* * *
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Translate /traducir/ Vertaal / ♪ → → → ► → → →
Terjemahan/μεταφράζω / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
переводити/Traduire/ переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
***+ + +* * *
translate / vertaal / menerjemahkan ♪ → → → ► → → →
Traducir / übersetzen / ♪ → → → ► → → →
traduire /μεταφράζω / переводить ♪ → → → → → → ►
ترجم / לתרגם 翻訳する
este momento deseo sugerirles que ustedes y yo juntos enviemos una
petición de sanación planetaria hacia el Anillo de Ascensión y el Anillo
de Ascensión estará donde quiera estén ustedes, donde quiera vuestros
pensamientos se encuentren. Y quiero que elijan qué pensamiento de
sanación desean enviar a la Madre Tierra a través del Anillo de
Ascensión. Luego pueden pedir que el Maestro Ascendido que esté en su
cercanía, que esté más próximo a ustedes, escuche esto y que ellos
envíen sus pensamientos al Anillo de Ascensión. Así entonces ustedes
pueden entender cuán poderosa puede ser la energía del Anillo de
Ascensión. Ahora meditaremos sólo unos pocos minutos y regresaré.
El poder arcan de la energía de vuestros pensamientos para la sanación
planetaria es fuerte ahora. Los Guías y Maestros, especialmente Sananda,
Ashtar y Sanat Kumara están procesando activamente y usando vuestras
energías para distribuir nueva luz de sanación para la biósfera. Así ese
anillo de equilibrio de luz puede ser llevado a través de toda la
Tierra. El Anillo de Ascensión es una herramienta muy poderosa. El
Anillo de Ascensión puede ser usado en conjunto con los 12 Cristales
Etéricos porque cada uno de los cristales etéricos tiene la capacidad de
tocar el Anillo de Ascensión. Es por eso que los cristales etéricos
pueden ser elevados fuera del suelo y la cima de estos cristales
etéricos puede realmente ser colocada dentro del Anillo de Ascensión.
Imaginen qué hermosa energía sería ésta si ustedes estuvieran pintando
una imagen del hermoso Anillo de Ascensión de 5ª dimensión alrededor del
planeta. 1600 personas alrededor del planeta, sentadas en círculo,
enviando luz al Anillo de Ascensión a través de sus Chakras Coronarios.
En la cima del planeta, en el mundo etérico, hay Maestros y Guías de 5ª
dimensión actuando simultáneamente enviando sus pensamientos y luz hacia
el Anillo de Ascensión. Entonces los 12 Cristales Etéricos del planeta
son elevados e interactúan con el Anillo de Ascensión. Esto amplifica el
poder de vuestros pensamientos. Luego al final del ejercicio, los
Cristales Etéricos serían regresados a la Tierra y conservarían la
energía del Anillo de Ascensión en su formación cristalina. Los
Cristales Etéricos pueden mantener en sus poderes de sanación energías
de 5ª dimensión en un grado extraordinario. Y así es como si ustedes
estuvieran almacenando poderes de sanación. Han trabajado tan arduamente
en vuestros ejercicios con el Anillo de Ascensión. Ustedes son capaces
de almacenar esa energía en los Cristales Etéricos. Los Cristales
Etéricos interactuaron directamente con el Anillo de Ascensión.
Ahora, una segunda arma poderosa para la sanación planetaria es el
Espejo Iskalia. El Espejo Iskalia es similar a un gigantesco espejo en
el polo norte. Pero es también un espejo etérico energético que tiene la
capacidad de recolectar energía desde grandes distancias desde la
galaxia. Es difícil de imaginar pero pueden comprender que aún un
telescopio que tiene un espejo de 200 pulgadas, en circunstancias
correctas y con una correcta apertura hacia los cielos puede recibir la
luz de millones y billones de años luz de distancia, a pesar de que la
luz que reciben sea tan tenue. Así quiero demostrar que las prácticas
del mundo astronómico pueden ser tan sensibles que pueden recibir de
regreso luz y energía de los comienzos de formación de este universo.
Ahora piensen que existe un espejo etérico de 5ª dimensión. Éste es un
espejo que no sólo puede recibir luz en esta dimensión sino que puede
recibir luz en otras dimensiones, pues la 5ª dimensión está
interactuando en muchos diferentes niveles con la 3ª dimensión y este
Espejo Iskalia está en un alineamiento especial. Así es que está
recibiendo luz, luz de 5ª dimensión, desde el Gran Sol Central y está
acumulando esta luz del Gran Sol Central. Sabemos que Jesús-Sananda es
originario del área del Gran Sol Central y es uno de los Padres
Fundadores de la luz universal junto con su linaje que incluye a
Moisés-David y también a Buda y muchos otros seres altamente ascendidos.
Y la luz y energía desde el Gran Sol Central está ahora en una fase de
5ª dimensión de conocimiento y sabiduría. La luz de sanación es ahora,
especialmente, una luz de sanación planetaria para la Tierra. Hay muchas
cosas que pueden decir acerca de la alineación del 2012. Hay muchas
cosas que pueden decir acerca de la alineación del Sol del 22 de
diciembre del 2012. Pero permítanme asegurarles que algo de la más
poderosa energía de 5ª dimensión que nunca se ha experimentado o visto
en este planeta estará disponible en este alineamiento. La alineación
planetaria conocida como alineación del 2012, o alineación solar, no es
exactamente el Final de los Tiempos de la energía. No es precisamente la
energía del cataclismo. No es justo la energía del cambio, sino que es
un tiempo en que la nueva energía de 5ª dimensión viene a la Tierra.
Ahora esta energía de 5ª dimensión está en su trayectoria. He dicho en
conferencias anteriores que el eclipse ha comenzado. Ustedes están en
la sombra del eclipse del alineamiento del 2012.
La energía de este Sol Central está llegando a la Tierra pero debe ser
acumulada y focalizada. Debe ser dirigida hacia la Tierra. Con esta
finalidad el Espejo Iskalia ha sido colocado por los Arcturianos en el
polo norte. Es un espejo de gran dimensión de diámetro. Daré una idea si
lo necesitan. Tiene a lo menos una milla de diámetro, es aún más
extenso en vuestros conceptos terrestres. Pero el tamaño no es tan
importante como el hecho de que tiene la capacidad para acumular luz de
5ª dimensión desde el Gran Sol Central. El segundo hecho, que es obvio,
es que la luz de 5ª dimensión que recibe puede ser focalizada en áreas
especiales de la Tierra que necesitan sanación planetaria. Es también
especialmente conveniente dirigir la energía y la luz provenientes del
Espejo Iskalia a las Ciudades Planetarias de Luz. Las Ciudades
Planetarias de Luz son ciudades especiales establecidas para sentir y
recibir las energías de 5ª dimensión. Son sensibles a las nuevas
energías de 5ª dimensión que vienen desde el Gran Sol Central. Significa
que éstas son soluciones nuevas. Éstos son nuevos conceptos; son
nuevas energías que quizás no han sido enviadas antes. Esto incluye
nueva música. Quiero decir que va a haber nuevos sonidos, nuevos tonos,
nuevas energías musicales que vienen ahora a la Tierra a través del
Espejo Iskalia, que recibe luz desde la 5ª dimensión.
Voy a entonar las palabras Espejo Iskalia , ahora.
Yo, Juliano, estoy invocando la Luz Iskalia. Viene desde el Espejo Iskalia y es dirigida hacia el Anillo de Ascensión, ahora.
La luz Iskalia desde el Gran Sol Central, la más elevada luz de 5ª
dimensión está ahora siendo descargada en el Anillo de Ascensión. Está
siendo transferida directamente a las Ciudades Planetarias de Luz.
A través de David K. Miller
Julio 2011
Publicado 5th September 2011 por Shanti
AWAKENING: My awakening as a Starseed took place in 1987. In 1996, I
quite my involvement in the business world to devote full time to
understanding, writing, and speaking about the larger reality. It has
been a gradual process of learning who I am and why I am here at this
time and place. There are additional layers of understanding unfolding

Since my awakening I have learned much about the larger picture. For me
a diamond represents the larger picture; its individual facets the ways
in which the larger picture presents itself to me and the many ways in
which others see the larger picture.
Media, government, the
monetary system, fossil fuels, the medical system, time, religion, large
corporations, the legal system, the educational system, and psychology
are all means of asserting control over us. I am being told that all of
these are going away “soon” as we transition to a higher consciousness.
At this moment I do not know how or when we will move into the New
Earth of the 5th Dimension, but I know that we will be there by the end
of the next three years. 2012 is the beginning; 2014 is the realization
of the New Earth. In the process of achieving a
New earth we will see earth changes, the collapse of the monetary
system, new technologies to replace the burning of fossil fuels,
revamped governments that are responsive to the needs of all, the
collapse of religions in favor of a true spirituality, and the
replacement of all institutions created by mankind from a 3rdDimension
fear basis.
As Earth’s transformation comes about our
light energy affects the civilizations on other planets of our solar
system: Venus, Mars, and others. This in turn affects other planets of
the Milky Way Galaxy. This then affects planets of other galaxies. All
planets of physical form are affects by our transition to the light.
Plus, all in the non-physical is also affected.
One of the more
startling facts I have come across is that less than one percent (1%) of
all beings in the cosmos know about sentient beings in physical form.
Think on this and recall how special you are and how special to be on
Earth at this time and place.
The main ingredient in our
transformation to the 5th Dimension is learning to think from our
hearts. The higher dimensions can not be accessed through our rational
minds. Functioning from the heart can be readily observed in the play of
small children or the love of a dog.
I am being told that the
transformation of Earth and her human inhabitants is the most important
event since the original creation. Imagine the impact you are having
with your every thought. Imagine the impact you are having as you change
your beliefs. Recall this as you examine the way you live.
now to a discussion of God, the words I have come to use are: “Prime
Creator,” “All That Is,” “Source,” and “Godhead.” The Godhead is neither
an individual entity nor a collective, It is much more vast, eternal,
powerful and loving than imaginable.
In the beginning, the Godhead created Creator Gods whose task it was to create the cosmos, physical and non-physical. This was done according to the “Original Template” laid out by the Godhead. These many Creator Gods created galaxies, universes, and other dimensions. The original Creator Gods created additional Creator Gods. All was in accordance with the light of the Godhead.
The physical form of our Earth was created according to the Original
Template. It possessed a pristine environment such that many beings from
around the universe came to simply be here. The original humans were transported here from other star systems and galaxies.
The four colored races are the result of this seeding. At the beginning
of this seeding, the humans knew whence they came, they were
telepathic, and had powers of the higher dimensions. In the beginning
all was in perfect harmony with the pristine environment and the other
inhabitants of the planet.
Some Creator Gods who had been created
by the original Creator Gods began to experiment with creations outside
that of the original Template, beyond the light of the Godhead. They
liked these new creations very much, and refused to return to the light
of the Godhead when asked to do so. There was a gradual degradation of certain sectors of the universe.
This is referred to as the fall of consciousness and its implications
are with us today for these dark energies affect our planet, among
others, in adverse ways.
By means of energetic manipulations on the
part of the Creator Gods without light, separation from the Original
Template caused distortions in the ego in all humans of Earth. In
addition to physical changes, our chakras became dysfunctional. Our
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies were split and their
functionality was drastically reduced. Judgment and competition entered
human behavior.
The so-called 3rd Dimension fell upon the humans of
planet Earth. Rigidness is the hallmark of the 3rd Dimension with its
many rules and regulations. Fear is at the heart of all aspects of the 3rd Dimension.
When I refer to the 3rd Dimension I am referring to the ways in which
we relate to each other, to our environment and to the higher
Stepping back to the beginning, Great Souls were
created by the Godhead. These were, and are, individualized expressions
of the Godhead. They are vast, eternal, and powerful beings, functioning
in the light as a collective. I envision each as much larger than an
individual planet. These great souls individuate souls from themselves
for occupying individual human physical forms on planets in myriad
galaxies. Through this process they do not entirely disconnect
themselves from the many individual souls in the many human and other
physical forms who they inhabit at any one moment.
Looking at
ourselves from the perspective of a Great Soul leads us immediately to
see who we really are. We can come to understand that we are magnificent
creators in our own right. Most importantly we can come to understand
that there is “nothing wrong with us.” We are the physical embodiment of
a vast being; we are playing a role for this lifetime.
I have come to understand that the various Dimensions of which we speak are energetic configurations. They are numbered for our convenience, but from a higher vibration perspective they are not sequential. The 3rd Dimension refers to the rigid form of which we are all well aware. It is important to distinguish between the 3rd Dimension and physical form.
Physical form is the paper upon which I print this information and the
computer I use to do it. Physical form is the landscape outside my
window and the sky above. The rigid form of the 3rd Dimension is the fear-based code of conduct within which 3rd Dimension people live.
The energetic configurations of 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Dimensions
are nowhere as rigid as 3rdDimension. In 5th Dimension there is no fear.
In 5th Dimension all is transparent; there is no manipulation. In 5th
Dimension we can realize our true potential as powerful creators. In
5thDimension we are part of a powerful collective with others who
function from the light.
A great shift is upon us.
All who choose to do so will move into higher vibrations, initially the
4thDimension and then onto the 5th. Beyond the shift is harmony and
oneness. Beyond the shift we will find new ways to experience family,
community, leadership, and organizations. Beyond the shift we can find
ourselves in a veritable paradise – if we so choose to go there. If we
do not choose, we will remain in the 3rd Dimension, but elsewhere.
I am being told that we are part of a grand experiment, never before
attempted. We are to be the first to merge 5th Dimension consciousness
in physical form. This is the goal for all who remain on this planet.
Another way to say this is, “Life in physical form from an elevated
consciousness.” We are indeed entering a new reality.
To achieve this transformation we are receiving assistance from a number of directions: Earth is being bombarded with transforming electromagnetic energies (Beyond those measured by scientists).
An array of archangels and ascended masters are assisting. Our star
brothers and sisters are present both walking the planet and orbiting it
in giant starcraft such as Athabantian.
Numerous walk-ins and starseeds have come to the planet to act as
lightworkers. And we have a bevy of channeled information recorded in
books, and on CD’s, DVD’s and web sites.
By vibrating at our own
higher frequencies, we are displacing fear in Earth’s collective
consciousness. You and I are making a change by being who we truly are
and radiating that consciousness. In turn we are impacting ALL in the
Embrace the impact your thoughts and actions have on ALL of creation.
Separate your inner knowing completely from the outer realms.
Understand that what we are doing on this planet is the most important
event since the original creation. We are most fortunate to be part of
Accept who you really are.
Accept that there is nothing “wrong” with you.
Raise your vibration.
Maintain yourself at a higher vibration
Do something, such as giving of yourself to others.
A NEW WORLD is emerging. In it will be new relationships. On this new
world you will be telepathic. New organizations will be required,
organizations based on mutual understanding and the greatest benefit of
all. On this new world there will be no pollution and the adverse
effects the 3rd Dimension will be cleansed.
A new breed of humans is emerging: The Caretakers. They will:
Operate in physical bodies from a 5th Dimension consciousness.
Have youthful bodies, and live without disease.
NOT experience death, as we know it; they will choose when to leave their bodies.
Have a very high consciousness.
Know that they are citizens of the universe.
Be creators of a new civilization on planet Earth.
Assist Earth to blossom into Earth Star, a self-illuminating planet of light.

“Center of Light,” is being created in southwest Colorado. It is a
self-sustaining facility with teaching, residential, and conditioning
spaces. It will be surrounded by gardens and farms to provide food for
its many residents. All will operate in harmony and oneness.
Abiquor already exists in the 5thDimension, and will materialize on
Earth after our shift to higher consciousness. As currently envisioned,
it will be a teaching center for Caretakers. Utilizing the knowledge and
experience of beings from other star systems, it will instruct
Caretakers on new forms of organization, on news ways of leadership, and
on ways to interact with off-planet beings. It will also instruct
Caretakers to teach others around the planet. Additional aspects of
Abiquor include cleansing of Earth’s environment and implementing new
energies to replace fossil fuels. I am being told that its impact will
be felt well beyond Earth.
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