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On the 16th, we are experiencing a New Moon in Gemini, which is yet another blessing for the collective. That is because what I’m receiving about this is all related to Unity Consciousness. Unity Consciousness is the only way for us to transform and embody on a physical level the energies of Oneness that we hold in our core being. It is bringing our true nature to the surface, but as always, the release of the old needs to occur first, in order to make space for the new.
I am sure many of you have felt one way or another this weird, uncomfortable energy in their air lately that probably had some effect on you as well . Know that it is normal and it’s important to allow yourself to feel it all out and see what’s making you uncomfortable. There is a major transformation theme of dysfunctional patterns, outdated perceptions, misconceptions etc. related to relationships, and by relationships I mean any kind of relationship (may it be romantic, or a friendship, or with yourself or related to family or work partnerships). All this dualistic energy I’ve mentioned above, could’ve been carried within you for many lifetimes, deeply ingrained in the celullar memory. So, the purpose of this major wave of transformation is to release that, so we can move on to the next level of Ascension, a higher and higher level, or a better word would be deeper, a deeper level. Lessons of self-mastery, integration of new values, qualities, principles and generally embodying higher vibrational states of being result from that.
All it takes to benefit in the best way possible from all this is to be present and aware in the Now moment. It is the easiest way to navigate through these current energies. Know that you don’t have to know everything, that would be overwhelming, exhausting and boring. Boring because there would be no adventure, as life’s surprises would not be surprising at all. Where’s the fun in that ?
Simply follow your inner guidance, however that expresses itself to you in the moment. Trust that, trust yourself that you are doing your best and the best at all times, making the choices and decisions that are best for you on the long term. It is simple and easy, when you flow from the Heart, so stay centered and you will observe everything flowing with much ease, because you are flowing. Where there is resistance, the current energies will make you aware of that in ways you cannot ignore or run away from, the only way is to deal with whatever it is you need to transform. Don’t see it as a punishment, it is not happening to cause you frustration or fear, it is happening because the Universe wants you to be happy, in harmony and it provides you with the opportunities to be that, but how can we be happy, if we hold onto the old fear led ways of being ? We can’t. We need to purify and we need to make a conscious choice whether we want to move away from the old and into the new. We have the power within and inner work, which is simply the transformation of the old, is the answer to move forward.
Surrender the resistance and embrace the gifts you are receiving through growth, through living, through relationships and through all that you are experiencing, however those gifts are expressed in your life, embrace the beauty of the amazing times we are living it and most importantly embrace the humanness of it. Expressing gratitude propels you into a state of bliss, so do more of that, if that is the vibration you want to be in. Persistence and dedication to be the highest aspect of yourself at all times can get you anywhere, but anywhere is not a place, it’s far greater than that, it is a state of being.
There is a lot of work being done behind the scenes. The Ascension play, eventhough has a basic script to it, it can be edited, some chapters can be re-written, characters could change, situations can happen sooner, or later. There is a lot of flexibility to it and the best part of it is we have the pen, we create the script and by we, I mean All who are involved in the Ascension play. That is why I’m feeling guided to emphasize more and bring into your attention how important being present, aware and trusting yourself and the truth that all works out in your favour, our favour, no matter how it might look in your mind. Trust your inner guidance.
Strongly related to the Unity Consciousness and this New Moon Portal is the twin flame relationship. A twin flame, when balanced within emanates a radiant higher vibrational energy. When both are in the same state of balance, there’s a merging that starts, a merging of energies, a sacred process. Twin flames are always connected, whether aware or not, but the connection on the earth plane happens when they are both ready vibrationally and when it is in alignment with the highest good of both.
It is only natural that after so much transformation we’ve been going through lately, more twin flames are ready to connect on a physical level. Now, I could give certain reference points related to this reunion, however it’s so unique and different for each individual, that it’s important to not have any expectations related to it, no belief systems, no outdated ideas around it.
Simply know that when it’s time, it will happen naturally and it will all unfold at the right time and at the perfect pace and you will know. If it’s confusing, let it go, because if it’s real, it will always find its way back to you. I do feel guided to point out though, the fact that the twin flame relationship doesn’t have to be a romantic one, but it is not excluded. In essence, it’s a sacred connection, older than time itself. You will know it, by the way you will feel it and you will feel it through all your being. You will remember it and live it.
This New Moon Portal brought with it a tremendous opportunity for twin flames to release the discordant energy that’s still lingering in their field. It can bring some drama out, probably new layers of emotions to release and it’s pushing you to transcend anything from egoic behaviour to negative reactions. So, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, but the experience itself is teaching you or more like assisting you to integrate a deeper level of compassion and unconditional love, which is priceless to me. Don’t worry, if we’ve learn something from drama is that it doesn’t last too long, not now at least, in these higher vibrational energies we’re being showered in constantly.
Simply stay centered and use this opportunity to integrate new, deeper aspects of self-mastery into your beingness. Once again, awareness is key. This reunion of twin flames is assisting the collective of humanity greatly. Merged, perfectly balanced twin flames radiate a pure higher vibrational energy field, that’s holding the space for Humanity to shift more smoothly, as their energy field anchored strongly into the planet, is pure harmony. That is the main purpose of twin flames related to the Divine Plan, but it expands depending on their Soul purpose and choices.
There is a sense of completion in the collective energy as well, like another chapter has been or will be completed and a new, exciting and most joyous one is about to begin. So, if you’ve been receiving new ideas about a project, your Soul purpose, if you’ve been feeling guided to do something, take on a new “mission”, head a new direction, now it is a perfect time to do so. The seeds are sprouting. You are fully supported and fully assisted at all times. Make sure you set clear intentions this New Moon about what you want to create and allow the Universe to surprise you pleasantly.
Ascension is getting more real and tangible than ever before! Rejoice! Happy New Moon!
Thank you for reading,
Love and Light,
Posted 16th June by Shanti Zohar
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