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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Unconditionally Loving your Self--Chakra One
FREE Meditation Download
First Chakra
Listen to your 7-minute meditation
To download your 7-minute meditation,
please click
LOCATION: The first chakra is located at the base of the spine.
PETALS: This chakra rules the lowest vibration of our body and has the slowest wavelength. There are four spokes, or petals. Four is the number of the square and foundations. The square is related to being honest, or giving a “square deal, the four energies of earth–earth, air, fire, and water, and the four directions. Four walls, four legs, or four wheels represent a strong foundation.
NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is C and the mantra is “lam” or “e” as in red. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the first chakra.
COLOR: The color for this chakra is red, which is the lowest frequency of human’s visible light spectrum. Red is the color of anger and/or vitality.
RULES: The first chakra rules our PHYSICAL energies. Also known as the root chakra, it governs our vigor, heredity, survival, security, passion, money, job, and home. This chakra aids us in our everyday survival.
SENSE: The sense of smell is related to this chakra. Our sense of smell is our most primitive sense, and is the first sense that awakens upon our physical birth. The receptors for smell are located at the base of our brain and feeds directly into our limbic system, which is the area of memory and emotion. Therefore, aromas can immediately access emotional memories stored in our unconscious.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: The astrological sign associated with the root chakra is Taurus. The symbol for Taurus is the bull. Like our root chakra, the bull is a symbol of masculine power and fertility. The bull roots in the earth with his front hooves and lowers his nostrils toward the ground to warn any who would threaten his “herd”. There are many cows in the herd, but only the strongest bull will be able to preserve the genetic integrity of the group.
The first chakra is actually the basis of both our masculine and feminine energy. It represents our masculine will and male sexual organs as well as the feminine energy of the Goddess Kundalini. Therefore, a man can learn to integrate his feminine power and a woman can learn to integrate her masculine power through the clearing and opening of this chakra.
ELEMENT: Earth is the element associated with the first chakra and the mineral kingdom is the top of that hierarchy. Crystals have been prized by humankind for eons and have also been used in esoteric healing. Since it rules our first dimensional self that is unable to reflect upon itself, perceptions from our root chakra are usually unconscious. This first dimensional portion of us can only be aware of a “hive or species consciousness”.
Even though, the first chakra has many masculine qualities it is also the “seat of the Goddess Kundalini” and is therefore often associated with our relationship with our mothers and with Mother Earth. Our relationships with our mother set up our attitude toward home, security, and money. If we are cut off from our roots, we feel cut off from the earth as well.
CONSCIOUSNESS: The first chakra rules our survival consciousness and represents our deepest unconscious and most primitive self. This chakra represents the reptilian portion of our brain, which is our brainstem, our center for life support. The brainstem and the area immediately above it are called the reptilian brain because it is possessed by all creatures from reptiles to humans. For reptiles, this area is their entire brain, but for humans it is the base, or stem, of their brain. In fact, part of this area is known as the brainstem.
PERSONAL TIMELINE: The first chakra represents birth to two years of age. This is the time before we have completed our process of individuation and still perceive ourselves as a part of our parents. This chakra represents our struggle to come to terms with our physical life and physical body. Our Multidimensional Spirits are new to the limitations and separation of our new 3D reality, and we struggling to learn how to control our physical earth vessel. Fortunately, we naturally travel into the higher dimensions at this age and can return Home whenever we are desperately in need of comfort and understanding.
SOCIAL TIMELINE: Anthropologically, the first chakra represents the time when humankind was cave dwellers. At that time in our “civilization”, we lived from day to day. To assist in our struggle for survival, we worshiped animals and other aspects of our physical environment.
ENDOCRINE GLAND: Each chakra feeds prana into a different endocrine gland. Just as there are seven chakras, there are seven endocrine glands. Both the chakras and the endocrine glands are located along the spinal cord. The endocrine glands manufacture hormones and supply them to the bloodstream. These glands are called “ductless” because there is not a duct to any specific part of the body. Instead, hormones are released into the bloodstream where they are carried by the blood to every organ and tissue to exert their influence on all functions of the physical body.
Each gland is internally related to the other glands and also works closely with the nervous and circulatory system. In order for the organs of the body to work efficiently, the blood must contain certain chemicals. Many of these chemicals are secreted by the endocrine glands, and this secretion is vital for the health of the entire system. Our bodies can become diseased if there are too many or too few hormones.
The endocrine gland for the first chakra is the adrenal glands. There are actually two adrenal glands located with one on top of each of the two kidneys. The adrenal glands are the body’s call to battle. When adrenaline is released into the system our perceptions become clearer, we have added vigor and feel more courageous.
The release of adrenaline activates the fight/flight syndrome, which prepares us for “fight or flight.” Release of adrenaline and activation of fight/flight is brought on by real or imagined danger. Therefore, our emotions can activate a release of adrenaline when we feel extreme fear or even chronic anxiety. The first chakra is the “survival chakra,” and the fight/flight syndrome is vital for the survival of every species.
NERVE PLEXUS: The first chakra is located near the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus is the nerve center, which rules the skeleton, legs, feet, eliminatory system, male reproductive organs, and the prostate. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the right, masculine, side of the body it can indicate issues of trust in one’s will. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the left, feminine, side then it can indicate issues with trust of one’s emotional life.
CLEAR: When the first chakra is clear we feel secure, grounded, and stable. We can use good “common sense” to balance our finances as well as our everyday responsibilities and still initiate new activities and interest. Our eliminatory system functions well, neural activity in our legs and feet is healthy, and our ability to initiate sexual encounters is comfortable and natural. Our root chakra is the home of the Sleeping Serpent, our Kundalini. When this chakra is clear and balanced the Goddess Kundalini Shakti can awaken and begin her gradual rise towards reunion with Lord Shiva.
UNCLEAR: When the first chakra is unclear, we feel insecure and fearful. We can also become absent-minded because we are ungrounded. We may also have a difficult time with our finances and day to day necessities. Whatever security we derive from material things can become threatened. There can also be problems with our home, which is our base of operations in physical life. We can become self-indulgent and self-centered and suffer from depression and grief. We may suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, or prostate problems.
All of the above emotional, behavioral, and physical health issues have to do with the ability to let go. We cannot let go of our sadness, let go of material sources of comfort when finances require, or even let go of the waste material of our bodies. If we cannot release what is holding us back, we cannot move forward. Difficulties with our sciatic nerve and problems with our legs and feet display this dynamic. Prostate problems can arise from frustrated sexual or creative drives.
EARTH’S CHAKRAS: Just as the first chakra represents our physical body, the Earth’s first chakra represents Her physical body. The planetary first chakra is located at Mt. Sinai in the Middle East. Lady Gaia is allowing Her Kundalini to rise to meet her Divine Mate. It is TIME now that we hear Her call. Hence, this area of the planet is the center of great unrest.
DIMENSIONS: The first chakra rules our first and second dimensional selves. Our first dimensional self represents the genetic coding, cells, and minerals of our bodies. It also represents our most primitive “animal self”, which is represented by the fight/flight response that serves to assure the survival of the species. The root chakra also rules the male sex glands and the testosterone that they secrete. This testosterone drives the males in our society, and the male polarity of our psyche, to perpetuate and protect humanity.
SUMMARY: The body of Mother Earth and Her consciousness, Lady Gaia, is the third dimensional planet that supports our physical body. Just as our physical body communicates with our consciousness by its state of health, disease, comfort, and discomfort, Lady Gaia communicates with us via the health of Her planet.
Dear Readers:
Let's build the unity consciousness that is necessary to birth our New Earth by sharing our process of loving ourself unconditionally with others. As we experience loving ourselves unconditionally with others, we also share our unconditional love.
Thank you so every one for your emails of support for this process. I know that I would really love to hear how you are doing with your process of loving your self UNCONDITIONALLY.
You can share your process for each of the seven different chakras in the blog in which the chakra was introduced. Your process is important to us all because we are ALL returning to our true SELF.
Blessings and Unconditional love for you all.
7 Minutes * 7 Chakras * 7 Weeks
You will receive a Free 7-minute meditation download
every Monday for seven weeks.
You can then allocate 7 minutes each day to listen to the meditation of the week.
These short meditations will guide you to unconditionally love your self by focusing on the mind, body and spiritual elements of that week’s chakra.
Make Ascension Normal with Unconditional Love for Yourself
More Info for Unconditional Love--AND Introductory Message
Check out the full process on Multidimensions.com
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:35 PM
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Suzanne Lie, Ph.D., has been a seeker since she was a child where her active “imagination” took her deep into her inner life. She continues to regularly share her experiences and Arcturian teachings on her blog, Awakening with Suzanne Lie, and she wishes to help awakening ones come out of hiding and allow the glory of their highest expression of SELF into their everyday life.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Unconditionally Loving your Self--Chakra One
FREE Meditation Download
First Chakra
Listen to your 7-minute meditation
To download your 7-minute meditation,
please click
LOCATION: The first chakra is located at the base of the spine.
PETALS: This chakra rules the lowest vibration of our body and has the slowest wavelength. There are four spokes, or petals. Four is the number of the square and foundations. The square is related to being honest, or giving a “square deal, the four energies of earth–earth, air, fire, and water, and the four directions. Four walls, four legs, or four wheels represent a strong foundation.
NOTE & MANTRA: The note for this chakra is C and the mantra is “lam” or “e” as in red. Chanting these mantras in the key of D while focusing our attention on this area of our body can enable us to more consciously access the first chakra.
COLOR: The color for this chakra is red, which is the lowest frequency of human’s visible light spectrum. Red is the color of anger and/or vitality.
RULES: The first chakra rules our PHYSICAL energies. Also known as the root chakra, it governs our vigor, heredity, survival, security, passion, money, job, and home. This chakra aids us in our everyday survival.
SENSE: The sense of smell is related to this chakra. Our sense of smell is our most primitive sense, and is the first sense that awakens upon our physical birth. The receptors for smell are located at the base of our brain and feeds directly into our limbic system, which is the area of memory and emotion. Therefore, aromas can immediately access emotional memories stored in our unconscious.
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: The astrological sign associated with the root chakra is Taurus. The symbol for Taurus is the bull. Like our root chakra, the bull is a symbol of masculine power and fertility. The bull roots in the earth with his front hooves and lowers his nostrils toward the ground to warn any who would threaten his “herd”. There are many cows in the herd, but only the strongest bull will be able to preserve the genetic integrity of the group.
The first chakra is actually the basis of both our masculine and feminine energy. It represents our masculine will and male sexual organs as well as the feminine energy of the Goddess Kundalini. Therefore, a man can learn to integrate his feminine power and a woman can learn to integrate her masculine power through the clearing and opening of this chakra.
ELEMENT: Earth is the element associated with the first chakra and the mineral kingdom is the top of that hierarchy. Crystals have been prized by humankind for eons and have also been used in esoteric healing. Since it rules our first dimensional self that is unable to reflect upon itself, perceptions from our root chakra are usually unconscious. This first dimensional portion of us can only be aware of a “hive or species consciousness”.
Even though, the first chakra has many masculine qualities it is also the “seat of the Goddess Kundalini” and is therefore often associated with our relationship with our mothers and with Mother Earth. Our relationships with our mother set up our attitude toward home, security, and money. If we are cut off from our roots, we feel cut off from the earth as well.
CONSCIOUSNESS: The first chakra rules our survival consciousness and represents our deepest unconscious and most primitive self. This chakra represents the reptilian portion of our brain, which is our brainstem, our center for life support. The brainstem and the area immediately above it are called the reptilian brain because it is possessed by all creatures from reptiles to humans. For reptiles, this area is their entire brain, but for humans it is the base, or stem, of their brain. In fact, part of this area is known as the brainstem.
PERSONAL TIMELINE: The first chakra represents birth to two years of age. This is the time before we have completed our process of individuation and still perceive ourselves as a part of our parents. This chakra represents our struggle to come to terms with our physical life and physical body. Our Multidimensional Spirits are new to the limitations and separation of our new 3D reality, and we struggling to learn how to control our physical earth vessel. Fortunately, we naturally travel into the higher dimensions at this age and can return Home whenever we are desperately in need of comfort and understanding.
SOCIAL TIMELINE: Anthropologically, the first chakra represents the time when humankind was cave dwellers. At that time in our “civilization”, we lived from day to day. To assist in our struggle for survival, we worshiped animals and other aspects of our physical environment.
ENDOCRINE GLAND: Each chakra feeds prana into a different endocrine gland. Just as there are seven chakras, there are seven endocrine glands. Both the chakras and the endocrine glands are located along the spinal cord. The endocrine glands manufacture hormones and supply them to the bloodstream. These glands are called “ductless” because there is not a duct to any specific part of the body. Instead, hormones are released into the bloodstream where they are carried by the blood to every organ and tissue to exert their influence on all functions of the physical body.
Each gland is internally related to the other glands and also works closely with the nervous and circulatory system. In order for the organs of the body to work efficiently, the blood must contain certain chemicals. Many of these chemicals are secreted by the endocrine glands, and this secretion is vital for the health of the entire system. Our bodies can become diseased if there are too many or too few hormones.
The endocrine gland for the first chakra is the adrenal glands. There are actually two adrenal glands located with one on top of each of the two kidneys. The adrenal glands are the body’s call to battle. When adrenaline is released into the system our perceptions become clearer, we have added vigor and feel more courageous.
The release of adrenaline activates the fight/flight syndrome, which prepares us for “fight or flight.” Release of adrenaline and activation of fight/flight is brought on by real or imagined danger. Therefore, our emotions can activate a release of adrenaline when we feel extreme fear or even chronic anxiety. The first chakra is the “survival chakra,” and the fight/flight syndrome is vital for the survival of every species.
NERVE PLEXUS: The first chakra is located near the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus is the nerve center, which rules the skeleton, legs, feet, eliminatory system, male reproductive organs, and the prostate. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the right, masculine, side of the body it can indicate issues of trust in one’s will. If there is a problem with the leg or foot on the left, feminine, side then it can indicate issues with trust of one’s emotional life.
CLEAR: When the first chakra is clear we feel secure, grounded, and stable. We can use good “common sense” to balance our finances as well as our everyday responsibilities and still initiate new activities and interest. Our eliminatory system functions well, neural activity in our legs and feet is healthy, and our ability to initiate sexual encounters is comfortable and natural. Our root chakra is the home of the Sleeping Serpent, our Kundalini. When this chakra is clear and balanced the Goddess Kundalini Shakti can awaken and begin her gradual rise towards reunion with Lord Shiva.
UNCLEAR: When the first chakra is unclear, we feel insecure and fearful. We can also become absent-minded because we are ungrounded. We may also have a difficult time with our finances and day to day necessities. Whatever security we derive from material things can become threatened. There can also be problems with our home, which is our base of operations in physical life. We can become self-indulgent and self-centered and suffer from depression and grief. We may suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, or prostate problems.
All of the above emotional, behavioral, and physical health issues have to do with the ability to let go. We cannot let go of our sadness, let go of material sources of comfort when finances require, or even let go of the waste material of our bodies. If we cannot release what is holding us back, we cannot move forward. Difficulties with our sciatic nerve and problems with our legs and feet display this dynamic. Prostate problems can arise from frustrated sexual or creative drives.
EARTH’S CHAKRAS: Just as the first chakra represents our physical body, the Earth’s first chakra represents Her physical body. The planetary first chakra is located at Mt. Sinai in the Middle East. Lady Gaia is allowing Her Kundalini to rise to meet her Divine Mate. It is TIME now that we hear Her call. Hence, this area of the planet is the center of great unrest.

DIMENSIONS: The first chakra rules our first and second dimensional selves. Our first dimensional self represents the genetic coding, cells, and minerals of our bodies. It also represents our most primitive “animal self”, which is represented by the fight/flight response that serves to assure the survival of the species. The root chakra also rules the male sex glands and the testosterone that they secrete. This testosterone drives the males in our society, and the male polarity of our psyche, to perpetuate and protect humanity.
SUMMARY: The body of Mother Earth and Her consciousness, Lady Gaia, is the third dimensional planet that supports our physical body. Just as our physical body communicates with our consciousness by its state of health, disease, comfort, and discomfort, Lady Gaia communicates with us via the health of Her planet.

Dear Readers:
Let's build the unity consciousness that is necessary to birth our New Earth by sharing our process of loving ourself unconditionally with others. As we experience loving ourselves unconditionally with others, we also share our unconditional love.
Thank you so every one for your emails of support for this process. I know that I would really love to hear how you are doing with your process of loving your self UNCONDITIONALLY.
You can share your process for each of the seven different chakras in the blog in which the chakra was introduced. Your process is important to us all because we are ALL returning to our true SELF.
Blessings and Unconditional love for you all.

7 Minutes * 7 Chakras * 7 Weeks
You will receive a Free 7-minute meditation download
every Monday for seven weeks.
You can then allocate 7 minutes each day to listen to the meditation of the week.
These short meditations will guide you to unconditionally love your self by focusing on the mind, body and spiritual elements of that week’s chakra.
Make Ascension Normal with Unconditional Love for Yourself
More Info for Unconditional Love--AND Introductory Message
Check out the full process on Multidimensions.com
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:35 PM
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DECEMBER 13, 2015
Dear ones, it is with joy that we commune and join with you as you journey ever more deeply into enlightenment.
We wish to speak of benevolence, a subject that is frequently misunderstood. Benevolence is considered to be the practice of meeting of some need--the giving of time, money, or service by some group or individual without personal consideration. The USA is considered to be a benevolent nation because of the spiritual principles upon which it was founded and most religions of the world believe benevolence to be representative of spirituality. The holiday season in particular promotes benevolence as the Christmas message.
True benevolence is loving action that flows without pressure, guilt, force, prejudice, or shame, performed with no agenda or desire of reward. It is simply another facet of unconditional love for someone who has attained a consciousness of oneness.
Benevolence becomes misguided when it takes precedence over any and every consideration in order for the giver to feel "spiritual". This sort of benevolence can easily and often does, become enabling. Many a sincere seeker has made the mistake of believing that catering to others is love and so makes them (the giver) more spiritual.
We have chosen to speak of benevolence today because many serious spiritual seekers have become confused while sincerely trying to live unconditional love. This is because they are forgetting to first go within and be guided, often becoming instead human puppets serving the prompts of others while believing that they are living from unconditional love.
Want versus need is the criteria for true benevolence. Become adept at knowing which is which, not allowing yourselves to become hypnotized by appearances or the opinions of others. This does not mean that you never assist some person or group, but means that before doing so you assess the situation and get a "feel" as to whether the request represents real need or is simply a want on the part of the recipients and/or individuals promoting the cause.
Be wise in the practice of financial benevolence, taking time to investigate how much of the donation actually reaches the cause they are promoting. There are some groups launching appeals especially during holiday times in which a large portion of your donation will go to a highly paid CEO. Common sense is a spiritual activity too, just as is every aspect of ordinary daily living.
Benevolence is birthed as conscious action but over time as spiritual awareness deepens, becomes natural and common place. You will find that you automatically and without thought begin to recognize needs from wants and it becomes much easier to lovingly refuse or simply do nothing if so guided.
When you are guided to refuse you may find yourself criticized by those who do not understand that benevolence must include consideration for the deeper aspects of the request. There are times when certain situations may be providing a much needed and chosen lesson for all involved, requiring some of the difficulty to remain.
Always trust your intuition and experience the resonance of whatever correct action is needed for yourselves and others. Benevolence occasionally means simply allowing another to fall flat on their face so to speak, because this is what is needed for the person's growth.
This message is to point out the importance of becoming conscious of the reasons behind your actions--your intent. During your heart centered journey to become more loving and benevolent ask yourselves; "Am I expressing unconditional love, or simply parroting someone's concept of unconditional love?". You who read these messages are evolved beings of Light and no longer students, but as you move into higher dimensional energy, even the smallest bit of old conditioning can trip you up and cause confusion. Stay conscious in every moment.
State the intention to always serve only in those ways providing for the highest and best good of the "other". Many in their sincere quest to be spiritual have made the mistake of believing that benevolence means blindly giving, giving, giving, at the loss of their personal power for discretion and choice.
Benevolence should never be obligation because of pressure from some outside organization or person even though these groups often serve to alert people to world needs. Never forget that every person has a Higher Self and Guides, and came in to this lifetime with a contract that they themselves created for learning.
This is particularly difficult for parents and loved ones who sincerely want to relieve the suffering of their children or friends and family. It is never wrong to assist others who need help. Your famous psychic Edgar Cayce said; "You'll not be in heaven if you're not leaning on the arm of someone you have helped."
However, there often comes a point at which you realize that the most loving action you can take is to simply step back and allow the process to unfold even when you can easily see what is coming down the road. This can be very difficult, but is the more heart centered and truly benevolent action.
Never fear to say "no" when you are guided from within even if others disagree or even accuse you of not being loving. Never allow another's belief system to dictate your actions, especially in spiritual matters for that is what has brought about much of the chaos and ignorance now manifesting in the world. Enter into every situation from a state of consciousness that realizes all are spiritual beings having a human experiences.
Do not let these words cause you to fear expressing love, service, or money to seemingly discordant situations when guided, for giving is receiving which is the secret key to abundance. Send Love, recognition, and Light to every situation, for this is a high form of benevolence.
Everyone is moving quickly into the new and higher dimensional energies and many of you have discovered that the journey holds a few physical, emotional, and mental bloody footsteps which only represent the old energy you are moving beyond. Even those still asleep in the illusions of sense are feeling, causing them to fear and act out. Be patient with them, recognize their divinity, and never fear to express benevolence without reservation when guided.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/13/15
Posted 14th December 2015 by ATMAN
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DECEMBER 13, 2015
Dear ones, it is with joy that we commune and join with you as you journey ever more deeply into enlightenment.
We wish to speak of benevolence, a subject that is frequently misunderstood. Benevolence is considered to be the practice of meeting of some need--the giving of time, money, or service by some group or individual without personal consideration. The USA is considered to be a benevolent nation because of the spiritual principles upon which it was founded and most religions of the world believe benevolence to be representative of spirituality. The holiday season in particular promotes benevolence as the Christmas message.
True benevolence is loving action that flows without pressure, guilt, force, prejudice, or shame, performed with no agenda or desire of reward. It is simply another facet of unconditional love for someone who has attained a consciousness of oneness.
Benevolence becomes misguided when it takes precedence over any and every consideration in order for the giver to feel "spiritual". This sort of benevolence can easily and often does, become enabling. Many a sincere seeker has made the mistake of believing that catering to others is love and so makes them (the giver) more spiritual.
We have chosen to speak of benevolence today because many serious spiritual seekers have become confused while sincerely trying to live unconditional love. This is because they are forgetting to first go within and be guided, often becoming instead human puppets serving the prompts of others while believing that they are living from unconditional love.
Want versus need is the criteria for true benevolence. Become adept at knowing which is which, not allowing yourselves to become hypnotized by appearances or the opinions of others. This does not mean that you never assist some person or group, but means that before doing so you assess the situation and get a "feel" as to whether the request represents real need or is simply a want on the part of the recipients and/or individuals promoting the cause.
Be wise in the practice of financial benevolence, taking time to investigate how much of the donation actually reaches the cause they are promoting. There are some groups launching appeals especially during holiday times in which a large portion of your donation will go to a highly paid CEO. Common sense is a spiritual activity too, just as is every aspect of ordinary daily living.
Benevolence is birthed as conscious action but over time as spiritual awareness deepens, becomes natural and common place. You will find that you automatically and without thought begin to recognize needs from wants and it becomes much easier to lovingly refuse or simply do nothing if so guided.
When you are guided to refuse you may find yourself criticized by those who do not understand that benevolence must include consideration for the deeper aspects of the request. There are times when certain situations may be providing a much needed and chosen lesson for all involved, requiring some of the difficulty to remain.
Always trust your intuition and experience the resonance of whatever correct action is needed for yourselves and others. Benevolence occasionally means simply allowing another to fall flat on their face so to speak, because this is what is needed for the person's growth.
This message is to point out the importance of becoming conscious of the reasons behind your actions--your intent. During your heart centered journey to become more loving and benevolent ask yourselves; "Am I expressing unconditional love, or simply parroting someone's concept of unconditional love?". You who read these messages are evolved beings of Light and no longer students, but as you move into higher dimensional energy, even the smallest bit of old conditioning can trip you up and cause confusion. Stay conscious in every moment.
State the intention to always serve only in those ways providing for the highest and best good of the "other". Many in their sincere quest to be spiritual have made the mistake of believing that benevolence means blindly giving, giving, giving, at the loss of their personal power for discretion and choice.
Benevolence should never be obligation because of pressure from some outside organization or person even though these groups often serve to alert people to world needs. Never forget that every person has a Higher Self and Guides, and came in to this lifetime with a contract that they themselves created for learning.
This is particularly difficult for parents and loved ones who sincerely want to relieve the suffering of their children or friends and family. It is never wrong to assist others who need help. Your famous psychic Edgar Cayce said; "You'll not be in heaven if you're not leaning on the arm of someone you have helped."
However, there often comes a point at which you realize that the most loving action you can take is to simply step back and allow the process to unfold even when you can easily see what is coming down the road. This can be very difficult, but is the more heart centered and truly benevolent action.
Never fear to say "no" when you are guided from within even if others disagree or even accuse you of not being loving. Never allow another's belief system to dictate your actions, especially in spiritual matters for that is what has brought about much of the chaos and ignorance now manifesting in the world. Enter into every situation from a state of consciousness that realizes all are spiritual beings having a human experiences.
Do not let these words cause you to fear expressing love, service, or money to seemingly discordant situations when guided, for giving is receiving which is the secret key to abundance. Send Love, recognition, and Light to every situation, for this is a high form of benevolence.
Everyone is moving quickly into the new and higher dimensional energies and many of you have discovered that the journey holds a few physical, emotional, and mental bloody footsteps which only represent the old energy you are moving beyond. Even those still asleep in the illusions of sense are feeling, causing them to fear and act out. Be patient with them, recognize their divinity, and never fear to express benevolence without reservation when guided.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/13/15
Posted 14th December 2015 by ATMAN
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