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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Monday, April 6, 2015
A Message From New Friends---Blue Avians and Arcturians
A Message from New Friends

The Blue Avians and The Arcturians
Dear Blue Avians,
I am first writing my message by hand, as I find it is the best way to meet new Galactic Beings. Since my first incarnation (if numbers such as, first, mean anything within the NOW) was as a member of the early Lemurian Bird Tribe. If possible, I would like to establish an on-going communication with you.
I feel as though you, the Blue Avians, you and the Arcturians are very intermingled with your joint service to Gaia and awakening humans. Please respond to let me know if I could have the honor of communicating with you.
Our Dear Suzille,
We, known in your language as the “Blue Avians,” which is actually a description of our appearance rather than a title for our flock, will happily address you. You are correct that we are united in service with the Arcturians, with whom we often join as a planet moves into the final stages of contact with the masses of Galactics who have silently been assisting them for much of their “time.”
As you realize, we have different kinds of information to share, from a different perspective and often with different people. Of course, the information and people only appear different to your 3D perspective. We see you all as ONE Personal/Planetary Being. Just as you see the parts of your body to be different, but they are all parts of YOU, we see different members of humanity to all be YOU.
As you, humanity, expand your consciousness/perceptions into the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond, your inner experiences and how your interpret them will greatly change. We ask that you now close your physical eyes and perceive us with your Third Eye…
Do you perceive all the 3D clutter inside your brain? Before we begin, we ask you to collect all that clutter into your heart and love it free. You are NOW in the process of remembering how to BE the master of your mind. Mastery of your mind is the forerunner for your process of ascension.
ALL ascended beings had to become the master of their 3D minds prior to their ascension into their higher dimensional expression. Once the mind is mastered, it can be connected infinitely with your Multidimensional Mind. The constant unconditional love flowing through your connection with your Multidimensional Mind will greatly assist you to become the Master of your emotions.
The key to becoming the master of your emotions is to release your 3D habit of reacting to life. Via your higher dimensional thoughts and emotions you can release your old habit of reacting to stimuli. Instead, you will be able to observe stimuli as you “read” it via your higher states of consciousness.
From the perspective of your higher consciousness, your thoughts and emotions do not need to “react” to life because you KNOW that it is YOU this is choosing/creating your life. In the higher dimensions, “choosing” and “creating” are the same terms. You choose to create your reality by choosing to attach your consciousness to that which you have chosen to attend.
“Where your attention is, there you are also!” is one of the most important aspects of ascension process. Another important aspect is, “There are no mistakes or accidents during ascension,” as YOU are the creator of your reality. As you monitor and take full responsibility for the frequency of your thoughts and emotions, you will increasingly flow into an ongoing awareness of the higher frequency thoughts and emotions that are infinitely within you.
We send you this preamble to our message because we want you to know that as your consciousness expands, you will begin to perceive the myriad higher dimensional friends circling your planet. Remember, you may NOT see these friends via your 3D perceptions, but via your fifth dimensional and beyond perceptions.
To summarize, your third-dimensional, outward focused perceptions may not reveal our presence. It is true that we can, and do, briefly lower our frequency into the third dimension to remind you all that we are here. However, just as you could not stay at the bottom of the ocean for too long without making special adjustments, we cannot stay in the third dimension for too long without making major adjustments.
For one thing, we are timeless beings who flow within the NOW. You know that time is different in different states of consciousness via your dreams. You could have a dream that seemed to last for a lifetime and awake to see that your clock has only added a few minutes of your “time.”
We will explain to you how we perceive you, our dear friends wearing physical vessels. For one thing, to look into your reality, we must look through the 3D Matrix. The 3D Matrix contains the frequency plate that you perceive as your physical world. To see you in this manner, we must re-calibrate our perceptions into lower frequencies.
This re-calibration is much like the calibration that you use with binoculars where you “turn the wheels at the base of the binoculars” to adjust your perspective. In this same manner, we adjust our perspective down in frequency from our innate perception to see reality in the manner that you perceive it while wearing your earth vessel.
We will explain this re-calibration process with visualization, as only your imagination could understand what we are saying. You might say that we have a “bird’s eye” vision of your dimension, as we look down (in frequency—not space) to perceive the beautiful 3D vision of Gaia’s blue orb.
You have all seen this vision via your space stations. However, these pictures only reveal the third dimensional qualities of your planet. Furthermore, the pictures that your “known” space programs (as there are MANY unknown space programs) share with you are greatly altered to hide their many nefarious ventures of which most of you are completely unaware.
Form our fifth dimensional perspective we see what humanity has called “New Earth.” Remember that time ONLY exists in your 3D/4D reality. Also, creation begins within the core in the higher dimensions and moves out into the lower worlds to be revealed in lower and lower dimensions by imprinting itself on Gaia’s third/fourth dimensional matrix.
From our “higher perspective,” we see the “blue glow” of fifth-dimensional Earth with clear blue skies and oceans. Gaia is, indeed, a blue jewel in space. We also see an armada of starships from everywhere in your local universe who have come to observe and assist.
We are, as you can imagine, serving a multidimensional service. We have merged our consciousness with fifth dimensional Earth so that we can enter into the lower frequencies of her multidimensional matrix. The purpose of this multidimensional matrix is to read the consciousness of the inhabitants of Gaia to instantly provide all that is necessary for the life forms of that frequency.
We wish you to know that as you return to your own higher dimensional perceptions, you will have the same perceptions as ourselves. However, we perceive from our position on our Starship, whereas you may perceive it via the Lightbody you are wearing on fifth dimensional Earth.
We now lower our perceptual focus into the fourth dimension of Earth. From this perspective we see uncountable changes occurring all over fourth-dimensional Earth. These changes are occurring in different timelines, alternate realities and parallel realities, as well as within different sub-frequencies of the fourth dimension.
As we enter the Spiritual Sub-plane of Gaia’s fourth dimensional Earth, we see the “I AM Presence” of humanity and all life. We also observe with loving support as we more and more members of third/fourth dimensional Earth is crossing into the fifth dimensional version of New Earth.
Many of these changes and ascension that we can perceive within the NOW of the fifth dimension, are not yet within your 3D timeline. It is for this reason that your planet still carries a resonance in the third dimension. However, Gaia increasingly tires of the nefarious deeds of the lower consciousness members of Her multidimensional matrix and is ready to release the third dimensional expression of her matrix.
She is aware that there are still many beings that would not be able to attach their consciousness to even the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimensional lattice of her multidimensional matrix. Therefore, Gaia waits.
As we lower our perceptions to perceive this causal Subplane of fourth dimensional Earth, we see that many of you, the ascending ones, have completed your Earth lesson of “cause and effect.” You NOW remember that whatever you send into the 3D Matrix of Gaia will return to you.
By learning that lesson, your consciousness has expanded into the Causal, and for some the Spiritual sub-planes of the 4D component of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix. Those of you who have expanded your consciousness to this frequency and beyond are busily creating more and more sections of light on this matrix.
These areas of light serve as portals through we, the higher dimensional beings, and can attach our awareness to integrate our consciousness with your fourth dimensional reality. Through these portals of light we can also send forth thoughtforms of our starships, as well as actual smaller crafts that we have lowered in frequency enough to be perceptible to your dream state and meditative mind.
What many of you do not realize is that in order to enter your holographic third dimensional reality, we must do so as a holographic projection. Many members of the holographic reality that is attached to your the third/fourth dimensional rungs of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix, do not perceive us as a hologram, as you are also a hologram.
Since your third/fourth dimensional consciousness has labeled this holographic world as “real,” you also perceive us as real. We remind you that all third/fourth dimensional realities are holographic projections from your higher expressions of SELF.
ALL of you, even those who are playing the roles of the “dark side,” all exist as ONE unified consciousness of Earth in Gaia’s fifth dimensional expression. We understand that this information may be very difficult for you to accept. You intensely feel your pain, your happiness, your sorrow, your birth and your death.
Because you have seen yourselves as victims to your reality for so long, you have deeply embedded your consciousness into the lower frequencies where “victims” and “creator” are different terms. Many of you have forgotten that you chose to play out situations in which you perceived your SELF as a victim, so that you could remember that YOU are the creator of your reality with your own thoughts and emotions.
From you pre-birth frequency in the higher realms, you forgot how deeply the illusions of the third/fourth dimensions merged with your sense of SELF. Therefore, we and many other members of your Galactic Family are lowering our resonance to assist you to remember that YOU are US.
When you cannot consciously remember your own higher frequencies of SELF, you believe that you are trapped in the lower worlds and can only leave it via what you have titled as “death.” To us, your “death” is perceived as “logging out” of your holographic reality and returning Home to your REAL self. We want you to remember that important fact.
Now, as we continue our journey through one of the wonderful light portals that you, the members of Earth have opened, we begin to perceive your third dimensional world through our multidimensional perspective. Therefore, we perceive all of the versions of your SELF.
We can easily perceive what you may call a “string of light” that connects all the myriad incarnations that you have taken with in your NOW of some timeline, alternate and/or parallel embodiment on Earth. Because of the great importance of releasing the veils of illusion between dimensions, many of you have taken multiple incarnations in the hopes that at least one of you will fully awaken to your higher dimensional expressions.
Our perception of your third dimensional “rung” of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix is that it is a reality in the process of great change. We can feel this change within our bodies, just as you can feel the great change within your bodies. Your bodies, your earth vessels, represent your direct connection to the planet.
Since your small, individual earth vessel is constructed of the same earth, air, fire and water as the planet, YOU are a miniature version of Gaia’s Earth. One of the things that we perceive, and many of you are beginning to remember, is that your fourth dimensional auras are becoming multidimensional.
We also perceive that many of you have consciously or unconsciously activated your multidimensional Lightbody and on the verge of being able to burst into Lightbody when the situation calls on you to do so. Since, your Lightbody is multidimensional, while in that frequency of your SELF, you will be able to replicate our journey, but into the higher frequencies.
In fact, many of you return to your Ships increasingly often. By returning to your higher SELF while maintaining a connection to your earth vessel, you are able to remain attached to the 3D matrix via your earth vessel, while your also connect with your fourth dimensional dreamtime.
Once you have taken those rehearsals of returning to your SELF, you are often ready to make your “maiden voyage” to your visit your Starship on which your Lightbody SELF is serving to assist Gaia. In this manner, you are able to remain “in active duty” on 3D Earth while your ALSO continue your active duty on physical Earth.
We invite you to ask to be taken Home to your Ship before you sleep. Or, you may chose to use the power of your imagination to move up (in frequency) through the fourth dimension to visit your Ship in the fifth dimension. Many of you do so on a regular basis. All you need do NOW is to REMEMBER!
Call on us and we will assist you,
The Blue Avians and Arcturians
Lemurian Bird Tribe
Question for my wonderful readers,
Have any of you made any new Galactic Friends?
I just want you to know that I have talked to many who are meeting and connecting with their higher dimensional Galactic SELF.
It is the NOW!
The Pleiadian Perceptions of Ascension Books
Your Galactic Family is speaking with you
Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter
Posted by Sue at 4:46 PM

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Q&A With Higher SELF--Happy Easter from Sue and the Arcturians
Q&A With My Higher SELF

Happy Easter and Happy Ascension
SUE: Dear Arcturians,
So many of us are so very tired, and we want to know what is happening. As usual, I am asking you—my Higher SELF.
What is occurring with you, our earth ONE is that you are ascending. You are ascending slowly but surely, so that your earth vessel can gradually accept each alteration and integrate these changes into the entire system of your third and fourth dimensional form.
Many of you, our grounded ones, have worked constantly and are beyond fatigue. We ask you NOW to release that fatigue. However you must FEEL it before you can release it. You see you must consciously experience each element of your present incarnation that needs to be released so that you can consciously release it.
Those of you who have “worked hard and long” for the process of ascension are likely the teachers, healers and leaders who have chosen to help and heal Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants. You beloved ones are NOW consciously aware of every component of your experience, so that you can share it with others.
You, have two choices. You can “worry” about your great fatigue or you can unconditionally love and transmute it. Have you forgotten that you are the creator of your reality? Yes, we think that many of you have forgotten. Please remember, there is a choice.
You can be the conscious creator of your reality OR you can be the victim to the myriad shifts and changes that are now, and will increasingly, fill your reality. When was the last time you sent yourself unconditional love and/or transmuted your transforming form with the Violet Fire?
S: Dear Arcturians,
I can only speak for myself, but I but admit that it has been far to long. Likely it was when I was telling others to send themselves unconditional love and violet light. But, I became lost in my service and allowed fatigue, it it’s best friend worry, to come into my consciousness. I see now that there is a martyr inside of me that I must love free. I work too hard, rest too little, and then wonder why I am exhausted beyond words.
A: Yes, we are happy that you are realizing that. We realize that many of you are neglecting your self for a good purpose, but we have been training you all of these years so that you can give decades of service to your mission. If you become ill, or exhausted beyond the ability to continue, you will burn your self out.
While wearing an earth vessel, if you burn your self out you will likely get sick or injured. This is your body’s way of saying, “I have reached my limit, and I need time to restore myself.” Do you hear your body telling you that now?
S: Yes, I hear my body screaming that now. And, in spite of what I have said to others, what you/we have said to others, I have become so obsessed with my service that I have not listened enough to my body. Therefore, right now I am going to say,
“Dear Suzille/Sue,
I love you unconditionally!
I forgive you unconditionally for falling into the martyr role of working yourself to total exhaustion.
I accept—finally—that the earth vessel I am wearing can no longer “work” in the manner that I have pushed it for decades.
I NOW Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire into every cell and atom of my physical earth vessel.
I choose to perceive the Violet Flame as it moves into every cell and atom of my earth vessel.
As I do this, I realize that there is another “ME” inside of my vessel. It is not actually “another” me. It is a “higher” me. That ME is YOU, the Arcturians, as well as ALL the expressions of my multidimensional SELF who have come into this vessel to assist me to assist Gaia. How did I miss this?
A: It is simple, Suzille, you did not look. You were focused on the outside of you because you were addicted to the world being outside of you. Therefore, you used your outside earth vessel to deal with the challenges of your outside reality. Do you now see your inside reality?
S: Yes, I can feel it and vaguely see it. I think if I write about it, I will see it better. It seems that that which I cannot perceive with my eyes, my body can perceive and tell me through my writing.
A: Write what your body perceives now.
S: My body perceives, feels, knows and recognized that there is quite a crowd inside of me. My ego wants to remind me that everyone has this inner crowd.
A: Not every one has this “crowd” of their higher expressions waiting inside, but there are more and more people who are realizing this every day. Please continue.
S: The way my body/I perceive the “crowd” inside is almost as if there are many vaguely shaped humanoid figures inside me. Some of them are filled with light. Oh, I do see Tarmain who is a whale being in there too, as well as my Lemurian bird being.
Some members of the crowd appear to be in the process of transmuting into their lightbodies, and some, oh, I can feel these ones. These beings all turn to face me and are sending me the amazing calm and unconditional love.
I feel them congratulating me. They are happy for me and understand that everything that I am experiencing as great fatigue is actually my remaining fear. I see them now as all the inner teachers who have lovingly guided me my entire life.
These guides have deep understanding of me and are recognizing exactly how I have been feeling. I am realizing how very tired I am, yet I cannot or will not stop until…I don’t know. I think the “cannot stop” may actually be my inner martyr.
Yes, they are smiling. They are reminding me that “time” is an illusion, as is “work.” Work is just the resistance inside of me. This resistance seems to be coming from figures that are darker, like my shadow self.
These shadow ones have not yet fully recognized that there is NO time. They have not yet remembered that because there is NO time, there is NO urgency, NO hurry and NO work. The light ones inside are trying to tell them that we are not actually DOING the process of ascension. We are actually BEING of the process of ascension.
Dear Arcturians, how can I BE the BEING of my process?
A: Suzille, when you are the BEING of your process there is NO resistance in either your inner or outer life. In the fifth dimension and beyond there is NO word for WORK. Work is a third dimensional term defined as “resistance over time.”
Inside of your “shadow ones” are trying to ascend via the 3D formula of “working hard.” The already ascended ones inside you, the beings of lightbody, are reminding you that in the NOW there is NO work because there is NO resistance and NO time.
We ask you to observe the shadow ones as they surrender their concept of resistance into the flow of the NOW. Do you see how they instantly become lighter?
S: Yes, I see that some of them instantly become lightbodies, but others are taking longer and others are struggling to even begin the process of letting go. I see that these ones believe their hard work is what makes them a “good person.”
A: Please send unconditional love and Violet Fire to those who are struggling. Tell them that when they release those old, 3D concepts, they will no longer need to work at all.
S: Yes, I am telling them, but some are very addicted to working hard. They are the ones that believe that working hard makes them a good person. What do I do about them?
A: You continue to love them unconditionally. Therefore, you love them even though they are trapped in the concepts of time and work. Love them even though they are resisting your process of ascension by holding on to old behaviors.
Even though they are still addicted to the third dimensional indoctrination that working hard makes them a good person, love them unconditionally. Forgive them and accept them unconditionally. Do you think that you can do that?
S: I don’t know. I will try… Yes, I see that some of these shadow ones are able to accept my love, but others are not.
A: We are happy that you have identified the “leaders” of your own inner darkness. Please focus on loving the ones who the leaders of your own inner resistance. Do you see how these ones are actually components of your inner self that you have always judged. Do you think that you can release that judgment?
S: YES, I will. I deeply understand now that I overwork myself because I was taught to believe that a ‘good person’ works really ‘hard.’ But I am concerned that I will forget and return to my old habits.
A: That is when you will call on us again. You are, of course, aware that you must first forgive your self before you can truly, deeply forgive others.
S: Yes, I do know that. I also know that you, my Higher SELF, will always answer my call. But, I may have to call you many times.
A: Yes, we will always answer. Remember, we are infinitely sending you unconditional love and Violet Fire. Therefore, if you cannot send it to your self, then tune into us and feel that we are sending it to you.

May you have a relaxing day free of work and filled with ascension?
The Pleiadian Perceptions of Ascension Books
Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter Posted by Sue at 6:37 PM
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Dec 5

Welcome back to the threshold of the sixth dimensional expression of our Arcturian Corridor. It is from this frequency/expression of our Corridor that you can re-enter the sixth dimension to rewrite the holographic projection for your current third dimensional reality. You have heard the “theory” that your third dimensional world is actually a holographic projection.
The Truth is much greater than that, but a “holographic projection” is, indeed, a good metaphor for third/forth dimensional life. From our perspective in the eighth through tenth dimensions, which flow and intermingle as ONE, we perceive the fourth dimension as the “aura” of your third dimensional reality. Hence, when we speak of the third dimension, we include the fourth as the etheric emanations of the physical world. This fourth dimensional etheric reality connects you to the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond.
The process of raising your Kundalini and opening your Third Eye activates your pineal gland, which is the hyper-dimensional stargate built into your human physiology. Kundalini activation is the result of balancing all of your chakras and raising the feminine force of Lady Shakti from your Root Chakra into Divine Unity with the masculine force of Lord Shiva in the Crown Chakra. This blending and balancing of your feminine and masculine energies, known as the Mystical Marriage, opens your Third Eye and fully activates your “pineal stargate.”
With the opening of your pineal stargate, you can accept the multidimensional, torsion waves directly into your daily consciousness and earth vessel.
Furthermore, different DNA is turned ON or OFF by different frequencies of light.
The third dimensional spectrum of light turns ON the 2% to 3% of your human genome DNA, which runs your Third-dimensional Operating System. This Operating System is based on the illusions of separation and limitation that arise from a strongly polarized reality. This system can only accept, integrate and utilize light that is limited to the small spectrum of the physical reality.
Since the fall of Atlantis, and especially during the last two thousand years of the Piscean Age, the higher dimensional light has been lost to most of humanity.
However, now, you are entering the Golden Age of Aquarius and Gaia has moved into the flow of torsion waves emanating from the Galactic Center. These torsion waves of multidimensional light turn OFF your 3% of human genome DNA and turn ON your 97% of “Junk DNA” as they enter through the small quantum vortexes of the Junk DNA.
Once the multidimensional light is accepted and integrated into your earth vessel, it turns ON your new Multidimensional Operating System, which is stored in your Junk DNA.
Then, the multidimensional light slowly takes precedence over the physical spectrum of light and the Third-dimensional Operating System of your 3% DNA begins to turn OFF. This is why so many of you have an everdecreasing interest in the third dimensional reality and deeply long for the multidimensionality of the fifth dimension and beyond. Fortunately, during your transition, both Operating Systems will be operational, allowing you to simultaneously live in both realities.

Before the Mystical Marriage of your inner feminine and masculine energies and the opening of your Third Eye, your earth vessel can only perceive, integrate and utilize the limited light spectrum of the third dimension. Your First, Root Chakra accepts and reflects the spectrum of red light, which connects and grounds you to Earth. As your Kundalini rises, this red light merges into the orange light of the Second, Navel Chakra, integrating the frequencies of red and orange light. Then, as your Kundalini rises into your Third, Solar Plexus Chakra to merge the red and orange with the yellow frequency of light, you combine and integrate your “Lower Chakras.”
The combined frequency of light of your Lower Chakras then enters your Fourth, Heart Chakra to intermingle with the green frequency of light. Via your Heart Chakra, you connect your Lower Chakras with your “Higher Chakras.” The light of the first four chakras then moves into your Fifth, Throat Chakra to intermingle with the blue frequency of the third dimensional light spectrum. Your Kundalini then moves into your Sixth, Brow Chakra to unite the red through blue expressions of light with the indigo frequency of this chakra.
The Seventh, Crown Chakra resonates to violet light, which is the highest frequency in the third dimensional light spectrum. This violet light serves as a bridge to connect the white light, the unity of all colors of light, into your earth vessel. With Lady Shakti awaiting her groom in the Sixth, Brow Chakra, Lord Shiva in the Seventh, Crown Chakra calls forth the opening of the Pineal Gland Stargate to accept the multidimensional light of the higher through quantum frequencies of reality. The multidimensional light enters your Crown much as the groom (masculine, Lord Shiva) walks into the Chapel to await his bride (feminine, Lady Shakti).
The bride then walks down the aisle (through the pineal gland of the Brow Chakra) to join her groom at the Marriage Alter (third ventricle of the brain) to enter into in their Mystical Marriage. With this Marriage, the seven octaves of the physical spectrum of light (Shakti’s Bride’s Maids) unite with the multidimensional light of the ONE to join the Spirit of the ONE into the Matter of your earth vessel, as well as the earth vessel of Gaia.
This Mystical Marriage of your inner masculine and feminine energies opens your Third Eye and High Heart, which have been latent within your earth vessel since your birth. This opening then allows you to begin the gradual unveiling of the illusions of your third dimensional reality. With the opening of your Third Eye and High Heart, new brainwaves come online in your computer/brain that can access and utilize your Multidimensional Operating System.
Furthermore, because of your Mystical Marriage, you can now accept and integrate multidimensional light, which commences turning ON the Junk DNA in which your new Operating System has silently been stored.
From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor II
Posted 5th December 2011 by Juan Pablo
Labels: divine energieshologramsspiritual awakening
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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Monday, April 6, 2015
A Message From New Friends---Blue Avians and Arcturians
A Message from New Friends

The Blue Avians and The Arcturians
Dear Blue Avians,
I am first writing my message by hand, as I find it is the best way to meet new Galactic Beings. Since my first incarnation (if numbers such as, first, mean anything within the NOW) was as a member of the early Lemurian Bird Tribe. If possible, I would like to establish an on-going communication with you.
I feel as though you, the Blue Avians, you and the Arcturians are very intermingled with your joint service to Gaia and awakening humans. Please respond to let me know if I could have the honor of communicating with you.
Our Dear Suzille,
We, known in your language as the “Blue Avians,” which is actually a description of our appearance rather than a title for our flock, will happily address you. You are correct that we are united in service with the Arcturians, with whom we often join as a planet moves into the final stages of contact with the masses of Galactics who have silently been assisting them for much of their “time.”
As you realize, we have different kinds of information to share, from a different perspective and often with different people. Of course, the information and people only appear different to your 3D perspective. We see you all as ONE Personal/Planetary Being. Just as you see the parts of your body to be different, but they are all parts of YOU, we see different members of humanity to all be YOU.
As you, humanity, expand your consciousness/perceptions into the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension and beyond, your inner experiences and how your interpret them will greatly change. We ask that you now close your physical eyes and perceive us with your Third Eye…
Do you perceive all the 3D clutter inside your brain? Before we begin, we ask you to collect all that clutter into your heart and love it free. You are NOW in the process of remembering how to BE the master of your mind. Mastery of your mind is the forerunner for your process of ascension.
ALL ascended beings had to become the master of their 3D minds prior to their ascension into their higher dimensional expression. Once the mind is mastered, it can be connected infinitely with your Multidimensional Mind. The constant unconditional love flowing through your connection with your Multidimensional Mind will greatly assist you to become the Master of your emotions.
The key to becoming the master of your emotions is to release your 3D habit of reacting to life. Via your higher dimensional thoughts and emotions you can release your old habit of reacting to stimuli. Instead, you will be able to observe stimuli as you “read” it via your higher states of consciousness.
From the perspective of your higher consciousness, your thoughts and emotions do not need to “react” to life because you KNOW that it is YOU this is choosing/creating your life. In the higher dimensions, “choosing” and “creating” are the same terms. You choose to create your reality by choosing to attach your consciousness to that which you have chosen to attend.
“Where your attention is, there you are also!” is one of the most important aspects of ascension process. Another important aspect is, “There are no mistakes or accidents during ascension,” as YOU are the creator of your reality. As you monitor and take full responsibility for the frequency of your thoughts and emotions, you will increasingly flow into an ongoing awareness of the higher frequency thoughts and emotions that are infinitely within you.
We send you this preamble to our message because we want you to know that as your consciousness expands, you will begin to perceive the myriad higher dimensional friends circling your planet. Remember, you may NOT see these friends via your 3D perceptions, but via your fifth dimensional and beyond perceptions.
To summarize, your third-dimensional, outward focused perceptions may not reveal our presence. It is true that we can, and do, briefly lower our frequency into the third dimension to remind you all that we are here. However, just as you could not stay at the bottom of the ocean for too long without making special adjustments, we cannot stay in the third dimension for too long without making major adjustments.
For one thing, we are timeless beings who flow within the NOW. You know that time is different in different states of consciousness via your dreams. You could have a dream that seemed to last for a lifetime and awake to see that your clock has only added a few minutes of your “time.”
We will explain to you how we perceive you, our dear friends wearing physical vessels. For one thing, to look into your reality, we must look through the 3D Matrix. The 3D Matrix contains the frequency plate that you perceive as your physical world. To see you in this manner, we must re-calibrate our perceptions into lower frequencies.
This re-calibration is much like the calibration that you use with binoculars where you “turn the wheels at the base of the binoculars” to adjust your perspective. In this same manner, we adjust our perspective down in frequency from our innate perception to see reality in the manner that you perceive it while wearing your earth vessel.
We will explain this re-calibration process with visualization, as only your imagination could understand what we are saying. You might say that we have a “bird’s eye” vision of your dimension, as we look down (in frequency—not space) to perceive the beautiful 3D vision of Gaia’s blue orb.
You have all seen this vision via your space stations. However, these pictures only reveal the third dimensional qualities of your planet. Furthermore, the pictures that your “known” space programs (as there are MANY unknown space programs) share with you are greatly altered to hide their many nefarious ventures of which most of you are completely unaware.
Form our fifth dimensional perspective we see what humanity has called “New Earth.” Remember that time ONLY exists in your 3D/4D reality. Also, creation begins within the core in the higher dimensions and moves out into the lower worlds to be revealed in lower and lower dimensions by imprinting itself on Gaia’s third/fourth dimensional matrix.
From our “higher perspective,” we see the “blue glow” of fifth-dimensional Earth with clear blue skies and oceans. Gaia is, indeed, a blue jewel in space. We also see an armada of starships from everywhere in your local universe who have come to observe and assist.
We are, as you can imagine, serving a multidimensional service. We have merged our consciousness with fifth dimensional Earth so that we can enter into the lower frequencies of her multidimensional matrix. The purpose of this multidimensional matrix is to read the consciousness of the inhabitants of Gaia to instantly provide all that is necessary for the life forms of that frequency.
We wish you to know that as you return to your own higher dimensional perceptions, you will have the same perceptions as ourselves. However, we perceive from our position on our Starship, whereas you may perceive it via the Lightbody you are wearing on fifth dimensional Earth.
We now lower our perceptual focus into the fourth dimension of Earth. From this perspective we see uncountable changes occurring all over fourth-dimensional Earth. These changes are occurring in different timelines, alternate realities and parallel realities, as well as within different sub-frequencies of the fourth dimension.
As we enter the Spiritual Sub-plane of Gaia’s fourth dimensional Earth, we see the “I AM Presence” of humanity and all life. We also observe with loving support as we more and more members of third/fourth dimensional Earth is crossing into the fifth dimensional version of New Earth.
Many of these changes and ascension that we can perceive within the NOW of the fifth dimension, are not yet within your 3D timeline. It is for this reason that your planet still carries a resonance in the third dimension. However, Gaia increasingly tires of the nefarious deeds of the lower consciousness members of Her multidimensional matrix and is ready to release the third dimensional expression of her matrix.
She is aware that there are still many beings that would not be able to attach their consciousness to even the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimensional lattice of her multidimensional matrix. Therefore, Gaia waits.
As we lower our perceptions to perceive this causal Subplane of fourth dimensional Earth, we see that many of you, the ascending ones, have completed your Earth lesson of “cause and effect.” You NOW remember that whatever you send into the 3D Matrix of Gaia will return to you.
By learning that lesson, your consciousness has expanded into the Causal, and for some the Spiritual sub-planes of the 4D component of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix. Those of you who have expanded your consciousness to this frequency and beyond are busily creating more and more sections of light on this matrix.
These areas of light serve as portals through we, the higher dimensional beings, and can attach our awareness to integrate our consciousness with your fourth dimensional reality. Through these portals of light we can also send forth thoughtforms of our starships, as well as actual smaller crafts that we have lowered in frequency enough to be perceptible to your dream state and meditative mind.
What many of you do not realize is that in order to enter your holographic third dimensional reality, we must do so as a holographic projection. Many members of the holographic reality that is attached to your the third/fourth dimensional rungs of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix, do not perceive us as a hologram, as you are also a hologram.
Since your third/fourth dimensional consciousness has labeled this holographic world as “real,” you also perceive us as real. We remind you that all third/fourth dimensional realities are holographic projections from your higher expressions of SELF.
ALL of you, even those who are playing the roles of the “dark side,” all exist as ONE unified consciousness of Earth in Gaia’s fifth dimensional expression. We understand that this information may be very difficult for you to accept. You intensely feel your pain, your happiness, your sorrow, your birth and your death.
Because you have seen yourselves as victims to your reality for so long, you have deeply embedded your consciousness into the lower frequencies where “victims” and “creator” are different terms. Many of you have forgotten that you chose to play out situations in which you perceived your SELF as a victim, so that you could remember that YOU are the creator of your reality with your own thoughts and emotions.
From you pre-birth frequency in the higher realms, you forgot how deeply the illusions of the third/fourth dimensions merged with your sense of SELF. Therefore, we and many other members of your Galactic Family are lowering our resonance to assist you to remember that YOU are US.
When you cannot consciously remember your own higher frequencies of SELF, you believe that you are trapped in the lower worlds and can only leave it via what you have titled as “death.” To us, your “death” is perceived as “logging out” of your holographic reality and returning Home to your REAL self. We want you to remember that important fact.
Now, as we continue our journey through one of the wonderful light portals that you, the members of Earth have opened, we begin to perceive your third dimensional world through our multidimensional perspective. Therefore, we perceive all of the versions of your SELF.
We can easily perceive what you may call a “string of light” that connects all the myriad incarnations that you have taken with in your NOW of some timeline, alternate and/or parallel embodiment on Earth. Because of the great importance of releasing the veils of illusion between dimensions, many of you have taken multiple incarnations in the hopes that at least one of you will fully awaken to your higher dimensional expressions.
Our perception of your third dimensional “rung” of Gaia’s multidimensional matrix is that it is a reality in the process of great change. We can feel this change within our bodies, just as you can feel the great change within your bodies. Your bodies, your earth vessels, represent your direct connection to the planet.
Since your small, individual earth vessel is constructed of the same earth, air, fire and water as the planet, YOU are a miniature version of Gaia’s Earth. One of the things that we perceive, and many of you are beginning to remember, is that your fourth dimensional auras are becoming multidimensional.
We also perceive that many of you have consciously or unconsciously activated your multidimensional Lightbody and on the verge of being able to burst into Lightbody when the situation calls on you to do so. Since, your Lightbody is multidimensional, while in that frequency of your SELF, you will be able to replicate our journey, but into the higher frequencies.
In fact, many of you return to your Ships increasingly often. By returning to your higher SELF while maintaining a connection to your earth vessel, you are able to remain attached to the 3D matrix via your earth vessel, while your also connect with your fourth dimensional dreamtime.
Once you have taken those rehearsals of returning to your SELF, you are often ready to make your “maiden voyage” to your visit your Starship on which your Lightbody SELF is serving to assist Gaia. In this manner, you are able to remain “in active duty” on 3D Earth while your ALSO continue your active duty on physical Earth.
We invite you to ask to be taken Home to your Ship before you sleep. Or, you may chose to use the power of your imagination to move up (in frequency) through the fourth dimension to visit your Ship in the fifth dimension. Many of you do so on a regular basis. All you need do NOW is to REMEMBER!
Call on us and we will assist you,
The Blue Avians and Arcturians
Lemurian Bird Tribe
Question for my wonderful readers,
Have any of you made any new Galactic Friends?
I just want you to know that I have talked to many who are meeting and connecting with their higher dimensional Galactic SELF.
It is the NOW!
The Pleiadian Perceptions of Ascension Books
Your Galactic Family is speaking with you
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Posted by Sue at 4:46 PM

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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Q&A With Higher SELF--Happy Easter from Sue and the Arcturians
Q&A With My Higher SELF

Happy Easter and Happy Ascension
SUE: Dear Arcturians,
So many of us are so very tired, and we want to know what is happening. As usual, I am asking you—my Higher SELF.
What is occurring with you, our earth ONE is that you are ascending. You are ascending slowly but surely, so that your earth vessel can gradually accept each alteration and integrate these changes into the entire system of your third and fourth dimensional form.
Many of you, our grounded ones, have worked constantly and are beyond fatigue. We ask you NOW to release that fatigue. However you must FEEL it before you can release it. You see you must consciously experience each element of your present incarnation that needs to be released so that you can consciously release it.
Those of you who have “worked hard and long” for the process of ascension are likely the teachers, healers and leaders who have chosen to help and heal Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants. You beloved ones are NOW consciously aware of every component of your experience, so that you can share it with others.
You, have two choices. You can “worry” about your great fatigue or you can unconditionally love and transmute it. Have you forgotten that you are the creator of your reality? Yes, we think that many of you have forgotten. Please remember, there is a choice.
You can be the conscious creator of your reality OR you can be the victim to the myriad shifts and changes that are now, and will increasingly, fill your reality. When was the last time you sent yourself unconditional love and/or transmuted your transforming form with the Violet Fire?
S: Dear Arcturians,
I can only speak for myself, but I but admit that it has been far to long. Likely it was when I was telling others to send themselves unconditional love and violet light. But, I became lost in my service and allowed fatigue, it it’s best friend worry, to come into my consciousness. I see now that there is a martyr inside of me that I must love free. I work too hard, rest too little, and then wonder why I am exhausted beyond words.
A: Yes, we are happy that you are realizing that. We realize that many of you are neglecting your self for a good purpose, but we have been training you all of these years so that you can give decades of service to your mission. If you become ill, or exhausted beyond the ability to continue, you will burn your self out.
While wearing an earth vessel, if you burn your self out you will likely get sick or injured. This is your body’s way of saying, “I have reached my limit, and I need time to restore myself.” Do you hear your body telling you that now?
S: Yes, I hear my body screaming that now. And, in spite of what I have said to others, what you/we have said to others, I have become so obsessed with my service that I have not listened enough to my body. Therefore, right now I am going to say,
“Dear Suzille/Sue,
I love you unconditionally!
I forgive you unconditionally for falling into the martyr role of working yourself to total exhaustion.
I accept—finally—that the earth vessel I am wearing can no longer “work” in the manner that I have pushed it for decades.
I NOW Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire into every cell and atom of my physical earth vessel.
I choose to perceive the Violet Flame as it moves into every cell and atom of my earth vessel.
As I do this, I realize that there is another “ME” inside of my vessel. It is not actually “another” me. It is a “higher” me. That ME is YOU, the Arcturians, as well as ALL the expressions of my multidimensional SELF who have come into this vessel to assist me to assist Gaia. How did I miss this?
A: It is simple, Suzille, you did not look. You were focused on the outside of you because you were addicted to the world being outside of you. Therefore, you used your outside earth vessel to deal with the challenges of your outside reality. Do you now see your inside reality?
S: Yes, I can feel it and vaguely see it. I think if I write about it, I will see it better. It seems that that which I cannot perceive with my eyes, my body can perceive and tell me through my writing.
A: Write what your body perceives now.
S: My body perceives, feels, knows and recognized that there is quite a crowd inside of me. My ego wants to remind me that everyone has this inner crowd.
A: Not every one has this “crowd” of their higher expressions waiting inside, but there are more and more people who are realizing this every day. Please continue.
S: The way my body/I perceive the “crowd” inside is almost as if there are many vaguely shaped humanoid figures inside me. Some of them are filled with light. Oh, I do see Tarmain who is a whale being in there too, as well as my Lemurian bird being.
Some members of the crowd appear to be in the process of transmuting into their lightbodies, and some, oh, I can feel these ones. These beings all turn to face me and are sending me the amazing calm and unconditional love.
I feel them congratulating me. They are happy for me and understand that everything that I am experiencing as great fatigue is actually my remaining fear. I see them now as all the inner teachers who have lovingly guided me my entire life.
These guides have deep understanding of me and are recognizing exactly how I have been feeling. I am realizing how very tired I am, yet I cannot or will not stop until…I don’t know. I think the “cannot stop” may actually be my inner martyr.
Yes, they are smiling. They are reminding me that “time” is an illusion, as is “work.” Work is just the resistance inside of me. This resistance seems to be coming from figures that are darker, like my shadow self.
These shadow ones have not yet fully recognized that there is NO time. They have not yet remembered that because there is NO time, there is NO urgency, NO hurry and NO work. The light ones inside are trying to tell them that we are not actually DOING the process of ascension. We are actually BEING of the process of ascension.
Dear Arcturians, how can I BE the BEING of my process?
A: Suzille, when you are the BEING of your process there is NO resistance in either your inner or outer life. In the fifth dimension and beyond there is NO word for WORK. Work is a third dimensional term defined as “resistance over time.”
Inside of your “shadow ones” are trying to ascend via the 3D formula of “working hard.” The already ascended ones inside you, the beings of lightbody, are reminding you that in the NOW there is NO work because there is NO resistance and NO time.
We ask you to observe the shadow ones as they surrender their concept of resistance into the flow of the NOW. Do you see how they instantly become lighter?
S: Yes, I see that some of them instantly become lightbodies, but others are taking longer and others are struggling to even begin the process of letting go. I see that these ones believe their hard work is what makes them a “good person.”
A: Please send unconditional love and Violet Fire to those who are struggling. Tell them that when they release those old, 3D concepts, they will no longer need to work at all.
S: Yes, I am telling them, but some are very addicted to working hard. They are the ones that believe that working hard makes them a good person. What do I do about them?
A: You continue to love them unconditionally. Therefore, you love them even though they are trapped in the concepts of time and work. Love them even though they are resisting your process of ascension by holding on to old behaviors.
Even though they are still addicted to the third dimensional indoctrination that working hard makes them a good person, love them unconditionally. Forgive them and accept them unconditionally. Do you think that you can do that?
S: I don’t know. I will try… Yes, I see that some of these shadow ones are able to accept my love, but others are not.
A: We are happy that you have identified the “leaders” of your own inner darkness. Please focus on loving the ones who the leaders of your own inner resistance. Do you see how these ones are actually components of your inner self that you have always judged. Do you think that you can release that judgment?
S: YES, I will. I deeply understand now that I overwork myself because I was taught to believe that a ‘good person’ works really ‘hard.’ But I am concerned that I will forget and return to my old habits.
A: That is when you will call on us again. You are, of course, aware that you must first forgive your self before you can truly, deeply forgive others.
S: Yes, I do know that. I also know that you, my Higher SELF, will always answer my call. But, I may have to call you many times.
A: Yes, we will always answer. Remember, we are infinitely sending you unconditional love and Violet Fire. Therefore, if you cannot send it to your self, then tune into us and feel that we are sending it to you.

May you have a relaxing day free of work and filled with ascension?
The Pleiadian Perceptions of Ascension Books
Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter Posted by Sue at 6:37 PM
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Dec 5
Welcome back to the threshold of the sixth dimensional expression of our Arcturian Corridor. It is from this frequency/expression of our Corridor that you can re-enter the sixth dimension to rewrite the holographic projection for your current third dimensional reality. You have heard the “theory” that your third dimensional world is actually a holographic projection.
The Truth is much greater than that, but a “holographic projection” is, indeed, a good metaphor for third/forth dimensional life. From our perspective in the eighth through tenth dimensions, which flow and intermingle as ONE, we perceive the fourth dimension as the “aura” of your third dimensional reality. Hence, when we speak of the third dimension, we include the fourth as the etheric emanations of the physical world. This fourth dimensional etheric reality connects you to the higher worlds of the fifth dimension and beyond.
The process of raising your Kundalini and opening your Third Eye activates your pineal gland, which is the hyper-dimensional stargate built into your human physiology. Kundalini activation is the result of balancing all of your chakras and raising the feminine force of Lady Shakti from your Root Chakra into Divine Unity with the masculine force of Lord Shiva in the Crown Chakra. This blending and balancing of your feminine and masculine energies, known as the Mystical Marriage, opens your Third Eye and fully activates your “pineal stargate.”
With the opening of your pineal stargate, you can accept the multidimensional, torsion waves directly into your daily consciousness and earth vessel.
Furthermore, different DNA is turned ON or OFF by different frequencies of light.
The third dimensional spectrum of light turns ON the 2% to 3% of your human genome DNA, which runs your Third-dimensional Operating System. This Operating System is based on the illusions of separation and limitation that arise from a strongly polarized reality. This system can only accept, integrate and utilize light that is limited to the small spectrum of the physical reality.
Since the fall of Atlantis, and especially during the last two thousand years of the Piscean Age, the higher dimensional light has been lost to most of humanity.
However, now, you are entering the Golden Age of Aquarius and Gaia has moved into the flow of torsion waves emanating from the Galactic Center. These torsion waves of multidimensional light turn OFF your 3% of human genome DNA and turn ON your 97% of “Junk DNA” as they enter through the small quantum vortexes of the Junk DNA.
Once the multidimensional light is accepted and integrated into your earth vessel, it turns ON your new Multidimensional Operating System, which is stored in your Junk DNA.
Then, the multidimensional light slowly takes precedence over the physical spectrum of light and the Third-dimensional Operating System of your 3% DNA begins to turn OFF. This is why so many of you have an everdecreasing interest in the third dimensional reality and deeply long for the multidimensionality of the fifth dimension and beyond. Fortunately, during your transition, both Operating Systems will be operational, allowing you to simultaneously live in both realities.
Before the Mystical Marriage of your inner feminine and masculine energies and the opening of your Third Eye, your earth vessel can only perceive, integrate and utilize the limited light spectrum of the third dimension. Your First, Root Chakra accepts and reflects the spectrum of red light, which connects and grounds you to Earth. As your Kundalini rises, this red light merges into the orange light of the Second, Navel Chakra, integrating the frequencies of red and orange light. Then, as your Kundalini rises into your Third, Solar Plexus Chakra to merge the red and orange with the yellow frequency of light, you combine and integrate your “Lower Chakras.”
The combined frequency of light of your Lower Chakras then enters your Fourth, Heart Chakra to intermingle with the green frequency of light. Via your Heart Chakra, you connect your Lower Chakras with your “Higher Chakras.” The light of the first four chakras then moves into your Fifth, Throat Chakra to intermingle with the blue frequency of the third dimensional light spectrum. Your Kundalini then moves into your Sixth, Brow Chakra to unite the red through blue expressions of light with the indigo frequency of this chakra.
The Seventh, Crown Chakra resonates to violet light, which is the highest frequency in the third dimensional light spectrum. This violet light serves as a bridge to connect the white light, the unity of all colors of light, into your earth vessel. With Lady Shakti awaiting her groom in the Sixth, Brow Chakra, Lord Shiva in the Seventh, Crown Chakra calls forth the opening of the Pineal Gland Stargate to accept the multidimensional light of the higher through quantum frequencies of reality. The multidimensional light enters your Crown much as the groom (masculine, Lord Shiva) walks into the Chapel to await his bride (feminine, Lady Shakti).
The bride then walks down the aisle (through the pineal gland of the Brow Chakra) to join her groom at the Marriage Alter (third ventricle of the brain) to enter into in their Mystical Marriage. With this Marriage, the seven octaves of the physical spectrum of light (Shakti’s Bride’s Maids) unite with the multidimensional light of the ONE to join the Spirit of the ONE into the Matter of your earth vessel, as well as the earth vessel of Gaia.
This Mystical Marriage of your inner masculine and feminine energies opens your Third Eye and High Heart, which have been latent within your earth vessel since your birth. This opening then allows you to begin the gradual unveiling of the illusions of your third dimensional reality. With the opening of your Third Eye and High Heart, new brainwaves come online in your computer/brain that can access and utilize your Multidimensional Operating System.
Furthermore, because of your Mystical Marriage, you can now accept and integrate multidimensional light, which commences turning ON the Junk DNA in which your new Operating System has silently been stored.
From Journey through the Arcturian Corridor II
Posted 5th December 2011 by Juan Pablo
Labels: divine energieshologramsspiritual awakening
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