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Never before has the Earth been through such a huge change … that is the nature of the Fifth Dimension, that you all co-create and make choices together to create another Reality. Some of you are awake and doing this in a conscious way, but many are still in the "sleep" state and are making their choices without consciousness and based on old energies and patterns. This is why there is so much chaos and confusion. Those who are still making the same unconscious choices are finding that these choices are not leading them to places that they want to be, and they are becoming angry and anxious.
The shift that needs to happen in each incarnated being is to move from the ego/mind to the Heart/Soul as the center of their being and life on Earth.
Over the recent period of your evolution the mind has become the strongest part of most humans and their world. The mind controls perception and creates continuity so that life can be experienced as a "story" that is continuous in a rational way and "makes sense" to the mind. However, as you wake up you begin to see that there are many timelines and many stories, all being told and enacted simultaneously in your reality, as souls create and co-create.
The truth is, Beloved Ones, that the mind can never find truth, for truth belongs to the Heart and the Soul.
Your mind seeks to hold on to the dominance and does not want to let go. When the mind "let's go" and allows the Soul to step in, the there is another perspective on Time, Space and Reality that liberates each being to experience life at a higher level of consciousness and in harmony with the Heart and Soul. A New Dream and a New Reality is born. You begin to see and experience things that were not seen and felt before, because they were hidden by the filters of the mind. The veils are lifted and you truly see what is before you!
Integrating the Fourth Dimension : Adventures in Time/Space
In the old third-dimensional world and reality, it was easy for the mind to create narratives and stories that were linear, and that had satisfactory beginnings and endings on this linear continuum.
When you shift into the Fifth-dimensional grids and Higher Consciousness, you open the way for your Soul to show you the nature of a new Reality, where the Soul sees life from a Galactic or Quantum perspective. Life is not linear and it is not finite! In the realms of the Soul, life is infinite and continues on many different arcs or spirals, some simultaneous in different or parallel timelines and universes.
From this Soul perspective, which centers in the Heart, you understand that Creation comes through and out of Divine Love. And that Change and Transformation are the Nature of Life itself.
From your Soul and Heart, Beloved Ones, you will feel a deep sense of Acceptance and Peace as you allow the flow of Divine Creative Intelligence to move through you as a Creative Force, allowing you the joy of making choices and spinning creation on a new and higher level of experience.
The Multi-Dimensional Narratives of the Soul
The Soul is multi-dimensional and exists on many levels. It's narratives are in the past and the future and in the present moment, which is the point of origin.
The Soul is the Galactic Voyager … It spins experiences and stories. ... into manifestation on your Fifth-dimensional New Earth.
The month of May will give you many opportunities to loosen the hold of the Ego Mind and align with the creative impulses of the Soul and Heart, and express yourself in a new way.
As the mind releases its hold on your reality and lets go, many old patterns that cause pain are being released. These releases may be experienced as physical pain in the digestive system, where experience itself is "digested", or as anxiety, insomnia and bad dreams. As you move closer to your Soul, you begin to experience the Brilliant Center of the Heart of All That Is, which is the Home of the Soul.
~ Excerpts from Celia Fenn - starchildglobal. com
Posted 9th May by Shanti Zohar
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