,
Look at all things with your Soul eyes,
And learn to except we each have a contract,
To be lived in this life.
For myself came the time,
To stop feeling emotions I experiance in this world.
I have experianced all the ones I was meant to over years.
Now I live with a quiet mind,
And except all in this world.
I no longer let my human mind,
Look out and see the world.
I see it with my Soul eyes,
A watcher you may say.
And am able to understand each lesson,
That is being taught to Souls these days.
We volunteer to come here,
And go through all these things,
We never die and we never will.
So I wish the words die and death,
Would just go away.

Barbara Wikle Nov. 16, 2015

Posted 5 weeks ago by ATMAN

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