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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
FREE Download--Theta Wave Meditation
Dear Ones,
It is I, Gaia, returning to assist you in opening your Third Eye. I am joyous to know that you are open to transmissions from my consciousness. I remind you again that I welcome communications with ALL of the people of my body, planet Earth.
As we move into the higher dimensions TOGETHER, everyone shall comprehend and embrace the planet that WE ARE! I am grateful for your service in assisting me in clearing and healing OUR planet.
I realize that in these times of extreme polarity, which naturally occurs before union into Oneness, the “Forces of Destruction” may appear to be stronger than the “Forces of Construction.”
I ask you to remember your other incarnations during times of great transition so that you can recollect that the dark appears stronger because fear is stronger. Humanity’s greatest fear has always been of the “UNKNOWN,” which we are entering more and more each day.
It is because of this amplification of the UNKNOWN that it is important to have your Third Eye opened. When your Third Eye is closed, you perceive your reality only through your human eyes.
On the other hand, when your Third Eye is open, you perceive your reality through the Eyes of Soul. Hence, you will have less fear of the UNKNOWN, as you will KNOW much more. Most of all, you will KNOW that you are ONE with all life.
Now, please allow me to now guide you in opening your Third Eye. The following Theta Wave Meditation. You may wish to read this message a few times, so that you will have time to master and integrate the meditation. Please repeat as many times as you feel the need.
Opening your Third Eye marks the beginning of a much larger process, which commences with the downloading of Higher Dimensional Light into your physical earth vessel. Once this Light is downloaded, your chakra system will need to be re-calibrated to accept and integrate this higher frequency Light into your earth vessel.
Eventually, the integrated Higher Light will raise the resonant frequency chakra by chakra, starting at your first chakra and working up towards your opening your Third Eye. In fact, some of you may have already completed this process all the way up to opening of the Third Eye.
Theta Brainwaves (4-7 cps) occur in sleep and are dominant in our highest state of meditation. Normally, you will only experience theta waves as you drift off to sleep, during some dreaming, and as you return from the depths of Delta sleep.
The pictures you perceive as you drift off and awaken arise from theta consciousness are messages from the higher frequencies. During Theta Wave meditations, you are in a waking dream where vivid imagery flashes before your inner vision. In this state, you are extremely receptive to this information that is being sent from the higher dimensions.
The Theta Wave "Shamanic State of Consciousness" allows you to journey into the higher planes. The steady-rhythmic beat of the drum struck four and one-half times per second (Theta Brainwaves are 4-7 cps) is the key to transporting a Shaman into the deepest part of Shamanic trance.
The constant and rhythmic-drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants that transport the monks and other listeners into realms of blissful meditation also follow this rhythm. Through Theta Wave meditation, you can open your Third Eye and access the Delta Waves that unite us all with Universal Energy and Galactic Consciousness.
You can then also access your newly discovered extremely high and low brainwaves of Gamma, Hyper Gamma, Lambda, and Epsilon. Theta waves have also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory.
Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition as well as other extrasensory perception skills. Theta consciousness allows you to connect with your creative inspirations, spiritual guidance and peak experiences.
Theta consciousness opens the portal into the “no-time” of the fourth/fifth dimension and beyond. Hence, while in theta consciousness you can receive, and even understand, stimuli from the higher dimensions while also being aware of the physical world.
This reception of multidimensional stimuli is natural for Theta consciousness, but it is impossible for your everyday, Beta Brainwaves and difficult for your Alpha Brainwave thinking.
You can learn to pass the multidimensional information received while you are in Theta Meditation on to your Alpha Wave consciousness so that you can translate the information into the 3D, sequential time/space.
If you draw a picture, write it down, sing, dance, or move to that stimuli, you can then train your mind to “decipher” the messages.
Before you begin this meditation, allow an image that fills you with love and
place it on the inside of your Third Eye--which is in the center of your forehead.
Breathe in and out through your nose.
• With your in-breath, sniff-up like you would smell a flower, but extend the inhale.
• Exhale through your nose while you feel your breath move across the roof of your mouth.
• Concentrate on that sound as you exhale.
• Now, imagine that your exhale is going out through the image
in the center of your Third Eye.
• Next, imagine that you are inhaling through your Heart Chakra and exhaling through your Third Eye until you feel completely grounded.
• When you are ready, begin to imagine that you are inhaling through your Crown Chakra and exhaling through your Third Eye.
Focus ONLY on the sound of your inhale and exhale, as well as any inner visions.
• Passively observe your thoughts as they pass across your mind, Then RELEASE them with your next exhale.
• Calmly allow ALL emotions to come into your awareness, Then RELEASE them with your next exhale.
• Focus only on the sound of your breath and your inner visions.
• ALLOW your inner vision to gradually evolve and/or alter.
• If you are having extraneous thoughts, place them in the background, while you place your Inner Vision.
• Repeat this exercise for five or ten minutes.
Congratulations! Whatever your experience was, give yourself credit for taking the “time” for your SELF. It is the constant dedication to awakening your SELF that is important. Different people have different forms of meditation, according to their personality. Some may need to have a more active meditation, such as running, dancing or playing an instrument.
However, most of these activities can’t be done with your eyes closed; and you need to close your eyes and shut out the outer stimuli to reach theta wave. Therefore, you can try exercising, doing yoga, singing, playing an instrument, etc., before you sit down for a short mediation. This will allow your body a chance to “work out” its tension and more easily “hold still.”
The most important thing is that you chose to participate in the process of awakening to your true, multidimensional SELF. I, Gaia, appreciate your effort and KNOW that you shall find that for which you seek.
Remember, my ones, it is in the journey that you find fulfillment. Release your third dimensional programming of “trying for a goal.” You are all perfect in this moment. You needn’t TRY.
Instead, people of my body, REMEMBER who you already ARE!
Thank You,
"We need you NOW. What you have waited for is here NOW. We, your galactic and planetary family, ask you to REMEMBER who you truly are and open up the connection as you travel up to higher dimensions and down into the core of GAIA." ~ The Arcturians, August, 19, 2015
It's time to set your missions into motion and actively participate in planetary ascension. We begin our Answering the Clarion Call two-part webinar series this Saturday, August 22. See the full details regarding the hands-on workshops that will guide you through the process of accepting (receiving, channeling, interpreting) and utilizing (sharing with others) this important connection and information you receive from Home. The time for action is NOW!
Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:16 PM 4 comments:
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Labels: beta wave, brainwaves, brow chakra, consciousness, crown chakra, GAIA, heart chakra, light language, meditation, opening third eye, shamanic, theta wave, third eye
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Using The Higher Light --The Arcturians
Dear readers, the Arcturians have just shared a message with me (Wed., Aug., 19, 2015), and it follows:
"We need you NOW. What you have waited for is here NOW. We, your galactic and planetary family, ask you to REMEMBER who you truly are and open up the connection as you travel up to higher dimensions and down into the core of GAIA." ~ The Arcturians, August, 19, 2015
It's time to set your missions into motion and actively participate in planetary ascension. We begin our Answering the Clarion Call two-part webinar series this Saturday, August 22. See the full details regarding the hands-on workshops that will guide you through the process of accepting (receiving, channeling, interpreting) and utilizing (sharing with others) this important connection and information you receive from Home. The time for action is NOW!
Using Higher Light
The Arcturians
Welcome, we the Arcturians are here for section two of Accepting the Higher Light. As you accept the higher Light it goes into your consciousness, your aura, your body and your cells to discover any remaining darkness, so that it can be healed.
This “darkness” is “blocks” within you that are afraid to change, afraid to transmute. Once you are aware of these blockages that have not yet been released, you can participate in your own clearing. Once you remember how to clear yourself, you can assist others with their clearing. The higher light arrives from the dimensions beyond time. Hence, it moves into your present, past, and alternate realities.
Once you remember how to allow the light to enter your earth vessel in this manner, you can assist others to do the same. You will also remember how you can assist Gaia by grounding this multidimensional light into the core of Her Being. In this way, you will merge your personal form with Gaia’s planetary form.
Then, your personal, and Gaia’s planetary elementals of Earth, Air, Fire and Water will share the higher frequency light with all life. Because this higher frequency light is continually finding, and clearing blockages, you can more easily transmute your self and your reality. With the blockages discovered and released, your daily consciousness expands into higher brainwaves.
With these higher brainwaves, states of consciousness, your perceptions of reality begin to include higher frequencies of reality. As you adapt to the transmutations of your vessel, you learn/remember how to find that which is wounded, distorted or out of sync. With this expanded perception you will be able to identify, unconditionally love and transmute your reality with the Violet Fire.
Whatever you have transmuted within your physical or planetary body is then set free into Gaia’s reality to assist in raising Gaia’s resonate frequency. Gradually, there is more and more higher frequency light and less and less third dimensional light.
Do you understand now how important you, our human representatives, are? We remind you to be sure to release whatever you have transmuted. In this manner, that which has been transmuted is free to contribute their experience of transmutation with all life.
Remember in the fifth dimensional reality that you are assisting to create, every person, place, situation, and thing will come into its own awareness of where and to what they wish to resonate. Eventually, all these expanded resonances of SELF will join in unity consciousness with all life within the fifth dimensional resonance of Gaia.
You see dear ones, you are moving from the resonance of the third/fourth dimension into the fourth/fifth dimensional resonance, in order to merge with the NOW of the fifth dimension, and beyond, resonance of life. As soon as you become aware that you completed that shift into that next dimensional zone of Gaia, you will naturally flow into unity with all life within that dimensional zone.
As you begin, and continue, your process of “return to SELF,” the higher Light precedes you to direct your ever-expanding consciousness/perception. As you continue your journey, everything that you need to know flows to the surface of your consciousness.
What was once a boundary between your inner self and the outer world becomes a magnet that attaches you to the frequency of light that is dominant within your consciousness, your thoughts, your emotions, and your intentions.
As you preview all that you have created with your higher resonance, your first intention is to unite with other people, life-forms, places and situations that are calling to you for assistance. Via your own inner higher light, you are connected to myriad persons, places, and dimensions.
Therefore, you are well informed. Thus, when you send your inner, higher light into the lower frequencies of reality you share all of your experiences of transmuting reality via unconditional Love and the Violet Fire. In this manner, you set into motion a situation in which you become the teacher of what you have learned/remembered.
We say “learned/remembered” because you have learned to remember your own higher dimensional expressions of SELF. You have also remembered how to bring the higher Light into your consciousness and run it through your physical form.
You also have remembered to share this light with all third dimensional life. Hence, as you breathe out into your transmuting world, your multidimensional breath is shared and can enter other third-dimensional expressions of reality to assist them to transmute as well.
The more and more you allow this higher light to enter into your body, the deeper, and deeper it can travel. The deeper the light can move into your form, the more old karmic pathways of parallel and alternate incarnations on Earth can be transmuted. In this manner, you are shifting myriad versions of your third dimensional self within the NOW.
In this way the injuries that you have taken on throughout your myriad embodiments in a third-dimensional vessel can be healed from within. Fortunately the antidote to the lies you have been told, the mistakes that you have made and the hardships you have endured is that you KNOW that you can refuse to participate in any version of reality by letting GO of that which you have determined to be a completed experience.
As you begin to take control of your own reality in this manner, you realize that you have the ability to transmute and release any experiences that YOU deem as complete. You also remember that the antidote to any fear and/or pain that re-emerges is to send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire to yourself.
This gift of unconditional love for yourself allows you to peacefully move through the overall experience of flowing through the time zone in which you are presently incarnated. The Unconditional Love and Violet Fire, which has become a constant component of your consciousness, will guide you to align yourself with the higher frequency energy fields that are increasingly flowing through your present reality.
You are NOW moving through, traveling around, touching, caressing, floating above the lower frequencies of light/reality, which has been all that you have known until this NOW. Therefore, you are being called upon to adapt to a novel experience of 3D reality.
As you move through your increasingly, expanding reality you will learn to discern between the different frequencies of Light. With your new multidimensional discernment, you will be able to slowly, or quickly, adapt your consciousness to choose the higher dimensional perceptions.
Bit-by-bit and moment-to-moment, your perceptions will align with the frequency of reality to which your higher consciousness has adapted. You are similar to deep-sea divers who must slowly return to the surface so that their body can adapt to their return to the surface in which the “light meets the water.”
NOW, just as you might go into the water and feel the flow of colder water and flows of warmer water, you will learn to recognize the denser flow of lower dimensional realities and the lighter flow of higher dimensional realities.
As you move through this ever-changing version of dear Gaia’s planet, you will hone your ability to recognize and fall-into the higher dimensional flows of ascending Earth. You are able to do so because YOU are adapting to your expanded perceptions.
The more you adapt to your higher frequency choices of perception, the more your consciousness will align with that which you are now adapting to. As your consciousness aligns with the higher frequency waves of light/reality, you higher frequency perceptions come online in your daily life.
Gradually, the worries and woes of the third dimensional resonance, which you are now moving beyond, become distant memories of a life you once lived. You are increasingly adapting to the “feel” of a higher resonance of reality. Hence, you can more easily discern the difference between third, fourth and fifth-dimensional energy fields.
As you enhance this discernment, you will increasingly choose to flow INTO that which is filled with unconditional love. You will also remember to transmute the denser versions of reality that you are releasing. You will also discover that you can no longer tolerate the energy fields, which resonate to frequency of confusion, separation, or fear.
Even though the higher frequency energy fields might be disconcerting at first, you will swiftly learn that if you remain in that resonance you will soon adapt. As you choose to remain in the energy field of unconditional love, your consciousness will increasingly expand to the resonance in which you will begin to remember.
Gradually, you will lovingly remember the reality of your Higher SELF in which the fifth dimensional state of consciousness is normal. As you float in to and out of these higher dimensional energy fields, your consciousness will gradually adapt to the higher dimensions of reality.
With this adaptation, you will progressively release your link to the lower dimensions of reality. Eventually, you will be able to stay longer and longer in the fifth-dimensional energy field. As you adapt to the fifth dimensional energy field, you will begin to clearly to perceive the myriad third-dimensional illusions.
With the release of these illusions, you will know that you are the creator of your personal reality and that you chose to enter into the resonance of third dimensional illusion. You will realize that it is the NOW for you to take full responsibility for the life that YOU have created with your every thought and your every emotion.
When you take that responsibility for your choices, it so expands your consciousness that you begin to think in a planetary manner. As you move into Planetary Consciousness, you increasingly realize that with your every inhale, you breathe in your fifth dimensional consciousness; and with every exhale you share your fifth dimensional consciousness with Gaia.
This form of inter-dimensional breathing so expands your perceptions that you can clearly recognize when you are being called up to transmute Gaia with your gift of Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.
As you answer this call, your perceptions expand even further to perceive how your ongoing transmutation expands into:
the atmosphere,
the ground,
the water,
and into all of the elementals.
You can also perceive the elementals joyfully transporting your gift to persons, animals, plants, locations and/or situations.
Even though you once feel you were alone, you are NOW intermingling and intertwining with ALL life. You are increasingly releasing old 3D human beliefs of good - bad, better - worse and yours - mine and moving into the 5D planetary belief of:
“We humans are members of this beautiful being known as Gaia.”
Now that we have explained how you are the creator of your reality, we want you to remind you that YOUR Multidimensional SELF flows all the way from Source, down through the Oversoul, and into the myriad versions of your sixth, fifth, fourth and third dimensional expressions to align the energy field of your SELF with the version the YOU who has fully awakened.
Through this “string of pearls” you are able to expand your perceptions up into higher and higher frequencies of yourself, while you simultaneously plant that string of pearls into the core of Gaia. In this manner, YOU become the very nature of your planetary SELF—Gaia.
As you expand your consciousness from being a person into being a planet, you realize that you are not just creating or changing, you are returning. You KNOW that you are returning because you can remember who YOU really are.
You can remember that you have had myriad incarnations on Gaia, and you are now ready to gather them all into the NOW and return ALL your expressions to the fifth dimension and beyond. We wish to remind all of you that we the Arcturians are with you throughout this entire process.
You may not recognize us because we are formless energy fields that encircle, move through, and resonate to myriad frequencies of reality. Therefore, you will recognize us in the same manner as you recognize your own Multidimensional SELF in your own multi-dimensional realities and worlds.
In other words, as you know more of yourself, you will know more of us. And, as you know more of us you, will know more of yourself. Remember that we, all of us, live as ONE within the NOW.
We see that in your NOW, many of you are getting ready to release and let go of all your third-dimensional belief systems. These third dimensional believe systems are remedial like your first grade “learning to read” books. These 3D belief systems are based on polarity, gender, separation, sequence, time, competition, and death.
Just as all of the third-dimensional experiences of your reality are being recalibrated, every dimension of your great, multi-dimensional life force is being downloaded into your third-dimensional clay vessel.
With this major download of your Multidimensional SELF, the members of you who were once primitive, individualized and disillusioned and efficiently merge with the members of YOU who are infinitely collective, united and enlightened.
You all chose to enter into this great adventure of planetary ascension because you knew that this huge challenge would be very beneficial for the expansion of your entire SELF. When you ask:
“When will these event occur?”
We say, “NOW! NOW is real and time is a third dimensional illusion.”
Please remember that a question about “when” is bound by third dimensional “time.” We ask NOW that you release that third dimensional construct and move into fifth dimensional truth.
YOU are already ascended.
You are already a fifth dimensional being.
However, your third dimensional thinking told you that you are one individual who must work very hard to be good enough to ascend.
In fact, ascension is a third dimensional construct in which YOU are separated from the YOU in the higher dimensions of reality.
As you let go of time and third-dimensional thoughts of limitation,
you will flow into the Now of the fifth-dimension YOU in which you know that:
YOU are the creator of your life,
and YOU are All as ONE collective being
WHO is creating Gaia’s Ascension.
Please remember that each and every one of YOU is equally important.
Blessings BE. WE are the Arcturians
Answering the Clarion Call
Calling Home and Answering the Phone -
Join Dr. Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. and the Arcturians in the upcoming event,
Answering the Clarion Call: Calling Home and Answering the Phone,
which is a 2-session webinar series (1.5 hours each) featuring hands-on, experiential workshops where you will learn and adopt practical methods to connect to your higher guidance as you expand your consciousness to build a strong, two-way system of communication with Home.
Some of the most common questions asked by awakening ones include,
“Who am I?”, “Where am I from?”, and “Why am I here?” The clarion call has been sent out to each of us, and it is time to build the connection to Home so we can receive clear answers to these questions. Once connected, your higher guidance will offer consistent support to enable you to become fully engaged in fulfilling your individual and collective missions.
Join us as we actively answer the clarion call in a personal and unified way!
A 2-Part Webinar Series with Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. and Shawnna Donop, M.B.A.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Pacific
(Find your Local Time: http://bit.ly/1KrI99g)
Investment: $55
Learn More and Register
Through the Portal, Book 5 of Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension is here!
Paperback and Kindle Versions NOW available on Amazon.com
Through the Portal is the final book for the series Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension. The journey of the five books flowed from the Pleiades to Earth and back again over several generations of Pleiadians that were human and humans that were Pleiadian.
In the fifth book, Through the Portal, the many inter-dimensional adventures were pulled into the NOW of a cohesive finale. Concluding with the story of the The Bird Flock of MU in book 4, it was the NOW to begin the adventure of changing reality. This change begins, once again, at the local multidimensional airport, then returns to the core of Earth to confer with the ancient Lemurian civilization.
Big changes are about to occur on planet Earth and leadership training is needed for Sandy and Jason. But when they return to Earth, that which they thought they would change, changed them instead. Follow this amazing "final act" that is actually a new beginning. Get your copy today!
Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 12:22 PM
* * *
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
FREE Download--Theta Wave Meditation
Dear Ones,
It is I, Gaia, returning to assist you in opening your Third Eye. I am joyous to know that you are open to transmissions from my consciousness. I remind you again that I welcome communications with ALL of the people of my body, planet Earth.
As we move into the higher dimensions TOGETHER, everyone shall comprehend and embrace the planet that WE ARE! I am grateful for your service in assisting me in clearing and healing OUR planet.
I realize that in these times of extreme polarity, which naturally occurs before union into Oneness, the “Forces of Destruction” may appear to be stronger than the “Forces of Construction.”
I ask you to remember your other incarnations during times of great transition so that you can recollect that the dark appears stronger because fear is stronger. Humanity’s greatest fear has always been of the “UNKNOWN,” which we are entering more and more each day.
It is because of this amplification of the UNKNOWN that it is important to have your Third Eye opened. When your Third Eye is closed, you perceive your reality only through your human eyes.
On the other hand, when your Third Eye is open, you perceive your reality through the Eyes of Soul. Hence, you will have less fear of the UNKNOWN, as you will KNOW much more. Most of all, you will KNOW that you are ONE with all life.
Now, please allow me to now guide you in opening your Third Eye. The following Theta Wave Meditation. You may wish to read this message a few times, so that you will have time to master and integrate the meditation. Please repeat as many times as you feel the need.
Opening your Third Eye marks the beginning of a much larger process, which commences with the downloading of Higher Dimensional Light into your physical earth vessel. Once this Light is downloaded, your chakra system will need to be re-calibrated to accept and integrate this higher frequency Light into your earth vessel.
Eventually, the integrated Higher Light will raise the resonant frequency chakra by chakra, starting at your first chakra and working up towards your opening your Third Eye. In fact, some of you may have already completed this process all the way up to opening of the Third Eye.
Theta Brainwaves (4-7 cps) occur in sleep and are dominant in our highest state of meditation. Normally, you will only experience theta waves as you drift off to sleep, during some dreaming, and as you return from the depths of Delta sleep.
The pictures you perceive as you drift off and awaken arise from theta consciousness are messages from the higher frequencies. During Theta Wave meditations, you are in a waking dream where vivid imagery flashes before your inner vision. In this state, you are extremely receptive to this information that is being sent from the higher dimensions.
The Theta Wave "Shamanic State of Consciousness" allows you to journey into the higher planes. The steady-rhythmic beat of the drum struck four and one-half times per second (Theta Brainwaves are 4-7 cps) is the key to transporting a Shaman into the deepest part of Shamanic trance.
The constant and rhythmic-drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants that transport the monks and other listeners into realms of blissful meditation also follow this rhythm. Through Theta Wave meditation, you can open your Third Eye and access the Delta Waves that unite us all with Universal Energy and Galactic Consciousness.
You can then also access your newly discovered extremely high and low brainwaves of Gamma, Hyper Gamma, Lambda, and Epsilon. Theta waves have also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory.
Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition as well as other extrasensory perception skills. Theta consciousness allows you to connect with your creative inspirations, spiritual guidance and peak experiences.
Theta consciousness opens the portal into the “no-time” of the fourth/fifth dimension and beyond. Hence, while in theta consciousness you can receive, and even understand, stimuli from the higher dimensions while also being aware of the physical world.
This reception of multidimensional stimuli is natural for Theta consciousness, but it is impossible for your everyday, Beta Brainwaves and difficult for your Alpha Brainwave thinking.
You can learn to pass the multidimensional information received while you are in Theta Meditation on to your Alpha Wave consciousness so that you can translate the information into the 3D, sequential time/space.
If you draw a picture, write it down, sing, dance, or move to that stimuli, you can then train your mind to “decipher” the messages.
Before you begin this meditation, allow an image that fills you with love and
place it on the inside of your Third Eye--which is in the center of your forehead.
Breathe in and out through your nose.
• With your in-breath, sniff-up like you would smell a flower, but extend the inhale.
• Exhale through your nose while you feel your breath move across the roof of your mouth.
• Concentrate on that sound as you exhale.
• Now, imagine that your exhale is going out through the image
in the center of your Third Eye.
• Next, imagine that you are inhaling through your Heart Chakra and exhaling through your Third Eye until you feel completely grounded.
• When you are ready, begin to imagine that you are inhaling through your Crown Chakra and exhaling through your Third Eye.
Focus ONLY on the sound of your inhale and exhale, as well as any inner visions.
• Passively observe your thoughts as they pass across your mind, Then RELEASE them with your next exhale.
• Calmly allow ALL emotions to come into your awareness, Then RELEASE them with your next exhale.
• Focus only on the sound of your breath and your inner visions.
• ALLOW your inner vision to gradually evolve and/or alter.
• If you are having extraneous thoughts, place them in the background, while you place your Inner Vision.
• Repeat this exercise for five or ten minutes.
Congratulations! Whatever your experience was, give yourself credit for taking the “time” for your SELF. It is the constant dedication to awakening your SELF that is important. Different people have different forms of meditation, according to their personality. Some may need to have a more active meditation, such as running, dancing or playing an instrument.
However, most of these activities can’t be done with your eyes closed; and you need to close your eyes and shut out the outer stimuli to reach theta wave. Therefore, you can try exercising, doing yoga, singing, playing an instrument, etc., before you sit down for a short mediation. This will allow your body a chance to “work out” its tension and more easily “hold still.”
The most important thing is that you chose to participate in the process of awakening to your true, multidimensional SELF. I, Gaia, appreciate your effort and KNOW that you shall find that for which you seek.
Remember, my ones, it is in the journey that you find fulfillment. Release your third dimensional programming of “trying for a goal.” You are all perfect in this moment. You needn’t TRY.
Instead, people of my body, REMEMBER who you already ARE!
Thank You,
"We need you NOW. What you have waited for is here NOW. We, your galactic and planetary family, ask you to REMEMBER who you truly are and open up the connection as you travel up to higher dimensions and down into the core of GAIA." ~ The Arcturians, August, 19, 2015
It's time to set your missions into motion and actively participate in planetary ascension. We begin our Answering the Clarion Call two-part webinar series this Saturday, August 22. See the full details regarding the hands-on workshops that will guide you through the process of accepting (receiving, channeling, interpreting) and utilizing (sharing with others) this important connection and information you receive from Home. The time for action is NOW!
Stay Connected and Sign Up for Our Newsletter
Posted by Suzanne Lie at 9:16 PM 4 comments:
Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest
Labels: beta wave, brainwaves, brow chakra, consciousness, crown chakra, GAIA, heart chakra, light language, meditation, opening third eye, shamanic, theta wave, third eye
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Using The Higher Light --The Arcturians
Dear readers, the Arcturians have just shared a message with me (Wed., Aug., 19, 2015), and it follows:
"We need you NOW. What you have waited for is here NOW. We, your galactic and planetary family, ask you to REMEMBER who you truly are and open up the connection as you travel up to higher dimensions and down into the core of GAIA." ~ The Arcturians, August, 19, 2015
It's time to set your missions into motion and actively participate in planetary ascension. We begin our Answering the Clarion Call two-part webinar series this Saturday, August 22. See the full details regarding the hands-on workshops that will guide you through the process of accepting (receiving, channeling, interpreting) and utilizing (sharing with others) this important connection and information you receive from Home. The time for action is NOW!
Using Higher Light
The Arcturians
Welcome, we the Arcturians are here for section two of Accepting the Higher Light. As you accept the higher Light it goes into your consciousness, your aura, your body and your cells to discover any remaining darkness, so that it can be healed.
This “darkness” is “blocks” within you that are afraid to change, afraid to transmute. Once you are aware of these blockages that have not yet been released, you can participate in your own clearing. Once you remember how to clear yourself, you can assist others with their clearing. The higher light arrives from the dimensions beyond time. Hence, it moves into your present, past, and alternate realities.
Once you remember how to allow the light to enter your earth vessel in this manner, you can assist others to do the same. You will also remember how you can assist Gaia by grounding this multidimensional light into the core of Her Being. In this way, you will merge your personal form with Gaia’s planetary form.
Then, your personal, and Gaia’s planetary elementals of Earth, Air, Fire and Water will share the higher frequency light with all life. Because this higher frequency light is continually finding, and clearing blockages, you can more easily transmute your self and your reality. With the blockages discovered and released, your daily consciousness expands into higher brainwaves.
With these higher brainwaves, states of consciousness, your perceptions of reality begin to include higher frequencies of reality. As you adapt to the transmutations of your vessel, you learn/remember how to find that which is wounded, distorted or out of sync. With this expanded perception you will be able to identify, unconditionally love and transmute your reality with the Violet Fire.
Whatever you have transmuted within your physical or planetary body is then set free into Gaia’s reality to assist in raising Gaia’s resonate frequency. Gradually, there is more and more higher frequency light and less and less third dimensional light.
Do you understand now how important you, our human representatives, are? We remind you to be sure to release whatever you have transmuted. In this manner, that which has been transmuted is free to contribute their experience of transmutation with all life.
Remember in the fifth dimensional reality that you are assisting to create, every person, place, situation, and thing will come into its own awareness of where and to what they wish to resonate. Eventually, all these expanded resonances of SELF will join in unity consciousness with all life within the fifth dimensional resonance of Gaia.
You see dear ones, you are moving from the resonance of the third/fourth dimension into the fourth/fifth dimensional resonance, in order to merge with the NOW of the fifth dimension, and beyond, resonance of life. As soon as you become aware that you completed that shift into that next dimensional zone of Gaia, you will naturally flow into unity with all life within that dimensional zone.
As you begin, and continue, your process of “return to SELF,” the higher Light precedes you to direct your ever-expanding consciousness/perception. As you continue your journey, everything that you need to know flows to the surface of your consciousness.
What was once a boundary between your inner self and the outer world becomes a magnet that attaches you to the frequency of light that is dominant within your consciousness, your thoughts, your emotions, and your intentions.
As you preview all that you have created with your higher resonance, your first intention is to unite with other people, life-forms, places and situations that are calling to you for assistance. Via your own inner higher light, you are connected to myriad persons, places, and dimensions.
Therefore, you are well informed. Thus, when you send your inner, higher light into the lower frequencies of reality you share all of your experiences of transmuting reality via unconditional Love and the Violet Fire. In this manner, you set into motion a situation in which you become the teacher of what you have learned/remembered.
We say “learned/remembered” because you have learned to remember your own higher dimensional expressions of SELF. You have also remembered how to bring the higher Light into your consciousness and run it through your physical form.
You also have remembered to share this light with all third dimensional life. Hence, as you breathe out into your transmuting world, your multidimensional breath is shared and can enter other third-dimensional expressions of reality to assist them to transmute as well.
The more and more you allow this higher light to enter into your body, the deeper, and deeper it can travel. The deeper the light can move into your form, the more old karmic pathways of parallel and alternate incarnations on Earth can be transmuted. In this manner, you are shifting myriad versions of your third dimensional self within the NOW.
In this way the injuries that you have taken on throughout your myriad embodiments in a third-dimensional vessel can be healed from within. Fortunately the antidote to the lies you have been told, the mistakes that you have made and the hardships you have endured is that you KNOW that you can refuse to participate in any version of reality by letting GO of that which you have determined to be a completed experience.
As you begin to take control of your own reality in this manner, you realize that you have the ability to transmute and release any experiences that YOU deem as complete. You also remember that the antidote to any fear and/or pain that re-emerges is to send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire to yourself.
This gift of unconditional love for yourself allows you to peacefully move through the overall experience of flowing through the time zone in which you are presently incarnated. The Unconditional Love and Violet Fire, which has become a constant component of your consciousness, will guide you to align yourself with the higher frequency energy fields that are increasingly flowing through your present reality.
You are NOW moving through, traveling around, touching, caressing, floating above the lower frequencies of light/reality, which has been all that you have known until this NOW. Therefore, you are being called upon to adapt to a novel experience of 3D reality.
As you move through your increasingly, expanding reality you will learn to discern between the different frequencies of Light. With your new multidimensional discernment, you will be able to slowly, or quickly, adapt your consciousness to choose the higher dimensional perceptions.
Bit-by-bit and moment-to-moment, your perceptions will align with the frequency of reality to which your higher consciousness has adapted. You are similar to deep-sea divers who must slowly return to the surface so that their body can adapt to their return to the surface in which the “light meets the water.”
NOW, just as you might go into the water and feel the flow of colder water and flows of warmer water, you will learn to recognize the denser flow of lower dimensional realities and the lighter flow of higher dimensional realities.
As you move through this ever-changing version of dear Gaia’s planet, you will hone your ability to recognize and fall-into the higher dimensional flows of ascending Earth. You are able to do so because YOU are adapting to your expanded perceptions.
The more you adapt to your higher frequency choices of perception, the more your consciousness will align with that which you are now adapting to. As your consciousness aligns with the higher frequency waves of light/reality, you higher frequency perceptions come online in your daily life.
Gradually, the worries and woes of the third dimensional resonance, which you are now moving beyond, become distant memories of a life you once lived. You are increasingly adapting to the “feel” of a higher resonance of reality. Hence, you can more easily discern the difference between third, fourth and fifth-dimensional energy fields.
As you enhance this discernment, you will increasingly choose to flow INTO that which is filled with unconditional love. You will also remember to transmute the denser versions of reality that you are releasing. You will also discover that you can no longer tolerate the energy fields, which resonate to frequency of confusion, separation, or fear.
Even though the higher frequency energy fields might be disconcerting at first, you will swiftly learn that if you remain in that resonance you will soon adapt. As you choose to remain in the energy field of unconditional love, your consciousness will increasingly expand to the resonance in which you will begin to remember.
Gradually, you will lovingly remember the reality of your Higher SELF in which the fifth dimensional state of consciousness is normal. As you float in to and out of these higher dimensional energy fields, your consciousness will gradually adapt to the higher dimensions of reality.
With this adaptation, you will progressively release your link to the lower dimensions of reality. Eventually, you will be able to stay longer and longer in the fifth-dimensional energy field. As you adapt to the fifth dimensional energy field, you will begin to clearly to perceive the myriad third-dimensional illusions.
With the release of these illusions, you will know that you are the creator of your personal reality and that you chose to enter into the resonance of third dimensional illusion. You will realize that it is the NOW for you to take full responsibility for the life that YOU have created with your every thought and your every emotion.
When you take that responsibility for your choices, it so expands your consciousness that you begin to think in a planetary manner. As you move into Planetary Consciousness, you increasingly realize that with your every inhale, you breathe in your fifth dimensional consciousness; and with every exhale you share your fifth dimensional consciousness with Gaia.
This form of inter-dimensional breathing so expands your perceptions that you can clearly recognize when you are being called up to transmute Gaia with your gift of Unconditional Love and Violet Fire.
As you answer this call, your perceptions expand even further to perceive how your ongoing transmutation expands into:
the atmosphere,
the ground,
the water,
and into all of the elementals.
You can also perceive the elementals joyfully transporting your gift to persons, animals, plants, locations and/or situations.
Even though you once feel you were alone, you are NOW intermingling and intertwining with ALL life. You are increasingly releasing old 3D human beliefs of good - bad, better - worse and yours - mine and moving into the 5D planetary belief of:
“We humans are members of this beautiful being known as Gaia.”
Now that we have explained how you are the creator of your reality, we want you to remind you that YOUR Multidimensional SELF flows all the way from Source, down through the Oversoul, and into the myriad versions of your sixth, fifth, fourth and third dimensional expressions to align the energy field of your SELF with the version the YOU who has fully awakened.
Through this “string of pearls” you are able to expand your perceptions up into higher and higher frequencies of yourself, while you simultaneously plant that string of pearls into the core of Gaia. In this manner, YOU become the very nature of your planetary SELF—Gaia.
As you expand your consciousness from being a person into being a planet, you realize that you are not just creating or changing, you are returning. You KNOW that you are returning because you can remember who YOU really are.
You can remember that you have had myriad incarnations on Gaia, and you are now ready to gather them all into the NOW and return ALL your expressions to the fifth dimension and beyond. We wish to remind all of you that we the Arcturians are with you throughout this entire process.
You may not recognize us because we are formless energy fields that encircle, move through, and resonate to myriad frequencies of reality. Therefore, you will recognize us in the same manner as you recognize your own Multidimensional SELF in your own multi-dimensional realities and worlds.
In other words, as you know more of yourself, you will know more of us. And, as you know more of us you, will know more of yourself. Remember that we, all of us, live as ONE within the NOW.
We see that in your NOW, many of you are getting ready to release and let go of all your third-dimensional belief systems. These third dimensional believe systems are remedial like your first grade “learning to read” books. These 3D belief systems are based on polarity, gender, separation, sequence, time, competition, and death.
Just as all of the third-dimensional experiences of your reality are being recalibrated, every dimension of your great, multi-dimensional life force is being downloaded into your third-dimensional clay vessel.
With this major download of your Multidimensional SELF, the members of you who were once primitive, individualized and disillusioned and efficiently merge with the members of YOU who are infinitely collective, united and enlightened.
You all chose to enter into this great adventure of planetary ascension because you knew that this huge challenge would be very beneficial for the expansion of your entire SELF. When you ask:
“When will these event occur?”
We say, “NOW! NOW is real and time is a third dimensional illusion.”
Please remember that a question about “when” is bound by third dimensional “time.” We ask NOW that you release that third dimensional construct and move into fifth dimensional truth.
YOU are already ascended.
You are already a fifth dimensional being.
However, your third dimensional thinking told you that you are one individual who must work very hard to be good enough to ascend.
In fact, ascension is a third dimensional construct in which YOU are separated from the YOU in the higher dimensions of reality.
As you let go of time and third-dimensional thoughts of limitation,
you will flow into the Now of the fifth-dimension YOU in which you know that:
YOU are the creator of your life,
and YOU are All as ONE collective being
WHO is creating Gaia’s Ascension.
Please remember that each and every one of YOU is equally important.
Blessings BE. WE are the Arcturians
Answering the Clarion Call
Calling Home and Answering the Phone -
Join Dr. Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. and the Arcturians in the upcoming event,
Answering the Clarion Call: Calling Home and Answering the Phone,
which is a 2-session webinar series (1.5 hours each) featuring hands-on, experiential workshops where you will learn and adopt practical methods to connect to your higher guidance as you expand your consciousness to build a strong, two-way system of communication with Home.
Some of the most common questions asked by awakening ones include,
“Who am I?”, “Where am I from?”, and “Why am I here?” The clarion call has been sent out to each of us, and it is time to build the connection to Home so we can receive clear answers to these questions. Once connected, your higher guidance will offer consistent support to enable you to become fully engaged in fulfilling your individual and collective missions.
Join us as we actively answer the clarion call in a personal and unified way!
A 2-Part Webinar Series with Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. and Shawnna Donop, M.B.A.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015
11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Pacific
(Find your Local Time: http://bit.ly/1KrI99g)
Investment: $55
Learn More and Register
Through the Portal, Book 5 of Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension is here!
Paperback and Kindle Versions NOW available on Amazon.com
Through the Portal is the final book for the series Pleiadian Perspectives on Ascension. The journey of the five books flowed from the Pleiades to Earth and back again over several generations of Pleiadians that were human and humans that were Pleiadian.
In the fifth book, Through the Portal, the many inter-dimensional adventures were pulled into the NOW of a cohesive finale. Concluding with the story of the The Bird Flock of MU in book 4, it was the NOW to begin the adventure of changing reality. This change begins, once again, at the local multidimensional airport, then returns to the core of Earth to confer with the ancient Lemurian civilization.
Big changes are about to occur on planet Earth and leadership training is needed for Sandy and Jason. But when they return to Earth, that which they thought they would change, changed them instead. Follow this amazing "final act" that is actually a new beginning. Get your copy today!
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Posted by Suzanne Lie at 12:22 PM
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